
an actor

-So, how was my British accent? - Billy asked one of the producers, who could only muster a smile as Billy ate a chocolate sundae with syrup.

-It sucked, so much that you have to fake it. Come on, give me your honest opinion, - Billy said to David.

-The white kid is better... he's English and his British accent is strong. But your acting skills are acceptable. I just expected a perfect performance. When you sing, you're so intense that people cry, scream, and act euphoric at your concerts. I thought your acting would be similarly intense, - said David Heyman, the producer of Harry Potter since the first movie. He has followed every step of the production and is a huge fan of Billy's music.

Billy always enjoys having a drink, in this case, ice cream. He can't help but be nervous. The kid has an intensity that makes it hard to behave. It's just that he doesn't interpret it correctly in acting, though acting is all about becoming another person.

-So it went to hell. I guess it's time to hit the yacht with the Victoria's Secret models, - Billy said. Jerry raised his eyebrows at the mention of models and a yacht, but David choked on his drink, coughing left and right. It wasn't a joke; Billy had been invited to a private yacht, mostly women, in the Caribbean since he was 16.

-Wow, wait, what? - David Heyman asked.

-They've been inviting me since I was 16. A yacht with 30 women, and I'm their favorite. The last model who had dinner with me got enough publicity to land a few sponsorships, - Billy said.

David Heyman sighed heavily, recalling how he once tried to flirt with a model who ignored him. Ah, his wife was right; some people are just born lucky. He could already see how women would throw themselves at Billy.

-Let's not talk about this; it hurts my ego. But Billy, while you don't have a role for Cedric, you can take the part of Krum. I talked to Rowling, and she said you're intense and fit the profile of a handsome, athletic, and intense teenager—a metaphor for superstars, - David said.

An olive branch, but not just any branch—one taken with the intent to act. As David spoke, Billy took a serious look. The first rule of entertainment: whoever gives something wants something in return, and you can't accept anything without knowing what they want back.

-Sounds interesting. What do you think, Jerry? - Billy asked.

-Good proposal, son. Filming starts in May. We can tour North America and come back here for some scenes, giving us time for other shots, - Jerry said.

-It'll be a pleasure, I suppose. My lines are so minimal that my rehearsals should be quick, - Billy said.

-But we need you to be present. We have a tight-knit group, almost like a family. We'll integrate you into the group, and everyone will be friendly. I think the kids will go crazy, and even the older ones might surprise us. Your latest album moved England; it's emotional and interesting, - David said.

Billy had long hair, shaved sides, and wore an earring with a chain cross. His profile was that of a handsome man, with a feline grace in his demeanor, down to the smallest details.

-Sounds insignificant, - Billy commented.

Recomposing himself, David continued his pitch.

-It'll be good. We do a lot of rehearsals and make a comprehensive movie of the book. Your scenes will be long enough for a solid performance. If you've read 'The Goblet of Fire,' you have several crucial appearances, - David said.

-I can do it, though be careful. People tend to be intense when they meet me. You can control yourself, but there will be girls there. They usually throw themselves at me like possessed women. Who knows... - Billy said.

David laughed. This kid seemed to have a complex relationship with women. He believed him. Just hearing the women's screams and seeing the cameras was intense. Everything Billy did seemed to attract women like moths to a flame.

It- So annoying. I'll try to break the news early; it's better if people know everything upfront. Rest assured, we'll handle your privacy well, and we'll let you know when there are cameras around, just like we do with the crew, - David remarked. It was an order from the top; Warner saw Billy as their star, their golden goose. For these and many other reasons, Billy had preferential treatment throughout Warner's machinery. In the most complex ways, Jerry had organized a completely secure relationship for the next 15 years. They were three years in and counting, and both had already made enough money to retire. Billy's earnings in the trust fund were 79 million dollars and rising.

-Warner offered a salary of 200,000 dollars and a note suggesting you focus on music, - said Jerry, speaking from the business side of the offer.

-Hahaha, those bastards. It's all about money, but I need a vacation, old man. I'll be on tour; you know how intense tours are, singing and more singing. It's still a hassle, - Billy commented.

-Old man, take it and invest it in Amazon stocks, - Billy responded, having invested a total of six million dollars in Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple stocks. He didn't know many other famous companies, just those three, in a tripartite company. Another investment was in a leather jacket brand, which gave him his jacket and earned him a percentage per sale: $3.99 per jacket. A hefty sum, but a great investment.

-Ahhh, we'll do it, - Jerry commented without much emphasis and continued with his activities, drinking a glass of water.


The news and approval that Billy Carson, the musician of the moment, would be considered one of the most popular singers, still behind some bands, spread among the small groups that always made the movies. They were chosen people, and each took the news indifferently. Everyone tried to stay calm, but the kids and young people were more sincere. For example, a small fist pump from Jamie Loung (Cho Chang) and the intrigue in the eyes of other young actors who watched the scene unfold.

-What are they doing hiring a music star for such an important event? - Alan Rickman asked J.K. Rowling later that day when they were talking about various things.

She sighed.

-It's a minor role for Viktor Krum, with barely more than two lines. Plus, they're doing it for marketing; his face will bring enough people to the cinema to cover costs. They mentioned it's such a crucial opportunity to gather money that if I refuse, I might as well stop asking for an increase in licensing fees, and that everyone wants a raise in salary, but no one wants to earn the money, - J.K. Rowling commented, with a change of elements. She was the one who had asked for a new contract with a percentage, at least 5% for each movie, and a 10 million increase in licensing fees per book.

-Wow, so they were quite blunt, - Alan commented, somewhat surprised. They usually are more lenient with people and have a better sense of how to act.

-They were. The kid has different plans with Warner and is expected to participate and have screen time. It's almost as if the kid could do anything, no matter what, but we gained some things; they ceded some control over the script and character influence, - J.K. Rowling commented.

-A good way to win, overall, - Alan commented.


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