
The Way Home

Elon pondered deeply, feeling a pressing urgency. According to the timeline of the TV series, the first season spanned less than a year—a very short window of time. He feared he wouldn't be able to create a way home within that period. He decided he must confront Wells the next day; he couldn't wait any longer.

Clutching his fist, Elon closed his eyes and drifted into a light sleep. Deep sleep was no longer an option; it dulled his senses to the outside world too much, leaving him vulnerable to Wells' potential schemes. He'd rather spend extra hours in a state of semi-consciousness to ensure his safety. His silent battle with Wells was about to commence.

At ten in the morning, Elon sat cross-legged in the basement, waiting. Just moments ago, he had asked Cisco to summon Dr. Wells to the basement; he had something to show him.

"Dr. Wells, Elon says he has something to show you in the basement."

"What is it?"

"I don't know, he didn't say."

Wells was suspicious. He had just moved Grodd and installed a magnetic field balancer in the Time Vault the day before. And now Elon had something for him? It was all highly suspect.

Dr. Wells approached cautiously, not convinced that Elon had discovered his identity as Reverse-Flash, but sensing something odd. Today, he had planned to give Elon some materials for self-study, to bide time.

"Dr. Wells, you're here. I have something I want to show you," Elon greeted Wells with a smile as he approached in his wheelchair.

Dr. Wells returned the smile, offering praise, "What have you created now? That device from yesterday was quite clever."

Elon, shaking his head with a grin, pointed to three sandbags lined up in a row. From a straight-on view, they looked like a single bag.

Wells, eyeing the bags curiously, asked, "What's this—"

At that moment, Elon lifted his hand, extending his index finger with a faint glow of white light.

A silver beam shot out with a 'swoosh' towards the sandbags.

"Puff, puff, puff."

The silver beam pierced through all three sandbags, leaving tiny holes from which fine grains of iron sand trickled.

A burnt odor filled the air as the iron sand spilled onto the floor, a testament to the incredible penetrating power and extreme temperature.

Wells's pupils contracted—if that beam hit a person, it would unquestionably pierce right through.

Elon explained, "Dr. Wells, I've measured it. The electric current beam, once compressed by me, has a range of 120 meters, and its speed reaches 1500 meters per second, four times the speed of sound."

"Doctor, within my 120-meter range, do you think an electric current beam could hit a speedster like Barry?"

Wells removed his glasses, pondering before nodding, "Theoretically, yes. Barry's speed is 320 meters per second. Four times the speed of sound would indeed catch him off guard. However, the range is too small, and without aiming, a speedster would be gone before you know it. So, it's only theoretical."

Wells sneered inwardly. Despite the beam's speed, it was meaningless without the ability to aim, only firing wildly. Hit a speedster? That was a joke. Did he think speedsters were sitting ducks? The moment you raised your hand, if seen, there was no chance of hitting the target.

Elon continued, "I can use the biomagnetic device to momentarily stop a speedster's speed. Just 0.1 seconds is enough for a guaranteed hit."

Wells remained silent.

"Not only can my fingers emit electric current beams, but I can also release them from my entire body at any time."

"In the future, I could study magnetic fields, capture the opponent's field, and give the electric current beams the ability to track."

"At worst, I'll develop an electromagnetic cannon. The moment a speedster stops, they'll be obliterated by my blast!"

When Wells heard that Elon's whole body could emit electric current beams, he realized the challenge he faced—close combat at high speed was no longer an option.

Hearing about Elon's plans to capture magnetic fields, Wells grew concerned. Although a speedster's field was highly variable and fast, it didn't mean it was impossible to capture, especially with Barry, The Flash, who was willing to cooperate.

And then came the mention of an electromagnetic cannon, which genuinely alarmed Dr. Wells.

He wasn't afraid of Elon; rather, being targeted by him would severely hinder his plans. Wells knew that with Elon's control over electricity, given time, he could indeed develop the magnetic field applications and electromagnetic cannon he described.

What worried Wells most was that Elon's ideas seemed entirely feasible.

Wells touched his face, then put his glasses back on and asked, "Why are you so focused on targeting Barry?"

Here came the real play.

Elon feigned a sorrowful ignorance, slowly saying, "I'm not targeting Barry. In fact, after I went out with Barry one day..."

"A man in yellow took me to the outskirts."

"He, too, was a speedster, with a velocity surpassing Barry's, maybe even faster than my electric current beam."

"He almost killed me. If he hadn't suddenly stopped..."

"I might be dead."

"I can't die. I need to get back to my world. At the very least, I need to ensure my safety so I can return home."

"That's why I'm researching ways to counter speedsters."

Dr. Wells pondered for a moment before speaking, "Are you saying there's another speedster like Barry? One who wants to kill you? Why?"

"Yes, he seemed very angry about my crossing into this world. I want to go back too, but I can't."

Dr. Wells nodded, analyzing, "Your crossing may have disrupted some unknown event, causing his anger. It's like a guardian protecting his world. An unexpected invasion has enraged him. To quell his anger, you must return to your world."

Elon was almost amused—Dr. Wells's whitewashing of his own role was a bit much. A guardian? He had seen The Flash; Wells's claims were a stretch, given his usual scientific demeanor.

Elon expressed his 'frustration', "How do I go back? I want to return."

Dr. Wells smiled reassuringly, "Don't be afraid. Everything has a beginning and an end. Your arrival here might have been through a passage that could also take you home."

Elon's eyes lit up—not an act, but genuine excitement. He suddenly remembered the vortex from that day; wasn't that a passage? Like in the second season of The Flash, with a breach that could take him back to his reality.

Elon began to feel a glimmer of hope.
