
As long as you believe in yourself, you can do it

Class seemed to drag on forever, always so dull and flavorless.

It felt like the same old routine, monotonous and sleep-inducing, despite no apparent repetition.

Who says students don't serve time? Isn't this just like being in prison every day?

Of course, studying wasn't a challenge for Sam at the moment.

He just felt sorry for Louis next to him, whose head bobbed like a pecking chicken. Who knew how late he had stayed up playing video games last night to be this sleepy...

And it wasn't even noon yet. Sam was already considering whether to head to the club room after school.

Some issues were still unresolved.

Although he had reacted promptly and thought of a temporary solution yesterday, it wasn't completely settled.

Whether it was Isabella, who had been forced into sleep during the process, or Sophie.

The situation yesterday was too urgent, so Sam had to resort to the simplest and most direct approach.
