
Chapter 106 : Death

"Welcome, Major General Yan!"

Entering GHQ's command room, Yan glanced at all his soldiers awaiting him, especially at a man with a muscular physique, blond hair, and a smile on his face, making it apparent he had an athlete's physique.

This person's name was Dan Eagleman, a significant American colonel in GHQ. Obligingly, Yan returned his greeting.

"Is there something wrong?" Squinting his eyes, Yan looked at the command room personnel; several people appeared nervous and somewhat fearful.

This caused Yan to furrow his brow.

"Nothing major, General! Just a minor setback with the Reaper," Dan replied.

Hearing Dan's words, Yan's expression changed to one of fear. The Reaper was a very dangerous monster, capable of even destroying the Leukocyte.

"Is it ready?"

With a hint of nervousness in his voice, Yan inquired.

He needed to leave Japan as soon as possible.

"Yes, sir! Everything is ready, under Major Segai's guidance!"

Responding with optimism, Dan smiled broadly, showing off his white teeth, seemingly unconcerned that the Reaper was currently wreaking havoc on his soldiers. It could be said that this person didn't seem like a typical soldier, solely judging by his personality.

"Well," Yan, however, didn't mind this. He sighed in relief; once he boarded that plane, he wouldn't have to worry about the Reaper and the lingering aftermath in Japan. Besides, Dan was efficient in his work, so Yan didn't question him. He just nodded before gripping a metal cylinder tightly in his arm, attached to his hand by handcuffs.

Needless to say, that metal cylinder contained the Apocalypse virus.

"Allow me, General," Emily, standing beside him, smiled before taking the keys, removing the handcuffs connecting him to the metal cylinder. She then placed it on the table in front of him.

Looking at his secretary, Yan smiled inwardly. This woman was very beautiful, and he quite liked her.

*Todoro todoro

However, while he was looking at his secretary, the screens in the command room changed, displaying the image of the Apocalypse virus, accompanied by a strange song.

"What's happening?!" Frowning, Yan didn't like this, but his expression froze as he looked in shock at the metal cylinder in front of him. This gave him a very bad feeling.


And he was right because the cylinder in front of them began to glow intensely, covering the entire command room with its radiance.


*Bom, bom, bom

"This won't do."

Standing atop a building, Yuu shook his head, watching as multiple soldiers were being destroyed by Yuki.

Seeing this, Yuu sighed disappointedly. No matter how much they attacked, Yuki destroyed everything in his path. No one could stop him. Yuu was also surprised; Yuki was very powerful.

So powerful that even GHQ's plasma cannons couldn't stop him.

"This isn't right."

Frowning, Yuu stroked his chin. At the rate of destruction, Yuu knew it was only a matter of time before Yuki reached GHQ's command room and took the Apocalypse rock.

"This is why humans must evolve."

The weakness of the current human being was terrible. No matter how many weapons they created, they still couldn't stop a monster like Yuki.

Thinking about this, Yuu closed his eyes in disappointment, strengthening his ideals. The current humanity is on the verge of disappearing, after all.

"But at this rate, everything will be ruined."

Watching Yuki approach the Apocalypse rock, Yuu decided it was time to greet the King.

"Shuichirou, I hope everything goes according to plan."

Unable to stand idly by, Yuu's body flashed, disappearing from the place.


*Bom, bom


"Kill him!"

"No... We can't... We won't win... Not against that monster."

Watching the courage and fear in GHQ and OAU soldiers, Yuki shrugged. He had no choice but to act.

Running at high speed, dodging bullets and plasma rays, the katana in his hand gleamed, beheading several soldiers, just like Endlave.

He didn't know how many he had killed today, but the number must be in the three digits.

However, these guys didn't learn. Instead of retreating, they attacked him with fury, though he could understand their resentment. For ordinary soldiers, facing him meant only suicide.

This was war, so Yuki didn't hold back. But these soldiers refused to retreat, as if they were trying to buy time.

Seeing this, Yuki shook his head. He was more powerful than the last time he faced an armed battalion, so their attempts to stop him were like jokes to him.

But these soldiers knew nothing of this. They were trembling, but still adhered to their superiors' orders. However, this didn't last long because with each passing second, the soldiers' morale was falling, and several soldiers began to run, and fear was contagious.

After all, where one of them ran, the rest naturally followed.

"Don't run, cowards! Kill the enemy!"

"Don't you know what honor is?! Die for your country!"

While the soldiers fled, commanders tried to stop them. They couldn't tolerate seeing their soldiers run with their tails between their legs.

This was dishonor, a stain on their reputation as an army.

"Fools." However, while for the commanders, it was dishonor, for Yuki, it was like watching two dogs obeying their masters' orders.

"At least let me kill them with dignity."

Despite being fools, Yuki had to admire their loyalty. Faced with death, these commanders refused to run, so Yuki decided to honorably kill them.

And there was no greater honor than dying in battle.

So his katana gleamed, beheading both commanders.



This brought a silence to the war zone. The few soldiers who were still fighting opened their eyes in shock before throwing their weapons and running.

There was no need to fight anymore; their commanders died, and staying alone meant death.

Satisfied, Yuki attended to it. At least there was no more bloodshed, but...

"You've come, huh?... Yuu."

Although the soldiers escaped, a new adversary stood before Yuki.

"Hm, long time no see... Adam."

