
Chapter 156

He then turned to his mother and father who smiled at him. Percy then smiled back before blowing out the candle and bringing them both into a big hug, "thanks you guys."

They both hugged him back, Sally a little carefully in order to save the cake. They then sat down around the dining table while Sally took the cake into the kitchen leaving father and son alone.

"So I'm guessing the whole Gabe thing was to get me here?" Percy asked.

"Yup," Poseidon said with a smile, "wait don't tell me you actually forgot your own birthday Percy. I realise you have been busy, but your birthday does come once a year you know!"

Percy smiled, "yeah. Thanks dad, this means a lot."

Just then Sally walked in with three plates with a big smile on her face, "alright you two time for cake!"

"Hell yeah!" Percy cried out as he and his dad dug in.

"Oh this is delicious Sally!" Poseidon exclaimed, "where did you get this?!"

"I made it myself actually," Sally replied with a smile as she stared at the two green eyed men eat their blue cake.

"Mom is the best baker in the world," Percy said with a mouth full of cake.

"Percy chew your food before you speak," Sally calmly said.

"Hm, I have tasted a lot of cake before, but I do belive this is the best ever made by human hands. But why is it blue? I'm not complaining but the color is odd," Poseidon said as he ate a huge chunk of it in one go.

"Oh that's because Gabe said 'blue food doesn't exists,' so mom made it just to prove him wrong," Percy replied munching on his cake.

"Yup, that's exactly why," Sally said with a smile before frowning, "though now that I think about it, where is Gabe?"

Percy looked down in guilt and fear. Poseidon noticed this before he spoke up, "believe me Sally he won't be bothering you much longer."

Percy looked at his dad in confusion but the god shook his head at Percy telling him to keep quiet. "What did you do to him Poseidon?" Sally asked.

"I may have thrown him on an uninhabited island somewhere in the Indian Ocean."


"Sally he was a cruel man, just seeing him revolted me," Poseidon said with a low growl, "and I don't particularly like people hurting those I care for."

Sally sighed, "fine. You gods and your vengeance." The looked sad, but at the same time a smile broke out, "I kind of wanted to punish the man myself though."

"Hehe, sorry then," Poseidon said scratching his neck. After they finished their meals Sally pushed Poseidon and Percy out of the apartment and told them not to come home until morning, she said, 'you two are father and son, act like it.'

So the demigod and his godly parent went out into the warm New York night, the city that never sleeps. There were still cars out on the road with people walking around, Poseidon lead Percy towards the park where they sat down and began talking for a while. It was light hearted stuff first, like about camp and training before Poseidon asked the question Percy was dreading;

"So what did you do to Gabe?" Poseidon asked making Percy feel cornered.

Panic rose for a moment before Gamer's mind kicked in. There was no reason to live to is dad, none. If anything his dad would understand more than anyone. Percy opened up his inventory and pulled out the trophy he got from killing his first human, Gabe's head.

The moment Gabe's head came out of the inventory it started to bleed out. It was still fresh, the look of fear and tears stains still remained on his face. Percy held it by it's hair and gave it to Poseidon whose face was motionless.

The god of the sea grabbed the head and looked into what was Gabe's eyes. Mortal blood flew past the gods fingers coating his hand with the crimson material. Poseidon then squeezed his hand and crushed the head into little pieces of gore that fell apart. He shook his hand clean and then snapped his fingers causing the head to vanish into nothing taking the blood with it.

Percy spoke in a low tone, "he was hurting mom. He was hurting her because of me. I-I couldn't take it. I got the power to kill monsters, to cut them into nothing, and yet I couldn't do anything to help mom. My emotions got the better of me and….and-"

Percy however was cut off by Poseidon who grabbed his son into a hug, "it's okay Percy. It's alright. You did the right thing."

"But dad I killed a man," Percy replied with his voice cracking.

"Percy compared to what kind of punishment I used to give out in ancient greece, death is nothing. Besides," Poseidon said breaking the huge with a smile on his face, "you did what any good son would. Now stop crying, it's your birthday after all. Crying on your birthday is a big no no."

Percy chuckled "I'm not crying dad."

"You were about to cry."

"No I wasn't!"

"Suuuuuure," Poseidon said with a grin.

"Oh gods! Now I know how annoying I am!" Percy said throwing his arms up in frustration. Poseidon smiled as slowly the two fell into a comfortable silence. Percy then spoke up, "this is a very strange birthday."

Poseidon chuckled, "not really. I spent my first 10 birthdays in my father's stomach, so I believe I have any story you might have beat."

Percy raised an eyebrow, "is that a challenge?"

Poseidon smirked, "and if it is?"


Quest Alert!

Go on an awesome adventure on your birthday with your dad!


2,000 Exp



You will become depressed


Percy blinked and simply stared at the box in front of him. Poseidon then spoke up, "is something wrong Percy?"

"Nothing I just-" Percy stopped mid sentence. He was getting ready to lie like he usually would have done, but his dad knows about his gaming powers so Percy could finally talk freely about them to someone, "actually, I just got a new quest."

Poseidon looked surprised, "really? And what does it say?"

"It's telling me to go on an adventure," Percy replied.

"I see….well? What are you waiting for?" Poseidon asked with a smile as he stood up straight.

"Are you serious?" Percy asked with happiness in his eyes.

"Well of course I am!" Poseidon replied, "now come on! I need to make up for 13 years of father son bonding time after all!"

Percy grinned and quickly pressed yes causing the screen to vanish. He got on his feet, "so where too?"

"Well this is your quest," his dad replied, "don't you have, ah, what's it called, an objective?"

Percy shrugged, "sometimes. This time however it just says to go on an adventure with you."

Poseidon rubbed his chin, "well I'm sure we can find something to do, after all this is New York, trouble will surely come to find us."

Percy smiled as the two began walking deeper into Central park. But just then a thought struck Percy, it was a memory, a reminder….about something. Percy's gut then told him to check his inventory and not one to question his instincts Percy did just that.

He stopped in his tracks causing Poseidon to raise an eyebrow but Percy didn't care. He checked his inventory from top to bottom looking for...something. And then he found it. Percy smiled and quickly pulled a sheet of paper out.

Scroll of hidden treasure,

A scroll that leads to a dungeon which is rumoured to have hidden treasure in it. Somewhere in Central Park

"What's that?" Poseidon asked taking the paper in Percy's hand.

"It's a treasure map I got from defeating my first Legion zombie," Poseidon looked confused before Percy respoke, "it's kind of like a giant zombie monster thing. One of the first things that actually managed to scare the shit out of me."

Poseidon nodded and began looking over the scroll before smiling, "I think I know where this is."

"Seriously?" Percy asked with eyes wide open to which Poseidon simply nodded with a grin. the father and son duo then set out walking deeper and deeper into the park.

Soon they reached the Harlem Meer which was a big water body towards the north of the park. It's waters were calm, but just below the surface was a ton of garbage. Poseidon sighed seeing this.

"Stupid humans," the god said snapping his fingers causing his trident to appear out of thin air, "always polluting the very things they need to live. Why if Pan wasn't missing right now he would be so very disappointed."

Percy then watched as Poseidon dipped the very end of his weapon into the lake causing a shockwave of energy to ripple out spreading all over the lake. Suddenly the water became clearer, the garbage underneath vanished into nothing leaving Percy speechless.

"What-how-who?! How did you do that?!" Percy yelled out as he put his hand into the now crystal clear water.




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