
My Hero

No, Heka….aerrhhh….ahh, ahhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh!!!! Not again, not his time!!!!, Henshu cried out, crying, looking at the heavens as if asking for an explanation from the gods. Jardin-Ur, General Ami, her dad Anhemnotep and more has died…For what, for nothing, for greed, power and because of a cold and heartless king, ruler, Xerxes!!!!

I wanted to curse the gods, to hate and become cold just like Xerxes or the many rulers, kings, queens that came before me. I wanted to kill each and every ska, Persian, Skelepur and drink his dirty blood even if its poison just to avenge my love ones' death. I am willing to sell my soul to the god of death and the underworld to have my revenge.

As soon as my eyes are about to turn black, thus, blood started dripping outside my eyelids. I'm turning to some kind of a monster, maybe just like Skelepur but subtler.

Henshu, Henshuuuuu!! Hey!, Your Lordship!...

Hyd…ra! Hydra….Hydra!!!!!, I said sort of waking up from a nightmare, thinking that I'm still holding Jardin-Ur, Hekanefer, my father in my arms. But all is just a dream. I saw myself in the middle of war and Hydra was running towards me to comfort me as she sees Hekanefer dead in my arms.

Hydra wrapped her arms around me and I woke up from something, somewhere…I turned around and saw skas all over the gates outside the palace. Still there's no sign of Skelepur. Where can you be you filthy monster?

Hydra and her team killed thousands of skas before entering the borders and some of her infantry secured the forts. General Omari and Gyasi charged with their armies pulverizing skas in and out of the palace.

Skas moved forward and holes at about the size of the moon rising from the ground at about as 350 feet or deeper since one can't see what's beneath them, were seen in different parts of the world. Some are imminent in the dessert parts of Egypt, Asia Minor, Median, Africa, Persia and some parts of the ancient world. The creatures sprouted out like mushrooms from the underworld. The gods must have willed it and now Henshupta, Hydra and the other generals didn't know what to do.

What can we do about this?

Henshupta was knocked unconscious when Hydra tried to cover her from a ska who tied to bite her arm to rip the flesh out of it and eat it. Hydra pulled her sword and cut its head, striking the life out of the thing. Hydra watched how the slimy and eerie ska wiggled its body until it lost its life or something. Hydra's face was shocked in disbelief with what she saw. Skas are weird and scary, but what's worse is they are everywhere and contagious. Every soldier they bite and all would transform into walking dead or monsters. Hydra shouted to call the troops attention. One soldier threw his bottled water at the ska who immediately wriggled and turned to melt. It disappeared like smoke in the ashes. "Men, women of Egypt, soldiers of Khons, kill them with water". Run towards the Nile and drown them…Go on!!!! Now!!!

Henshupta, on the other hand, in her sleep, she saw everything about her past and the people she had when they are still alive.

The time when she was held captive, by Hekanefer. Hekanefer fell in love with her and she learned to love him and bore a child from him, that she will name Hekhenshepsu or nicknamed Jaur. Hekanefer will fight along with Henshupta to defeat Xerxes of Persia but. General Jardin Ur her best friend, gave his life to protect her and before he died he asked for her forgiveness. She as queen, forgave Jardin and kissed his forehead to bid him goodbye with tears in her eyes as she let him go to Anubis, god of the underworld's care. 

When her friend is still alive, Jardin-Ur was always with Meraek's side to help her cope up with my captivity. My friends including Angianasim and Omari helped Sabah to attend and manage as head of state the responsibilities and activities of a pharaoh while I was gone. Prince Hekanefer, my enemy and captor that time, tried to conquer Thebes and Cairo but he lost since Jardin-Ur became General since General Aim was also killed in battle. General Jardin- Ur now became the head of the Infantry, General Gyasi Om of the Chariotry and General Omari Amne joined their forces together to look for me but to no luck I disappeared and they are all frustrated, losing hope when finally with the aid of a court spy, they were able to trace where I was held captive. Egyptians are well known to have court spies as their papyri describes it for the benefit of Egypt's extensive military and slave trade operations.

 Pharaohs employ agents to espionage to ferret out disloyal subject and locate tribes that can be conquered and enslaved. I introduced my nation to use a wide range of spies for domestic and international purposes and Egypt is the first to develop codes and encryption for passing clandestine messages, thus, laying the framework for many current espionage techniques and tactics which my beloved king friend gave to me when I was just thirteen and still new to rule Egypt.

Jardin-Ur betrayed me and tried to snatch the throne from me while sending Spia a court spy and head of the espionage team to kill me in the dessert. But when Nubians, Prince Hekanefer came to invade Egypt the second time around, Jardin-Ur felt sorry for betraying me since Sadiki and the elders thought that it's best to put another scribe by the name of Ptolemy in my place. Jardin rebelled against the elders and tried his best to straighten his ways and change his life that instead of killing me, he saved me in the middle of war against the Nubians. Thebes won but my friend Jardin died in my name. 
