
The Hoard, Theories and Those who Know Them

(Continuing from Skadi's Perspective)

We all entered into the Hoard, yes, a hoard, you couldn't call it a vault or a storage facility... It was a large hoard of many different items, coins, wealth, cash and bodies. The entire room looked like an underground sewer but it was filled with gold coins and several other different thing. It was indescribable, like a dragons hoard within Dungeons and Dragons.

I was drooling at the sight before my eyes. I didn't hesitate yet again and jumped straight into the mass of coins and items, all of them feeling real to me despite the fact that we were supposed to be within a digital place... It felt like real life, somewhere. Without a doubt this was a dragon's hoard and it most likely belonged to that Jormungandr rip-off. Kali looked at me as if I was stupid whilst Pixel just laughed and joined in after a while. I loved both my sisters but boy could Kali be a buzz kill sometimes. 

She started to search through it and took several items for herself using the ring that we all were given by Emelia. Most of the items were redundant, with the exception of some of the more abstract items. There was one though, that would definitely get Emelia happy and intrigued, hell it made me intrigued...


Back to Present Day (Emelia POV)

When I opened the letter a small object that was constantly changing shape and dimensions dropped down onto the floor. The floor instantly reacted and started to change slightly as it too gained a fluid form and began to change it various shapes and states. I quickly floated it upwards using telekinesis and stared at it. I didn't know what the hell it was but it looked like something from what Human's theorized to be the 5th dimension.

I knew what dimension this came from but was slightly concerned as anything and everything could come out from said dimension. And, if anything from that space within the internet had come from there it brings into question whether there was a portal connecting to that dimension. If there was, it was dangerous as that dimension represented most of reality and its foundations. Based upon the name of the quest 'I' had just completed, It seems someone or something has tried something quite nasty, nefarious or devious with this dimension. I needed an expert for this.

I turned to my clone who quickly took up a phone from the table and rung some numbers, specifically Tony Stark's and Emma's.

"Hey! Haven't heard from you in a long time... You been too busy having orgies up there with your wives to visit little old me?"

"Haha, nothing changes much with you hey Tony? No, I've been a bit busy with all the paper work and nonsense of the multiverse. You?"

"Don't talk to me about paper work... I can still feel the paper cuts..."

"You are a high human now, it is impossible to get cuts from paper."

"Bah! You take all the fun out of things... What do you want?"

I chuckled as his tone showed that he was sick of my corrections, his emotions however were excited as he deemed me someone who could give him fun toys to play with... As it was he already had a nano-suit armour and had even started to learn magic so that he could make his own runes and such. I found it fun that he was still going on with his Iron Man suits, plus he would be a power house when he starts using magic to amplify technology. I could do it myself but I was always too busy or spending time with my family. Clones could do a lot of my work but they couldn't stop me from having to deal with my wives' drama and my kids question, worries, complaints, stories, requests... Etc...

"Could you get me Hank Pim?"

"That old coot? Sure, no problem, I'll just snap my fingers and have him here by tomorrow morning..." His tone was sarcastic but i decided to play along and agree to his statement.

"Really!? Awesome! I look forward to seeing him with you."

"Wai-" Before he could renege I cancelled the call and laughed so hard I thought I would start to pee myself. Emma didn't pick up and was in fact busy with a meeting and I could see she was buried in paper work. Being a good wife I created another clone and sent it off to her office to do her work for her. I am really good as a wife, i swear.

I got a few more angry calls from Tony before he eventually stopped and just decided to continue his day. Funnily enough he had contacted a few people he knew and was currently getting Hank Pim here. Having connections and power was a nice thing some times. Now some people may be wondering how could he be of help, well, he is an experienced scientist, brilliant in dimensional theories and physics, he also knows the quantum realm intricately, sort of. Yes, the dimension I was speaking on was the quantum realm. If the realm of souls or the warp as it was known was the spiritual overarching dimension, the Quantum Realm was that for the physical side of reality. White holes, spatial dimensions, time fallacies and anomalies, even spiritual sinkholes... It was dangerous even for a Primordial like myself.

Now that that was dealt with i decided to move onto my own project, my clones still working on the paper work. I had wanted to create some pets for my children and the idea of the tailed beasts came to mind. I wanted to create creatures that are much like the tailed beasts but have them of an equal power but with unique traits, preferably ones that matched my children. I stepped from my office to a secret lab I have for myself and quickly began toying around with my powers.

The wall was lined in Nth metal and various other materials to make sure no power slipped out of the room. It was also made using magic so that any residual power would be reprocessed into the room's machinery and ultimately Atlantis's power grid. 

'This'll be fun!'


Hope you enjoyed! Today was kind of a break day for me as I didn't want to burn myself out, hope you all like it anyway.

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