
Chapter 25 - Undeserving

"Go to hell or whatever place that would welcome you." He sneered, looking down when the hand had reached half the room's distance.

The hand had covered Leo's entire vision, though it was descending quickly, but he could still see the movements slowly.

He was going to die, or that was what he believed.

"Really?" A voice rang out, breaking the tense atmosphere.

The huge hand materialized from his gesture suddenly had cracks appear on it. These cracks soon spread in a web like pattern, shattering it to tiny pieces.

Before the shattered pieces could start falling again, they were stopped by an invisible force attracting them.

All the pieces were attracted to a particular point where they were being absorbed by a small black dot resembling unbelievable suction force.

The pressure from the materialized hand had disappeared immediately.

All of these events occurred too quickly that the robed man felt a chill run down his spine. Before he could think of anything, another voice rang out, but this time the voice was behind him.

"Directly or indirectly, he owns the hell itself. Naturally, he is welcomed there." the voice rang out with a pause and continued, "Then who are you to send him in his own territory?"

The voice itself was cold and coupled with the dangerous feeling that kept on increasing with every passing second.

The robed man felt the same that a deer would when it had entered a lion's den, becoming the prey that had to die no matter what.

His expression remained calm, and he slowly turned around to be shocked.

His sight was covered by the dark figures of ten women that had the mighty sun rays falling down from the background.

"Who do you think you are to make such bold statements?" The voice rang out with a bone chilling coldness that made the robed man's ear bleed.

He touched his ears only to find a thin stream of blood flowing out of them.

The moment he saw his red blood in his hand, huge beads of sweat appeared on his earlier confident and haughty face.

The man gathered his courage and bowed to the ten women.

"Please forgive this junior of yours for any actions that may have disturbed your seclusion, seniors." He spoke with a submissive tone.


There was no response from the figures.

"… Seniors, please enlighten me for my mistake that I have -"

"Crime!" Another voice broke out.

"… Pardon?" The man questioned with a dumbfounded expression.

"You don't deserve our time." The same cold voice rang out again.

Before he could understand the situation. His body exploded to smithereens.

One of the figures in the group raised her hand and a light blue flame with tinges of black appeared.

"So many lives sacrificed for the sake of your own curiosity?" The cold voice spoke with a tinge of hatred before closing her fist that shattered the light blue flame, none other than the soul of the robed man.

The moment his soul shattered, the wisps of flame released black dots that resembled the innocent lives claimed by him throughout his life.

The black dots that were made of resentful souls soon turned white and faded into nothingness.

At the bottom, where a roofless house stood, Leo's imagination of strength had now been updated.

It was all done in 2 minutes.

Leo already knew about the identity of these ten women. They were his mothers-in-law.

Of course, how could he forget their unique voices, let alone their respective beauties.

While Leo was conflicted from his own thoughts, one of the empresses looked up at the sky with a penetrating gaze that could even pierce through the veil of cloud and look directly in the space. Her gaze stopped on a particular spot where a huge battleship lay afloat.

A cold smile appeared on her face after watching the ship, and she looked down where Leo was half buried in the ground from all the pressure.

His wives on the other hand were surrounded by vibrant colors of light that overlapped their protecting them.

[Sin +78]


Leo was already bothered by the recent events that had occurred moments ago, and yet his system was giving it strange prompts like nothing had happened.

He had not even got to know how his system worked, let alone know what did the system's message hovering in his vision meant.

The most disturbing event was the one in which the robed man that was capable of killing him like a mosquito, also solely responsible for him being separate from his parents, was killed effortlessly by one of his mother-in-law.

Just what was the level at which his mothers-in-law were at?

Being able to fly was easy for cultivators at Golden Core realm but killing th enemy without any physical contact? Was there still such a level of strength?

Then what was the limit!?

The death of his enemy was shocking, but the strength of his in-laws… was beyond shocking!

Leo mustered all of his strength, transferring them to his hands in an attempt of pushing himself out from the ground. To his surprise, his hands released the pure bulging strength in his body to the ground, which ended up causing the ground itself to crack.

His body propelled out really fast from the whole making him almost reach the length of his room's half height only to land with his face on the ground.

There was no pain at all, as falling from a height of 7–8 meters with the head at base was cruel to a human itself, and of course it would be painful.

Leo stood up quickly and looked up above at his mothers-in-law. He gathered all of his courage and spoke with a resolute manner, "Mother-in-law, I need your help!"

The empress that was looking at Leo gave off a smile that didn't match with her cold personality, but it was not a fake smile.

She raised her hand and before Leo could notice anything he was already in front of her hovering in the sky. He struggled to balance himself before he noticed that a thin layer of blur light covered his entire body. No doubt it was the main reason for him to be able to float.

"We can talk with a meal, but we have to get rid of some rats." Her cold voice was heard, but the contents of her sentence were in no way heartwarming.

This empress with a cold appearance that was able to extract soul directly from the body and shattering it with no effort was none other than the Empress of Hell.

Again, Leo's body disappeared from midair and it appeared in the space.
