
Map and Shop Function, Archangel and Vampire Progenitor?

I slumped into the bed starting to think about the day I had so far. Meeting some of the most crazy characters from the story Harry Potter, taking a hit from Voldemort and then meeting the mastermind behind the whole entire sequence of events within the story, Dumbledore.

'It's crazy... Now that I realise it, isn't the harry potter story really messed up?'

[Yes, that would be an apt description Anyway, are you going to explore more of the features now that your in a comfy room in Hogwarts, or, no?]

'Ah yes, now, show me the MAP function please!'

[Yes, sister.]

What popped up in my vision next was absolutely crazy, a display of the current layer map appeared, the floor plan of my current abode including those on the same floor of the tower as mine were outlined in white with a black background. There were several options on the right hand of the screen including universe analysis and scanning.

In curiosity my right hand taps on the Universe analysis only for the screen to break into a loading screen for a few seconds and then a massive projection of the universe hovered above the screen in 3D. Looking at the image a smaller box appeared with a heading.

XX- Mixed Universe, containing: Marvel, Harry Potter and many currently incalculable stories-XX

"Oh no... That's just bad, how? How are they in the same universe?"

[Don't ask me, big guy told you it could be any universe, that includes parallel ones.]

'I am so screwed if i don't get more powerful... I need to get to level 10 as soon as possible!'

'Sis please open up the Shop function and explain how to buy things in the shop.'

[Huh, sure, here 'Bdip',]

The shop screen opened up, numerous amounts of items constantly loading onto the screen before a large poster appeared at the top of the shop with todays' offers.

'Rinnegan, 100,000,000 Diamonds? Bloody hell that is expensive!'

[Not really when you consider the powers it has over life and death, animals, chakra, repulsive force and attraction force. It is kind of balance breaking when you consider that you, if you bought them through the shop, would have your own set of them meaning they would be at full power not just borrowed from someone.]

'Crazy, anyway continue.'

[To earn diamonds you must complete mission, hidden or otherwise, these mission can sometime purely offer diamonds as rewards whilst other times it forgoes diamonds for actual titles or abilities.]

"Okay that makes sense" 

I began actually talking because i did consider that I'd look quite mad if i was constantly changing facial expressions every time i conversed with my sister in my mind...

'Not that speaking aloud would necessarily change that view, meh who cares.' 

"So can you show me the missions that i have available currently?"

[Sure, here you go.]

Another screen popped up on the left side of my vision causing me to have a slight migraine from all of the information in my eyes.

"Please put these other sections into tabs at the top of the stat screen so that i can maintain the one screen and just change the focus?"


"Ah, now that is better, much better. Now let us have a look."


[1. Awaken your Angelic Bloodline Fully- Rewards: 2000 Diamonds, All of the basic abilities of an Arch Angel.]

[2. Awaken your Vampiric Bloodline Fully- Rewards: 2000 Diamonds, All of the basic abilities of a Vampire Progenitor.]

[3.Awaken your Mana- Rewards: Create Magic Skill, 500 Diamonds, Title: Sorceress.]

'W-wait what!? I am an archangel and a Vampire progenitor!? How does that Work?'

I screamed this in my mind as I stopped myself from yelling out loud into a room that I wasn't certain was properly sound dampened. All of these surprises are tiring me out I swear.

[Yes, you did get the smallest section on the Speciesifier 3000... What did you expect, some small minor angel-vampire combo? Of course not, not to mention that this is only a level 10 development. You really did get BS level lucky there.]

I rubbed my temples as my brain started to hurt a bit from all of the progressions in the insanity that currently is my life today. I moved my hands down from my temples to my eyes and slowly started to rub my eyes, tiredness spreading throughout my mind as there was just too much at once for me to fully comprehend.

"I'm tired, I'm going to sleep to tired for all this shit..."

[Good night sis.]

"Yeah, night."


"Auuuuugh" I yawned as the sun shone through curtains either side of my bed, i was currently dressed in pyjamas that were given to me by Snape who was supposed to basically be my watchdog as I stayed within the bound of Hogwarts for the foreseeable future. Apparently I wasn't allowed to leave whilst the investigation of the death of Cedric continued, so I found myself with a few days of nothing much to except try to awaken my mana.

"So, how will i awaken my dormant mana? Could I ask Dumbledore or Snape? Nah, i shouldn't they are kind of really bad people now that I think about it..."

Reality is kind of a bummer sometimes, it's hard to fangirl out when you start thinking about the terrible situations they put Harry in. Let's hope i can get Hermione's help or at least Harry's.

My ears tickled as i hear the faint breathing of a person outside of the door his shoes slightly scuffing the floor causing some easily discernible noises to be heard by me.

'What a drag, bloody emo goth teacher...'

"Can i help you?"

A quick shuffling of boots on the floor told me that he had taken a step back as if surprised by me knowing he was there despite his 'sneaking'.

"Hmm, no, i am merely here to remind you that breakfast is being served and that Dumbledore and some of the other teachers request your presence within the defence against the dark arts class lesson today.

His voice was somewhat grating to me as he spoke in the slow but uppity tone that was very reminiscent of the Movie's depictions of Snape. It was somewhat muffled however as he spoke through the door.

"Very well, am I allowed to visit the Library at all?"

The silence was maintained as I slowly got up from my bed and started scrounging for clothes of some sort in the room. It took me a minute, whilst Snape was completely silent, but I found a beautiful looking white dress that loosely hung around my body.

'He's most likely talking to Dumbledore...'

[I think you are correct.]

Sick of waiting for him I opened the door revealing the darkly clothed Snape before me, his imperious nose sticking out among his gaunt facial features. His black eyes locked with my eyes, both of us trying to examine the other, before he eventually shifted his focus away and to the side.

"You are allowed to visit the library with an escort... Seeing as how you have saved Potter, he, Hermione Granger and Professor McGonagall shall act as your escort today. Meet them after breakfast at the entrance to the library."

With that said he swiftly turned around in a huff and like a quickly moving dark blur hustled down the stairway leading to the current floor they were in.

"God he's moody."

[You got that right.]


Thank you all so much for the Power Stones!

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Thank you all for the support and i hope you all enjoy my stories!

