
Setting off to Earth

Several days later, I was sitting around enjoying my time with my wives as they played some Ancient Games that i had translated into English. The games were like Civilization-style games and had a vastly complicated but fulfilling system where your own knowledge influenced the society you were creating.

I was also playing and we were all playing against each other. Illyana had gone with a very balanced society with a slowly progressing scientific core and strong military in the renaissance era. Jean was able to easily get her society to a semi-modern state but had troubles managing the various aspects of the military leading to multiple issues with number of soldiers and supplies. Idun, who had the most experience amongst all of us, had an extremely modern society with a very involved military, she emulated some of Asgard's policies but created a democratic nation that valued trade over anything else. Oceana was of course a powerhouse in equality to Idun, she had taken Illyana and Jean under her alliance and was slowly feeding their societies tech and goods... Her nation was just as advanced as Idun's but had a deeper focus on robotic research, in effort to create automated armies; she was obviously technocratic.

My society was the most powerful as i exported some of my knowledge about science and management... My army was very powerful as i used my advanced knowledge of the human anatomy to quickly help my society create drugs and compounds that got rid of the obesity problem and other such problems, allowing all of my society to become productive. Over the hours we had played this game my society was finally almost finished with making a super soldier serum much like Captain America's.

We were all enjoying this game, shenanigans aplenty, but unfortunately real life takes precedence. 

"Mistress, the Drone storage areas are filled, the city is now fully armed and ready to face any threats."

"Sorry sweethearts, I have to go and get the city ready for space travel, were heading to this universe's Earth."

"Awww, we were just getting to the interesting part..." Idun pouted a little as she looked at the paused gamer, her technology bar almost completed. I stepped over to her and quickly gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I know and I'm sorry but its something I've been wanting to do for a while... Pixel, can I'll give you a new rune, can you update the mines and such for me?"

"Yes Mistress."

I instantly created a rune in mid-air and imprinted it onto her form, the runes taking hold within her programming. After i finished she disappeared and began to quickly implement the runes across the various mines and other structures.

I gave each of my wives a kiss on the forehead and quickly teleported to Teyla's people, appearing in the middle of their feeding hall. The two replicators were here and distributing food cordially with the Athosians, the food all freshly picked potatoes, wheat and other foods, the only thing lacking being meat. I walked forwards towards my two servants and quickly created some meat for them all, placing it on a bench next to the stove.

I looked around and found Teyla discussing things with some of her people, who had now changed clothing into something more comfortable for the style of living they were now enjoying. I walked up to her, interrupting her conversation as I told her about what was going on.

"Hello Teyla, i would like to inform you that the city shall be travelling through space towards a distant planet called Earth. You may be inclined to walk out onto a balcony and watch as we fly... This will happen in less than an hour."

"Uuhm, Isn't this a bit sudden? Why do we need to go there?" She looked thoroughly worried as she considered the possibility of the Wraith finding the city.

"To satiate my curiosity, also, to help a species on the verge of dying."

She digested my words before shrugging slightly, her worries all cleared now that she learnt it was purely for curiosity. The people around her were still somewhat worried but i didn't give a shit, they were eating off of my kindness so... 

"Good, I got you some meat to eat, hope you enjoy." I teleported away as they looked on hungrily towards the kitchen.

I appeared within the control tower and began the countdown sequence to begin the lift off of the space-faring city. The city hummed to life as a slight vibration spread throughout the city. Pixel would take another minute or two so i had plenty of time. Very quickly i grabbed ZPMs from the manufactorum and quickly set off to add as many as i could to the entire city, finally filling all of the power cores about ten minutes later as i fully inserted over one hundred ZPMs.

Once i had connected the last ZPM the city began to sing musically as the energy resonated with the shield and it grew two outer layers that were just as strong as the previous single layer. 

'Seems as if i should keep the city at this state whenever i want to fight...'

Pixel returned at the same time i got back to the control room, the room now fully aglow with beautiful lights and artistic depictions of the stars, the gate room becoming a pseudo star chart.

"I have finished the task you had given me mistress."

"Great work! I want you to take control of Atlantis's navigation systems and plot a course to Earth."

"Yes mistress, it is already done, i took the liberty to complete this request in advance knowing your plans."

I was impressed by her foresight and eagerness to help me out, seriously it is tiring trying to run all this shit by myself.

"Have Kali maintain the other processes of the city whilst you focus on navigation, Skadi, I want you to monitor the subspace sensors and long-range sensors. Ah! Skadi, tell the replicator twins that i have names for them and that they are to meet me on the balcony of the control room."

""Yes Mistress.""

"Sure boss no probs... My right hand hurts..."


I teleported my women next to me on the balcony as I watched the city slowly begin rising, the water slowly sliding off of the snowflake-like architecture of the city. They were surprised at the start but quickly settled down when i took out the game tablets again and created a table with multiple chair, including two others for the intended arrivals.

We played our Civilization game as the city slowly ascended, the inertial dampeners and gravitational servos across the city blazing into liveliness as a powerful cobalt glow began to spread through the lower levels of the city, the hyperdrive and sub-space thrusters initiating.

Idun finally got her new technology which happened to be limited teleportation stations, much like the ones in Atlantis but much less effective. Everyone slightly grimaced at that fact, the idea of her having that technology being somewhat concerning. Luckily i completed my own research and got gene manipulation, allowing me to extend the life spans of my people, remove sickness and create super soldiers. Now it was the turn of Idun to look at me with a grimace as she thought of repercussions of my societies' discovery.

The game continued as two 'people' joined us at the table, their eyes trained on the tablets we were using.

"Mistress, were here!"

I rose my head from the game in front of me, my society was doing especially well now and i started to focus into greater military tech as i noticed Idun building up her military power considerably. Jean, Illyana and Oceana also noticed this as they had spies within Idun's government, they also set upon making some defence technology. I couldn't tell what tech but from what my spies reported it was rather spicy so i had to focus on them as well...

"Good, i have your names. You-" I pointed at the Japanese looking replicator, her kimono looking perfectly clean and pressed as she looked at me with pleasure strewn along her features.

"Your name will be Himari, as in the Japanese word for Sunflower"

Then i pointed at the French looking replicator.

"Your name will be Aurélie, which is French for Aurelius, meaning golden or gilded, it matches with your pretty hair."

The two had beaming smiles as they turned to each other and hugged, tears slowly flowing from their eyes as a couple replicators emulated their happiness by crab dancing; which was very disturbing seeing as how these creatures almost completely killed all life in the Milky Way Galaxy.

"Thank you Mistress!" They finally thanked me before running off to tell Pixel, their older sister. I shook my head and paused the game, which brought all of my wives anger out and projected at me. I chuckled and pointed out, their eyes following my finger until they saw the city moving through the upper-atmosphere of Atlantea, our vision slowly capturing the stark blackness of space and the beauty of reality. Stars glimmered like jewels in the usually weightless space as the star of Atlantea's system brightly burned in all its primordial essence. 

They all moved their chairs closer to mine as we set down our tablets, enjoying the nature around us and the company.

'This is much better than my past life... I'll make it, somehow.'

[Your fine boss... Stop being a downer and just enjoy the scene!]

'Haha, thanks Skadi... Wait shouldn't you be doing your job?'




Hope you enjoy.


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Special Thanks to these fine fellows for the Power Stones!:




















Thank to you all! (I aplogize if i missed anyone, the list of Powerstone givers only shows so much...)

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts