
Chapter 3 – alright , you better not disappoint me Damion

Damion was engrossed in his cultivation.

On the next day , Damion opened his eyes feeling sweat all over his body, so he got up to take a shower. When he got out of the shower and went to the food hall for the breakfast he noticed that everyone was ignoring him , he wondered why. Damion went to take his breakfast and sat on a empty table and as he was about to take a bite a woman came to him and said " hey kid , this seat is reserved for the vanguard unit members , scram!" . he looked up to the woman , and said " if this table is reserved for the vanguard unit then me sitting here should not be a problem as I am also in the vanguard unit starting from today ."

Woman spoke "is your name damion? " , Damion nodded. Woman spoke again "I see , nice to meet you Damion , I am jenn mercer" "but why didn't you come the unit yesterday ?"

Jenn is a powerful woman in the vanguard unit. She was a beautiful lady with dark skin with white hair coming to her shoulders. Her body was toned , all muscles were refined . On her back was beautiful white colored greatsword. She sat beside Damion as she put the sword alongside the table. (she also has beautiful body proportions enough to make every man want her.)

Damion said "I apologize I got engrossed in my cultivation."

Jenn said "fair enough , rest of the members will be here in a bit for breakfast."

Damion "okay miss Jenn." With a smile .

But inside Damion's head he was making plans for ahead. He refused to trust anyone. If he was to trust anyone it would be someone who is obsessed with him.

Damion showed his id to Jenn. Jenn looked at his id and was impressed that a commoner has such talent

Jenn was very much eager to test his talent in martial arts and magic.

But she has to introduce Damion to the other members. She was having trouble deciding what to do since she was a battle junkie.

She said " fuck it!", she grabbed his hand and took him to the training grounds.

Damion asked " do you want to test me , miss Jenn?"

Jenn nodded with excitement in her eyes.

Damion went and grabbed a sword and said " I am ready , you can have the first strike."

While they were having this conversation training ground was surrounded by soldiers from every other unit.

Everyone was eager to see what was going to happen.

Jenn said with a smile " alright , you better not disappoint me Damion"
