
Chapter [225]

Riser looked around and saw the money scattered on the ground — it was the 100 million Belly that belonged to Nami. He then turned his attention to Nezumi and his subordinates.

"I am Riser, and I want the stolen Berries," Riser said, his voice carrying a calm, threatening tone. "And also some information."

The marines exchanged nervous glances, while Nezumi tried to disguise his growing fear. The Marine captain began to sweat, clearly intimidated by Riser's presence.

Nezumi gathered what little courage he had and tried to use his position to regain control of the situation. He pointed a trembling finger at Riser.

"How dare you accuse the Marines of theft?! I am a captain! Men, point your weapons!" ordered Nezumi, his voice trying to sound firm but trembling slightly.

Nezumi's subordinates hesitated, clearly fearful. Even obeying the order, it was evident they doubted their ability to face someone like Riser.

Riser, however, just let out a low, cold laugh. "Captain, do you really think your title intimidates me? Respect the Marines? That's hilarious."

Nezumi took a step back, trying to maintain his posture. "I am a Marine officer! You'll regret it if you lay a hand on me!"

Riser took a step forward, his eyes narrowing as he released a demonic aura that seemed to make the air around them denser. Nezumi and his subordinates felt a crushing pressure on their bodies, and their knees weakened. They were all paralyzed, unable to move, their eyes wide with pure terror.

Riser placed his hand on Nezumi's head, his fingers pressing lightly on the Marine captain's skull. "Let's take a look at what you have here," he murmured, his voice cold and menacing.

Nezumi tried to protest, but his words turned into incoherent stammers as Riser's aura overwhelmed him. Riser closed his eyes and concentrated, sifting through Nezumi's thoughts like flipping through an old, dusty book. Images and memories began to form in his mind — the corrupt schemes, the abuse of power, the suffering of the villagers Nezumi had exploited for his own gain.

Riser saw all the despicable things Nezumi had done. However, he showed no sign of disgust. Instead, a cold smile appeared on his face. He found the information he wanted — details about other islands in East Blue that could be useful.

"Now there is no place in East Blue I can't go."

Riser released Nezumi, letting the Marine captain fall to his knees, trembling and too weak to stand. Nezumi's subordinates, equally paralyzed by fear, dared not move or speak.

Riser took a step back and raised his hand, where an intense flame began to form. The heat from the fire made the air around vibrate, and Nezumi's eyes widened in absolute terror.


Riser launched a burst of fire that enveloped Nezumi's body. The captain let out a horrible scream, his voice echoing through the area, filled with despair.

"Please, no! I can explain! I'll do anything, just stop!"

Nezumi's desperate plea was quickly drowned out by the flames consuming his skin and clothes, his body writhing in agony. The fire spread quickly, and the smell of burning flesh filled the air, making Nezumi's subordinates shudder with fear. Unable to do anything, they watched helplessly as the captain was reduced to ashes.

Riser watched the scene without emotion, Nezumi's screams fading as the flames did their work. When all that remained was a pile of ashes and some fragments of the Marine uniform, Riser turned to the remaining subordinates, his eyes cold and calculating.

"Which one of you is the ship's navigator?"

The marines looked at each other in panic, hesitating to answer. One of them, trembling with fear, finally stepped forward, raising his hand slightly.

Riser approached the man, who was visibly shaking after seeing his captain's fate. The navigator tried to maintain his composure, but his gaze constantly shifted to the pile of ashes that had been Nezumi.

"How many men are needed to pilot the ship?" Riser asked, his voice calm but carrying an underlying threat.

The navigator swallowed hard before answering, his voice almost a whisper. "I... I need at least five men, sir. To operate the sails, the helm, and make sure everything runs smoothly."

Riser nodded slightly, as if considering the information. "Five, huh? Very well, you and five others will live. You will do exactly as I say. Otherwise, you'll end up like your captain."

The navigator just nodded, too afraid to say another word. He knew any mistake could mean his death.

Riser turned his attention to the other marines. His expression hardened, and he raised his hand again, conjuring an even more intense flame this time.

"You were accomplices in all this worm's crimes. There is no place for you in the new world I am building."


Riser unleashed the fire magic at the remaining subordinates. Their screams filled the air as they were consumed by the flames, their figures writhing and soon disappearing under the devastating power of Riser. The expressions of pain and despair were the last things their faces showed before they were reduced to ashes.

The navigator and the five riflemen who had been spared watched in complete terror, their bodies trembling. They didn't dare even breathe loudly, afraid of attracting Riser's attention.

Riser took a step back and observed the six men who had survived. "You can go now, and remember, everything that happened here was on the orders of Captain Buggy, the most dangerous pirate in East Blue. Tell that story to anyone who asks. Understood?"

The men nodded vigorously, the expression of terror evident on their faces. Without waiting another second, they began to back away quickly, almost stumbling over their own feet as they ran away.

The navigator and the riflemen left as fast as they could, relieved to be alive. They didn't dare look back, they just wanted to leave that nightmare behind. Their minds were dominated by fear and the desire to never meet anyone like Riser again.

As soon as the survivors disappeared from sight, Riser turned his attention to the 100 million Belly scattered on the ground. He walked over to the sacks of money and calmly picked them up, a slight smile of satisfaction appearing on his lips.


Arlong Park

Arlong was buried under the rubble, his body motionless after the destruction of Arlong Park. Luffy, standing on the remains of the building, was breathing heavily, his eyes focused on Nami, who was watching him with tears in her eyes. He shouted loudly, his voice echoing through the park.


Nami slowly looked up, her eyes swollen from crying. She met Luffy's gaze, who was watching her with a serious and, at the same time, comforting expression.

"You are my friend!" Luffy stated, his voice filled with determination and sincerity. That declaration resonated deeply within Nami, making the tears already in her eyes start to roll down her face with even more intensity. The weight of everything she had been through was dissipating a little in the face of Luffy's words, and she finally gave in, openly crying as she felt immense relief.

The citizens of Cocoyashi Village and Usopp, who had been watching from a distance, began to celebrate. Shouts of joy and relief echoed throughout the village as people hugged and cried with happiness. Usopp, with a huge smile on his face, joined the crowd, proud of his captain and the entire group. They were finally free from Arlong's rule.

Suddenly, a cold voice interrupted the celebration.

"As I expected, you defeated Arlong."

Everyone stopped celebrating and turned towards the voice. There, behind them, stood Riser, watching the scene with an indifferent gaze. His presence made the festive atmosphere dissipate, and a tense silence settled as everyone watched the newcomer.

"Now answer me, Luffy... Is Arlong still alive?"

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