
A Talk

It was bullshit... Apparently I was in a universe where Twilight and Vampire the Masquerade merged. The vampires apparently had different natures on a clan by clan basis and the Toreador had become resistant to the sun's burning nature and had gained the shiny exterior. It supposedly came from an ancestor of the clan that edited the DNA of the vampire pathogen to make it so that the vampires from the clan would generate a diamond infused skin that would reflect the same away and get rid of the chance of death in the sun for his descendants. 

That sounded like utter bullcrap to me, but whatever... I was here now and had openly told them about me being a Progenitor. They were at least sitting on the couch now although they were still sweating.

"Stop being nervous... You aren't going to die, at least not in my house or by me at all."

"Really? From what we've been told, Progenitors are ruthless and would rather gut someone then be understanding of their emotions, actions or movements." (Carlisle)

`She Has A Point, Emelia...`

`Ah... Ancestor, nice to meet you again.`

`... For fucks' sake, do you have anyone to kill yet... It's getting boring.`

`Nope, go back to sleep I'll wake you up when I get into combat next.`

`Fucking typical...`

"Well, not me. I have a family, kids and way too much to fucking do, so. Chill."

They were slow to follow through but eventually they all settled down, although they still looked like kids sitting in front of an Adult. I rolled my eyes and leaned back into the couch. People were so frustrating sometimes.

"Alice... why did you want to know if i am part Vampire?"

"Because I saw you drinking people's blood, possibly."

"... Cryptic but ok. I wonder what causes that but i digress. Well, tell me more about the Toreador i suppose." I knew it was from Vampire the Masquerade but had no clue about the law or even if this followed the law of the original masquerade stuff.

"The Toreador represent one of the distinguished fourteen vampire clans, We are renowned for our seductive allure, captivating demeanor, and refined elegance. We bring lost souls, artists, artisans, into our folds to increase the quality of our clan and ultimately create masterpieces that could stand the test of time... I myself am a wedding planner and painter. Edward is a pianist, Carlisle has the art of Surgery down to a near perfect artform. Esme is a home decorator and architect. Emit has the art of bodybuilding and sport and Rosalie is a fashionista."

The explanation made a lot of sense, oddly, the Vampires from Twilight always tended to have hobbies or arts that they were beholden to, those that didn't being among the minority. It seemed very reasonable that the Twilight vampires were mainly Toreadors.

"Mmm, intriguing. What about the other clans?"

"Ah! There are: Clan Brujah, Clan Gangrel, Clan Malkavian, Clan Nosferatu, Clan Toreador ,Clan Tremere, Clan Ventrue, Clan Thin-blood, Clan Salubri, Clan Ravnos, Clan Lasombra, Clan Hecata, Clan Banu Haqim, Clan Caitiff and The Ministry."

"Each are unique and have their own goals and purposes. To give you a brief overview of the powerful ones. Nosferatu, they are the most, ugly, Vampires. Their undead nature warps their bodies and minds, they usually become sewer rats that trade and deal in information. They are considered powerful due to the information they know and the fact that they are in bed with a lot of shady groups throughout the world."

"Clan Tremere is a house of Vampires that use magic through their blood. They are highly secretive and do not like people disturbing their peace. I don't know a lot about them, no one does."

"The Ventrue, or as they are called in English, The Volturi, they fancy themselves the aristocratic elite of the Vampires and see as as nothing but peasants. They choose only the best candidates to become vampires and have a lot of monetary power and influence in the world."

"For the last most powerful clan, there would be Clan Malkavian. We do not really trust them. They see what others cannot and are generally mentally instable. Malkavians are very useful, sometimes, but are exceedingly dangerous as they are all somewhat connected to each other."

It was a lot of information, about a world I would probably do very little in... Maybe in future if I needed a place to relax, or even as a world for my kids to explore when they grow up... Possibly. It was interesting though.

"Well thank you for the information... Didn't really need a lot of it but i thank you nonetheless. My children will most likely explore in a decade or so when they reach their teen years."

"No problem!" She smiled brightly as she looked me up and down... I knew what that showed and coming from a seer of the future it meant she saw the possibility. My wives also noticed this look and began to lightly glare at me. I shrugged my shoulders towards them, flashed a smile and then turned back to the Cullens. At this moment Oceana came back with cups of coffee for everyone, causing the Cullens to sigh relief and start drinking with relish, once she passed them their drinks. 

'Heh, they are nervous, cute... Toreadors don't seem that asshole-ish.'

I smiled as i drunk my coffee, my children were all huddled near the stairway and trying to hid their presence from me. I had to give it to them, it worked for a time, but they were way too obvious. I glanced at Illyana who simply chuckled and proceeded to drink her coffee. Jean was holding back a loud laugh by dipping back behind me so the children couldn't see her reaction.

I think the Cullens noticed a little as well because Carlisle had a small smirk on his face that he found hard to hide, Esme suffering the same condition. Edward was actually smiling a little and it creeped me out, he was supposed to be the emo. Rosalie and Emit were hugging each other a little and whispering amongst themselves.

"Alright kids! Come on down, since you heard the conversation anyway."

There were loud banging noises as some of my kids put holes through the walls with their noggins. The rest laughed and slowly started to come down the stairs, Elijah rubbing the back of his head like he was a Shonen protagonist found doing something awkward. 

'Where are they learning this stuff?'

I felt Oceana's head twitch to the side and move as i finished my thought. They'd been watching anime without me again... Sometimes i felt that I wasn't a part of this family... Jean leaned into me and hugged me as i felt that, Oceana grimacing at the unexpected pain she felt. The Cullens were ignorant of the more hidden aspect of the situation and were enjoying the kids barrelling down the stair like an avalanche of Rhinos.

'Kids... You're way too energetic.' I had to save a few of my kids with telekinesis as they threatened to plough directly into the floor within the stampede. Eventually they all made it however and they stood off to the side of the couch, Eternia speaking up.

"Mummy, please don't blame us... We just wanted to hear what you were talking about..." She did the upturn of the eyes, the puppy eyes and even the posture of an upset girl. I felt myself wavering between pissed off and proud. Unfortunately, for me, pride won out and i cracked a smile, all of my kids glowing up in smiles too.

"Fine! But only this time... If i catch you doing it again..."

"We promise mummy! We won't do it again!" (Lanfear)

"Fine... you know how mummy treats promises, yes?"

"""We do!"""

And with that they joined in on the remnants of the conversation, most of it being light hearted stuff about Vampires and how fast they can run and what powers they use, questions curtesy of my children.


This was a fun chapter to write, hope you enjoyed!


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