
Atlantis Moving, Adoption of Twi'leks

Deciding that keeping Atlantis in the middle of nowhere and away from the singular megastructure of Terra was disadvantageous we rose the city-ship and hovered it over towards the Megastructure. After a full hour of moving the ship we finally got outside of the colossal building and set the city down at the base of it.

The city which was massive anyway was dwarfed by the structure, making the buildings of Atlantis look like child's play. It made me consider that maybe Terra and Terra Nova needed more population. I started to consider things and ultimately felt that Twi'leks were a persecuted people and needed some freedom... I mean, some aid. 

With a larger population required I began to assemble a fleet to take me to Ryloth, their home planet. I totally wasn't doing this because their women were eye-candy and super attractive... Not at all, they needed help against slave traders and freedom against their upper class.

"Mrs President, we have assembled a fleet of twenty battleships and one hundred cruisers. We have also loaded supplies onto them. Do you have any other requirements?"

"Please bring a corp of the army with us. Also make sure to bring some of the new automatons. We may face resistance from pirates, outlaws and slave traders."

As soon as i spoke about slave traders the man instantly became disgusted before calming himself and nodding. He took off in a rush as he got crew members on the docks to grab what I wanted. It was good that my soldiers and people had good morals, makes life easier and less problematic.

'Now all i have to do is go to an alternate universe's future and save all of the people on Alderaan. Maybe I could even have a duel with Darth Vader?'

It sounded cool but i decided to focus on Ryloth first and then do the rest at a later date. As it is going to Ryloth makes it possible that I miss the meeting in Halo. Let's be honest though, its me were talking about, If I can't get it done then no one can. I began to walk towards the ship, the crew rushing to get ready as a corp of troops quickly ran into the docks and began to assemble as a cohesive unit in a parade stance, waiting for me.

Internally rolling my eyes I walked up to the head of the 'parade' and began to inspect them, the field commander walking behind me in his crisp dark green uniform. I commented on some of them and gave praise to others before giving some words of encouragement to them all. Funny thing was, they were actually very strong now, as high humans they would be equivalent to Captain America just from birth, let alone them now, they could probably physically flip a tank if they wanted to.


After all of the necessary leader things we soon took off into the galaxy, heading towards Ryloth which Satele had happily handed over to us knowing that we were going to stop the slave trade.

The trip wasn't long at all as we traversed there in a matter of seconds with the wormhole drives. I didn't know how it compared to Slipstream, from the Forerunners, but it was certainly fast. My fleet had dropped out of wormhole travel or as I was wanting to call it: Woe Travel, a couple light years away from Ryloth, the Tachyon propulsion drives kicking in to launch us forwards in space. Now you may be thinking: How are they able to go that fast without flailing around a lot with the momentum? To that I say, Gravity plating! It was something we had learnt from the Asgard and Ancients as they really liked comfort and stability whilst on their ships, so we thought, hey? Why not? And then we added it. The reason this is important is because we had crossed several light years in the matter of seconds as everything outside of the ship turned black the came back to full brightness and detail.

"Mrs President we are detecting a slave operation on the surface of the planet, the ship is currently landed and there is gun fire in the village."

"How do you know it is a slave operation?"

"There are multiple life signs correlating to Twi'leks inside the ship, surrounded by a multitude of different species. There is a good chance that it is a slave operation."

"Good, send a battleship and two cruisers, take 1/4 of the Corp with you. Capture the slave traders if possible, if they threaten you or start shooting do not hesitate."

"Sending those orders Admiral. The Liberty and her two subordinate cruisers will take the mission."

I nodded as I saw the signal being transmitted and those ships break off from the main fleet to a certain part of the planet. Ryloth was a beautiful planet with a large percentage of land, savanna mostly, the oceans it did have glowed a light blue and seemed to shine with crystalline beauty. 

A small beeping noise interrupted my admiration for the planet's natural beauty as I saw a communication in the Twi'lek language. My Omnilingual skill still helping me out to this day as I started to instantly grasp the language. I poked the holographic display button that represented the comms and accepted the link.

On the main screen of the Arcadia was a stern looking man with pallid grey skin and red glowing eyes, his teeth sharpened to a point as his lekku dangled behind his head.

"Who are you!? And what are you doing above our peoples' planet?"

He seemed quite pissed, not that I cared, i could tell he was corrupt and letting his people be sold for a profit, a profit he feeds off of. His whole face looked disgusting and I don't think any woman on Earth would really ever go for such a repugnant male even if the two species were capable of inter-breeding. I showed my disgust for him on my face as I just stared at him in silence, his face becoming apoplectic in rage. He was about to burst and explode in a tirade that could last minutes ,so i decided that this was the best time to start talking.

"Who i am doesn't matter to you, stain on reality, what does matter is the slave traders who are currently taking some of your people on the other side of the world from you. I am saving them, I will shelter them, i will stop the slave traders, whilst you in your small little house sit around with your fingers up your arse and do little to nothing other than suck the cocks of the slave traders." If he was apoplectic before he was downright having a seizure now as veins across his whole head began to flare and his head went from dull grey to reddish grey.

The crew members of the Arcadia were laughing as quietly as possible, all of them looking at the man as if he were a fuck head and an idiot, an appropriate thought given the circumstances. I got a small report from the The Liberty about the destruction of the Slave Trader's forces, the securement of the Twi'lek peoples and the safety measures being taken in the village, the captain of the Liberty wanting to make the village a centre for our activity on the planet. I agreed and just decided that If i was going to face this douche and his subordinates, i may as well conquer the planet and give the Twi'leks a taste of freedom... I may or may not have been playing too much Helldivers II in VR...

I kicked the Twi'lek dude from the front screen and began to issue orders for the tracing of these slave trader's locations and operational bases. It was easier than expected as the slave traders were operating on the fucking planet, right in the capital. Being guarded by Twi'leks... This was just as bad as on Terra before i cleaned it up. Getting over the stupidity of the government I quickly made the ships descend into the atmosphere of the planet and release the deeds of the government to the people. I don't know if the tactic will work but at least those close enough to power may find strength enough to resist the government... If they asked for aid, we'd supply it.

It didn't take long either as a large cell of newly formed rebels contacted me, the leader being a pink skinned Twi'lek woman with a sleek physique, beautiful spotted lekku and luminesce blue eyes. She called her self Danea and asked for our help in exposing the lies of their government. Which i happily did so, hacking into their databases and leaking it into broadcasts that people could download off of.


Within a matter of hours the Government had been overthrown and the slave gangs, traders, thugs and otherwise all gathered for open execution. Now one could consider this barbaric, however, it was their culture, their people. Who was I to tell them what to do... They did not hurt my people, they hurt their own, thus they must be dealt with by their own.

I was now preparing to meet with Danea who had become the de facto leader of the Twi'leks until an election could be held. The planet wasn't a part of the Republic or Sith at this point in history, for some reason, so there was no bipartisan politics or screwy deals. It was just a plain meeting.

Dressed in my formal uniform, my trench coat adorned in gold, Onyx in colour and glossy. I looked like that certain guy from a chinese novel where the girls become part machine and everything (If you know, you know). The crew was also assembling into their deep navy blue uniforms and wearing their trench coats as well. With a small whistle over the intercom the blast doors opened to the command deck, Danea stepping through dressed in battle clothing, blood still pasting her sash that held ammo. We let her in with her weapons as it would make her feel more comfortable, the army had complained but i just said that I am a fucking god and they need to chill... That eventually got them to shut up.

It was now time to start negotiations and see if we could form an alliance and migration policy with each other's societies and people.


Last Chapter of the day!

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