
July 17th, 2023

I flipped open a page of music and then glanced at the viola I had in my hands. I hadn't practiced in a long time, but I suddenly got the urge to today. After all, if the musical competition was still happening, I want to make sure that I'm doing extra well.

"Hey, Liv." It was Mom. I put my bow down and looked over at my mom. 

"Hi, Mom." I nodded my head at her, "I'm just practicing some music. Don't mind me."

"Are you practicing for any specific reason?" Mom asked, touching a cello that was laying around next to me. I nodded my head and handed her the folded up music competition flier that Skylar had handed me yesterday, My mom looked it over and then nodded, "That sounds like a great reason to practice. And you should definitely enter, Livvy." 

"I know. I plan to." I sighed, "I'm just nervous, Mom." 

"What about?" My mom asked, sitting down next to me. I shrugged one shoulder and leaned forward, putting my elbows on my knees and dropping my head down, making my dark hair fall in front of my face. 

"A lot of things." I said, "Like what people will think of me. How I might mess up on my music. How something could go infinitely wrong because, come on, it's Ninjago. You see weird things every day, right?" 

"That is a fair point. But we get past those weird things everyday, Liv. You won't mess up on your music because you are a gifted player and you'll practice a lot. Also, it doesn't matter what people think of you, Livana." My mom lifted my chin so that I would look at her, "What matters is that you tried your best and that you had fun."

I laughed softly, "You sound like a typical mother." 

"Oh, Livvy." Mom shook her head with a smile, "I know that I do, but it's true. That is really what matters." 

Suddenly, the door to the music room burst open and Cole looked over at me, "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to intrude on this. Hi, Mrs. G." Mom waved back and I sighed.

"Have you no manners, you barbarian?" I put my hand on my hip and raised an eyebrow, "What's got you so excited? Have you come here to tell me about how you got your streak on Lava Monster 3 back?" 

"Unfortunately not." Cole sighed, deflating. He instantly inflated again though, "I came here to tell you that Queen Vania of Shintaro has invited us to her kingdom again!"

"Oh." I've heard about the famous Queen Vania and her kingdom, Shintaro. It was a kingdom in the sky that people often took as a myth, but the Ninja proved that wrong when they visited a few years ago. At the time, Queen Vania was only a princess and her father, the ex-king Vangelis, was on the throne. But after the Ninja uncovered that he was the skull sorceress, an evil villain that had been forcing the people that lived underground to mine for vengestone. Vengestone was the only thing that could stop our elemental powers. Of course, the Ninja foiled Vangelis's plans and now, his daughter was in charge of the throne.

"Pack your bags! We plan to leave tomorrow!" Cole looked hyper and happy, which was a rare combination when it came to Cole. He usually just sat there, crossing his muscular arms, looking kind of tired. Now, he was acting like Jay, which was unnerving, to be honest.

"Wait." I said, making Cole pause, turning back around, "Why did Queen Vania invite us to Shintaro? When will we get back?" 

"In, like, two days' time." Cole said, "Is there something you need to be at soon?..."

"Yeah, actually." I held up the music flier, "I'm planning on joining this competition. It's within a matter of two days." 

"Oh crap" Cole muttered, "The exact same day we come back." 

"Yeah. What time do we get back?" I asked and Cole shrugged one shoulder. 

"Depends on what time Vania lets us go." Cole said and I wrinkled my nose. 

"Okay… that sounds controlling." I muttered and Cole winced. 

"It's her kingdom that we're in."

"Fine. But we better get back in time for the musical competition. And y'all better come watch." I pointed at Cole with a significant look. 

"Deal." Cole reached out and shook my hand. I looked over at Mom.

"Are you okay with this? Us, going on a trip?" I asked and then added in a lower whisper, "Is Dad okay with this?" 

"I'm sure that your father will have no suggestions." Mom nodded her head and I frowned. Mom put her hand on my shoulder, "Livvy, your dad will be fine. He'll understand. He's done a lot of traveling in his youth." 

"Okay." I grabbed a backpack and said, "I'll see you soon, Mom."

"I'll see you soon, Liv."


I wasn't someone that liked to sail in the air. I didn't like boats as much, but a boat in the air? It made me uncomfortable, so I mostly just stayed down in the decks below. I was fidgeting with an obsidian bracelet that I had made a couple of days ago when suddenly, Lloyd came down to check on me.

"Heard about the musical competition." Lloyd leaned against the door, crossing his ankles, "Heard that you wanted to join and you wanted us to listen."

"Yeah." I nodded my head, "I do want you to listen, actually."

"Are you feeling okay? Do you need your car sick pills? I know that sometimes those don't help on the Destiny's Bounty, but they've kind of helped before, right?" Lloyd suggested.

"I'm not feeling ill." I said, "I'm just… thinking." 

"You've been thinking a lot." Lloyd sat down next to me, "I probably know what you're thinking about, but I'm gonna ask anyways." 

"I'm worried what Queen Vania will think of me. I'm always worried what someone will think of me now that I have this." I snapped my fingers, which seemed to be my signature move, and an orb of darkness appeared in my palm. I snapped again and it disappeared.

"No one will judge you, Livvy." Lloyd tried to assure me but I sighed heavily.

"You don't know that, Lloyd. Judgment can come unconsciously." 

Lloyd was about to open his mouth when Zane called down to us, "We are at Shintaro, everyone!" I got up and then offered a hand to Lloyd.

"Let's go, shall we?" I smiled to cover up my thoughtful face.

"Sure." Lloyd smiled back, taking my hand.

I hope everyone has enjoyed reading so far! Hope that you all are doing well in the new year :)

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