
Chapter 435: Beginning of the 'Queen'

After catching her breath, Misaki got straight to the point.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to be her friend."


Blinking her beautiful starry eyes, Misaki was puzzled once again. It's not that she didn't understand what it meant to be someone's friend, but she didn't understand why she should be, especially to Dolly.


"This girl is nearing the end of her life, she will die very soon."


And the response went beyond her expectations...

Misaki knew that Dolly was suffering from an unknown illness and needed special treatment, but she didn't think she was nearing the end of her life. After all, in Academy City, which was technologically advanced and outstanding in the field of medicine, she didn't believe Dolly would die.

"Still, why do you care?"

Even if this girl was going to die, why would someone like this clown be interested?

Could it be that he's an Angel as he claimed?

Or is it something else...

"You don't have to worry, but if you need an answer, maybe it's because of my angelic nature. I want that girl to be happy before she dies and to have a friend."

Misaki didn't respond but narrowed her eyes. Something wasn't right, but she let the matter go and focused on something more important, which was how long this clown would be with her.

"And how long will you have to stay with me?"

No matter what, having someone living inside her all the time wasn't good at all. Misaki didn't want to spend her whole life with this clown.

"When my mission is complete, I'll leave."

"And when is that?"

"Who knows~"

It was really quite annoying. Misaki crossed her arms and pouted, but it only made Yuki smile.

"Also, don't tell those white coats about me, or they might open your brain again and use you as a lab rat."

"I know!"


Several days passed since then, and the clown stayed with her while Misaki visited Dolly every day.

And every time she was with Dolly, the Joker would appear to play with her. Misaki didn't know why this was happening and why he only appeared at those times.

It was all a mystery, not to mention that when she tried to use her ability on the clown, it didn't work at all. The signals she sent to his brain never returned. The clown was a puzzle, and his aura confused her greatly.

She even came to believe that this clown was an angel, as he had said.

"Another one! Sing again!"

"Alright, one more time... This song is called 'Destiny'."

<< I don't believe in destiny

I just do what's best for me

Don't listen to my enemies

They're just full of jealousy


This legacy

You gon see what's left of me

You gon see success in me

You ain't seen the rest of me >>

Another thing that confused Misaki was this Clown's ability. Every time he sang, he would take them to a world of fantasy. There was no logic, and science didn't seem to exist. His ability was distorting reality, taking them to a world where their strongest desires came true as they listened to the music.

It was all so magical that before Misaki knew it, she was spending more time with Dolly than she used to.

And of course, the Joker's strange requests didn't stop. Sometimes they made no sense at all, and Misaki could only shrug at them.

They played with the scientists and he taught her some tricks to control people, not by using her Mental Out ability, but by contributing using simple words.

Misaki was impressed that a few words could be so effective on a person's psyche, literally, as long as they had some information about the person, manipulating them wasn't difficult.

And before they knew it, two weeks had passed together. Although they had initial problems, like when it came to bathing or something similar, they managed to coexist with a lot of effort.

"There's another girl I want you to befriend."


Suddenly one night, Yuki spoke again from the shadows, causing Misaki to raise an eyebrow in doubt.


"Her name is Hokaze Junko, she's a quite interesting girl~"


Misaki raised an eyebrow. After two weeks of being together, this clown was making another request.

"This girl has a pretty good ability, but it's a pity that its side effect is very bad."

Junko's ability is called Rampage Dress, an Esper ability that allows her to manipulate the electrical signals in her cells to extract more strength. This allows her to strengthen her sense of smell by increasing the sensitivity of her olfactory cells, or perform superhuman maneuvers by stimulating her muscle cells. However, due to the nature of her ability, it doesn't protect her from any injuries caused by the strain on parts of her body in the process.

Rampage Dress apparently can do more than just strengthen the body; it can also regenerate, allowing her to heal her wounds.

However, there's a price, as the rapid cell division and healing of injuries put a great strain on her mind and body, which manifests in the form of pain, specifically cluster headaches, and affects the use of her power.

According to Rasiel, Misaki has the power to heal this side effect of this girl, so her Yuki hoped to put it to the test and see what this girl is capable of.

"I see, sure, it's a convenient ability..."

Misaki agreed with Yuki, after all, this ability is quite good.


"Why do you care about her? Why should I help her?"

Again, Misaki saw no reason to use her ability. Misaki is also very cautious, and if there are no benefits involved, it's difficult for her to act for the sake of another person, and Yuki understood this since he was the same.

"It's not for me, it's for you... This girl can help you in the future... Isn't it your dream to become a 'Queen'? She could easily be your first subordinate."

"Qu... Queen?! You... You... You dare to enter my head without my permission!"

Misaki was quite embarrassed. Like every girl, she has a dream, and for Misaki, it's to be a Queen, adored by all, and surrounded by her followers every day.

And of course, Yuki knew this, so he urged her to make her dream come true. After all, it would be quite beneficial for him if in the future, when this girl is in her hands, she has an organization of Espers under her command, ready to cause trouble for that guy in the windowless building...

"So... will you do it?"

"Fine! I'll do it! You don't have to read my mind again..."

Pouting, Misaki was quite angry. She has always been the one to read other people's minds, but with this clown, it wasn't the case, which made her quite furious and relieved at the same time...

"I don't read your mind, it's just that you're too predictable, Joou-sama~"

"I already told you not to call me that!"

Misaki's face turned red with embarrassment, but she still kept her cool after a few seconds.

"And where is this girl?"

"Don't worry, she's in these facilities."



In the bathrooms of the Clone Dolly Workshop facilities, a lavender-haired girl of about 13 or 14 years old was vomiting, holding her head in pain.

This girl was Hokaze Junko, whose side effect was tormenting her. Junko, who had gone from level 2 to level 4 in two months, was one of the top Espers in this laboratory. She was also admired by her peers for her ability and being older than all of them.

Due to her ability and her aura as an Ojou-sama, easily attracting other girls to her, Junko couldn't let these girls see her in such a pitiful and unethical state.

"You have quite a bad side effect~"


Suddenly, while she was relieving her pain, a voice was heard, and a man wearing a clown mask was looking at her, causing Junko's heart to panic.

However, just as she was about to scream in horror, her body stopped moving, and her voice stopped coming out.

"No need to get so nervous, Miss Hokaze. We won't harm you. On the contrary, we're here to help you. Right, Little Misaki?"

"I told you I'd take care of it. You're scaring her!"

Behind the clown, a girl with blonde hair and starry eyes appeared.


TN: Now i am sure author loves little girls I mean well don't we all tho
