
Talia’s Items (SPOILERS As of chapter 100)

[Cloak of Invisibility - While worn the user is completely undetectable. Due to the user being the master of death the full effects of this cloak have been revealed. This cloak also conceals the user from all forms of detection, be it spells, wards, and otherwise while worn. Only those with immense, borderline Nigh-Omnipotent levels of power would be able to see through the concealing effects of this cloak. Also blocks magical attacks below a certain level, and blocks against instant death attacks. This cloak is completely indestructible, and can now change its form to suit the user's needs. While worn all of the users physical capabilities are doubled]

[Elder Wand - Due being the master of death, and possessing the other two hallows, the full effects of this wand has been revealed. Multiplies the power of all spells cast through this wand by 900% (10x), cheapens the usage of magic by 90%, makes magic 90% easier to cast while using this wand. Allows the user to use spells to their full potential, and spells that aren't normally possible to cast nonverbally, nonverbally. Allows the user to even do things like repair another wand, and other seemingly impossible tasks. Allows the user to now cast multiple spells at the same time with this single wand, with one incantation/nonverbally. This wand is now unbreakable. All death related spells are strengthened even further than normal spells, by an additional 200%. Applies to all forms of magic used with this wand, including ones from other universes]

[Resurrection Stone - Allows the user to bring back the spirit of others in a ghostlike form. Due to possessing the other two hallows, thus being the master of death, the full effects of this stone has been revealed. Allows the user to resurrect from death as long as this item is on their person (if taken off the person then these effects will not apply to the user), with no damage to their psyche or anything else. Grants the user lordship over certain undead creatures, and certain dark creatures. Grants the user immunity to attacks against their soul. This stone/ring is completely indestructible]


[Gauntlets of Atlas - Increases the users physical strength by 10x when worn]

[Boots of Hermes - Increases the users speed by 10x when worn. Allows the user to fly without any spells or usage of any sort of energy]

[Haste Boots - A Pair of boosts that increases the user's movement speed by 50%]


[Crown of the Goblin Emperor - Increases the users mental abilities by 50%, Increases the users Physical capabilities by 50%, Grants the user natural dominance of inferior goblins, does not work on goblins within the dungeons]

[Earring of the Goblin Empress - Increases the users magical power by 50%, Increases the users dark magic spells power by 100%, Increases all necromatic spells by a further 50%, and grants the user the ability to passively store magic within the ring, for later use, currently can only store 25% of the users total magic reserves]


[The Book of Vishanti - The incredibly powerful and ancient book from the Marvel Universe, as well as the opposite of the Darkhold. Written inside is a seemingly infinite amount of light/order spells, various other rituals, pieces of knowledge, and all sorts of things, similar to it's darker counterpart the Darkhold. Almost the entirety of the spells within his book, are defensive in nature. The book, like the darkhold, can teleport back to the user, is keyed to the users very being, meaning only the user can read and use this grimoire. Due to the nature of this grimoire, it cannot be consumed for the knowledge inside. Increases all of the users magical capabilities by 5x. Due to the user having the darkhold as well, the user's magic is now a mixture of black, red, and gold. Increases the power of all light/order spells by 5x, also applies to spells used through the Heavenly Dragon Flame. This book is housed in the users soul, alongside the Darkhold]

[The Darkhold (MCU) - The immensely powerful grimoire from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Written inside is a seemingly infinite well of knowledge, from different inventions, spells, to even things like coding, different species, and more, with concise and excellent teachings on these different pieces of knowledge. Increases all of the users magical capabilities by 7x, while also changing the color of their magic to a black and red color. Has the ability to reflect spells. Allows the user to dreamwalk into other universes, which if used enough, can cause an incursion between their universe and another, effectively destroying it. This grimoire can teleport back to the user, and is keyed to the users very being, being housed within their soul, which also means that only the user can read, and use this grimoire. Due to the nature of this grimoire, it cannot be consumed for the knowledge inside. This grimoire may have further capabilities that may be unlocked through usage, training, a specific class, and time. All of the mind corruption effects have been nullified by the system]


Mind Stone - One of the 6 infinity stones of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the representation of the fabric of mind. Unlike the original, this mind stone works in all universes the user travels to, and it is keyed so that only the user my wield it's immense power. The full power of this object is sealed away, due to the users inability to wield it's full might. Currently, it has the following powers, abilities, etc. 

Massively increases all the user's mental capabilities, be it computing speeds, having simultaneous trains of thought, etc. Improves the users mental computing speeds by 100 times. Also massively increases the strength of the users occlumency shields. The full force of the stone would increase this to much much much higher levels. 

Allows the user to project their consciousness to other places, even across the entire universe. 

Is almost completely indestructible, except through very very specific means. 

Is housed in the users soul, protecting it alongside the book of Vishanti and the Darkhold. Is also passively strengthening the soul and mind. 

Can be used to get immense amounts of knowledge from universes the user travels to, however, this is incredibly taxing on the body, is hard to control, and MUST be trained. The user currently does not have the capabilities to do this. 

The stone grows stronger for every universe the user travels to, gaining the knowledge and "mind" of that universes added to it. Due to this, it is filled with immense knowledge just waiting to be used. 

For every universe traveled to, the mental capabilities boost is increased by another 50x. 

So far the stone has been to: MCU, Shadowhunters, TVD, Danmachi, and Arrowverse. (250x)

Improves all mind reading, scanning, compulsion, mind spells, etc by 20x. This can be increased further for every world traveled to, increasing it by another 10x every universe. 

MANY more abilities are still locked. Can be unlocked through further usage/training, other items, certain classes, etc. 


Blessing of Mother Magic - A tattoo that symbolizes the blessing of magic herself. Is classified as an item due to it being in the form of a tattoo. Is from an unknown universe. 

Massively increases the users magic potential, talent, learning speeds, etc, by 25x. 

Increases all magical powers, capabilities, etc, by 10x. 

Improves the users capabilities at combining, creating, and changing magic by 5x. 

Increases the users resistance to all forms of magic by 50%

Allows the user to learn magics that are species-specific, allowing them to learn magic that they normally cannot learn. 

Allows the user to learn magics that are bloodline specific, allowing them to learn magic that they normally cannot learn. 

Allows the user to passively absorb magic from the surroundings, housing it in the tattoo in case the user ever needs to draw upon another source of magic. The tattoo can house 2x the users total magical storage. This increases as the users magical energy does. 

[Flash (7ds) - A grace from the world of Seven Deadly Sins. This Grace doesn't do much besides massively increase the users speed. Multiples the speed of the user by roughly 50x. This multiplier for any further grace the user attains]


Odin's Vampiric Silver Eyes - The silvery Vampiric eyes of Odin, created through the combination of Odin's lost eye, the Silver Eyes, and the Eyes of the Vampire Goddess. This fusion has massively improved the power of both. 

Odin's Lost Eye's abilities all remain, and can now be used in both eyes. 

Passively increases the user's magical power by 3x.

Passively increases the power of all light skills, abilities, powers, etc by 5x.

When actively used, this increase is 15x instead of 5x. 

Allows the user to still slay dark creatures with a single look, but now also works against weaker vampires that are 200 years or younger. Does not work against the Tribrid and special cases. 

The user's aura is 5x stronger. 

The user's magic has even more light energy inside of it, massively increasing its damage against dark creatures. 

Can now imbue light magic into runic magic, improving the effects of the runes. 

Improves talent and comprehension speeds in all forms of light magic by 2x. 

Light creatures like the user more. 

The user is immune to illusions. 

Allows the user to control the minds of those who look into the eyes.

 The user's blood manipulation is massively improved. 

The user's dark, evil, blood, and evil-based magic is boosted by 3x. 

 Increases damage against light-based creatures

Absolute Calculation is easier to use, and can now be used on light magic. 

Users' resistance to light and dark magic has massively increased. 


[Mask of Darth Nihilus - The mask of the great Darth Nihilus, one of the most powerful Sith in all of history. Imbued into it, is his very life force, after he decided to imbue his life force into his robes, armor, and this very mask. When equipped, improves the users strength in the dark side of the force by 3x. While also drastically increasing the users proficiency in the dark side of the force, as well as increasing the users comprehension speeds in the force in general (more so the dark side). Further uses are hidden. May grow in the future, unlocking further boosts, powers, etc]

[Robes of the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Luke Skywalker - The Robes of perhaps the greatest Jedi to ever live. Like Nihilus, these robes are imbued with the essence of Luke Skywalker himself, his life essence flowing throughout it. When equipped, increases the users connection, power, etc in the Lightside of the force by 10x. While also drastically increasing the users proficiency in the light side of the force, as well as increasing the users comprehension speeds in the force in general (more so the light side). Further uses are hidden. May grow in the future, unlocking further boosts, powers, etc]


[Consumed Items]

[Freely Given Blood of the Trickster God - Blood freely given by the Trickster God, Loki. Like the Giant's blood, this blood is powerful, and special in nature. Upon consumption increases the users magic by ??. Upon consumption strengthens the users Divinity. Upon consumption increases the power of the users illusion by ??. Has more hidden effects]

[Giant's Blood - A consumable item, that upon consumption, permanently increases the users strength by ?? the amount matters entirely on if the user has an affinity to the blood, the proper resiliance/durability to handle it, etc. Also drastically increases the users magic, by ??. Finally, grants the users possibility of ?????? in the future]

[Blood of Vampires of Old - The collective blood of every dead vampire ever. Does not include Vampire Gods. Upon consuming, the users vampiric capabilities are multiplied many times over. Also increases the users beauty]

[Heart of the One-Eyed Black Dragon - The heart of the last of the Three Great Quest monsters. Upon consumptions, the users overall attributes are doubled. The users aura is boosted and becomes draconic, massively strengthening it, and the stars of the user. The user gains a natural dominance over weaker dragons. The user will also begin to get more draconic classes. The users durability is strengthened as their skin becomes "Scales" tripling their overall durability]

[Blood of the Fallen Gods - The blood gathered from the God's that have died within the dungeon. Strengthens the users divinity by 3x. Strengthens the users overall attributes by 7.5x. Strengthens the users natural control over concepts. The user may develop concepts from one of the fallen God's upon consumption]

[Freely Given Blood of the Father of Monsters - The blood given by the Father of Monsters, Typhon. Being a Titan, Typhons blood is immensely powerful, even if weakened from is prime. Strengthens the users divinity by 5x. Grants the user natural dominance over all monsters weaker than them (does not apply on dungen monsters (not Orario ones). Grants the user possibility to develop the Concept of Monsters. Grants the user the potential to ascend into a Titan in the future. Strengthens the users physical attributes by 10x and their other attributes by 5. All familiars have their current power doubled upon consumption. All monstrous species the user has, have all their attributes doubled upon consumption. Further attributes will be revealed once the user ascends and becomes a true Goddess of Monsters (should they do that at all)]


[Siren and Vault Hunter Items]


[Shield - The Sham: A legendary shield from BL2 that is manufactured by Vladof. Official description: Wow, I CAN do this all day. Chance to absorb enemy bullets. Absorbed ammo is added to your backpack (inventory)]

[Capacity - 2,048,422]

[Recharge Rate - 612,858]

[Recharge Delay - 1.82]

[Absorb Change - 94%] 



[Artifact - Pearl of Inefferable Knowledge: Knowing is half the battle. +73 percent magazine size for all guns. 16% fire rate for all ranged weapons. Hits in very fast succession grant +1% (multiplicative) Damage that stacks up to 15 times.

When reaching 15 stacks you gain additional +90% Damage]


[3rd Siren Item]

[Shield - Re-Volter (BL3): Please conduct yourself. On Shield break: Your character becomes shock-enraged for 15s. Shock-Enraged: +50% Fire Rate +200% Bonus Shock/electric Damage (Siren Skills, Melee, Grenades, and Weapons)

[Capacity - 54,007]

[Recharge Delay - 7.1]

[Recharge Rate - 12,833]


[4th Siren Item]

[Relic - Skin of the Ancients (BL2): A relic of the Borderlands 2 universe. Grants +31.3% fire/incendiary resistance. +32.2% explosive resistance. +27.3% Non-Elemental Resistance. +42.0% shield capacity]


[5th Siren Item]

[Gun - Maggie (BL3): Monty's Wife don't take no guff. Maggie - unique Ability: Shoots 6 Bullets at the cost of 1 Ammo. Ricochet Effect: Each critical hit ricochet 1 bullet at the nearest enemy]

[Damage - 17,226 x 6]

[6th Siren Item]

[Gun - Queen's Call (BL3) (Element: Fire): Life is ours, we live it our way. All damage from the Queen's Call has 12.5% Lifesteal. Ricochet Effect: Critical hits return 3 bullets to your magazine and ricochet 3 bullets at the initial target.

Orbs/bullets can hit other enemies, but prioritize the initial target.

Orbs/bullets deal [weapon element | Fire] Splash Damage.

[Damage - 69,462]


[Main Weapon]

[The Heavenly Frostmourne Blade of Tathagata (God of Highschool, fused with several others) - The blade wielded by Okhwang and forged by Hephaestus out of 48,000 vengeful souls. One of the most powerful weapons in the entirety of GOH, this blade's full capabilities cannot be used until the user has met all the requirements. At the moment, the blade strengthens all the users attributes by 55x (roughly, 5 originally, but 55 after fusion) And a further 10x for vampiric abilities, once the full attributes of this blade is revealed, this will be strengthened and it's full might and all it's abilities will be unlocked, which is many times stronger than it's current capabilities. Also has an "Unleashed" form, that when taken, doubles all the boosts (besides making techniques cheaper), but can only last a maximum of 1 minute. This blade can also summon/be imbued with flames, can be summoned from ranges, can only be wielded by the user, is pretty much indestructible, can regenerate if somehow destroyed, and the blade can grow stronger, the more the user desires from the sword. Is stronger against barriers, 10x stronger against demonic/evil/dark creatures, can destroy powerful curses, and more. The blade is sharp enough to cut into just about anything (such as an island, which is cut with ease), even when in it's sheathe it can destroy a blade that is weaker. It has the powers of several other blades. 

[Due to the natural superiority of this blade, the Bloody Blade has been consumed by the Blade of Tathgata, while not losing any of it's abilities. The improvements made to the abilities of consumed abilities, is even better now]

[Heavenly Blade of the Sword Saint fused!]

[Improvements - All Sword Saint abilities (techniques included) strengthened by 15x. Is much strongeer against demonic/evil/dark creatures. Also has the unleashed form still, but not applies to all abilities of the Blade of Tathgata. 

[Bloody Blade of the Vampire King fused!]

[Improvements - Increases all vampiric abilities while wielding this blade by 10x. Grows even stronger from absorbing  the blood of other creatures. Can gain even more abilities by consuming the blood of other creatures. The natural abiliteis of the Sword of Gryffindor strengthened. Poisons strength doubled. Can transform into even more bladed weapons]

[Frostmourne perfectly fused!]

[All natural abilities retained]

[Improvements: Necromatic and Frost/Ice based abilities are strengthened by 20x. When wielding this blade, all attributes of the users is strengthened by 10x. Ice manipulation and necromancy is even stronger. Increases natural dominance by even more]

[Excalibur Fused!]

[Improvements: Increases all the users attributes by 10x. Sharpness/slashing ability is even stronger. Deals even more damage against demonic creatures]

[Master Sword Fused!]

[Improvements: 5x damage against barriers instead of 3. 5x attribute strengthening. 10x more damage against demonic/evil/dark creatures]



[Frostmourne (WOW) - Frostmourne, the Mourneblade (a special type of rune blade) of the Lich King. It is an incredibly powerful blade, as you'd assume when it comes to a weapon used by the Lich King. It has the power to Shatter, and imprison the souls of it's victims, and remake the living into mindless undead. When wielding this blade, all attributes of the users is strengthened by 5x. Necromatic and Frost/Ice based abilities are strengthened by 10x instead of 5x. The blade retains the memories and skills of all of it's victims. Grants the user ice manipulation and necromancy. Massively increases the users natural dominance. The blade is incredibly durable, can cut through most things, and can cause massive amounts of damage. Further abilities may be unlocked in the future, as not all can be used just yet, most of the true powers of this blade are still locked away]

[Excalibur (7DS) - Excalibur, the blade wielded by Arthur Pendragon of the Seven Deadly Sins universe. One of, if not the most powerful blade in Seven Deadly Sins. This blade is imbued with the spirits of its past wielders, all of which are master swordsmen, granting the user all of their knowledge and experience, as well as their techniques. Being a divine blade, it increases all of the users attributes by 5x, and deals more damage to demonic entitities. Capable of slashing through just about anything. The full strength and attributes of this blade are locked away, and must be unlocked, further abilities may be unlocked in the future]

[Heavenly Blade of the Sword Saint - The blade wielded by the original and most powerful Sword Saint, imbued with her very soul. When wielded by the user, is strengthens all the Sword Saint abilities (techniques included) by 10x. Is even stronger against demonic/evil/dark creatures. All Sword Saint techniques are 50% cheaper to use while wielding this blade. Can be summoned from a range. Also has an "Unleashed" form, that when taken, doubles all the boosts (besides making techniques cheaper), but can only last a maximum of 1 minute. Further abilities can be unlocked in the future]

[Bloody Sword of the Vampire King - A sword made up of the blood of tens of thousands of deceased vampires. The perfect weapon for a vampire. Increases all vampiric abilities by 2x while wielding this blade. This blade grows stronger by absorbing the blood of others. Can evolve and gain new abilities by absorbing the blood of other creatures. Can absorb and fuse with other swords/bladed weapons, combining the attributes and strengths of them. This blade is bound to the Vampire King. But, due to you defeating the man, therefore becoming the rightful Vampire King, this blade is now yours]

[The Master Sword (Zelda) - The sword wielded by Link, the main character of Zelda. A weapon created long ago, and infused with the sacred flames provided by the three Golden Goddesses and blessed with Hylia's power. This sacred blade is effective in destroying barriers, doing 3x damage against them. It is able to lock away demons. Unleash powerful skyward strikes. Break and destroy powerful curses made through dark magic. Strengthens the users attributes by 2x when wielded. Increases damage against demonic/evil/dark creatures by 5x. Further abilities may be unlocked in the future]


[The One Ring (LOTR) - The immensely powerful ring from Lord of the Rings. Massively increases all of the users magical capabilities and senses by 10x, this multiplier increases the longer the user wears and masters the ring, with the ring having a maximum multiplier of hundreds of times, and beyond. Grants the user the ability to manipulate the other rings, should the user ever visit the Lord of the Rings universe. Grants the user a naturally dominant, and commanding presence. Allows the wearer to understand evil creatures. Improves all dark/evil based magic abilities by 10x instead of 5x in the beginning. The ring has a will of it's own, and originally would desire and manipulate the user to return it to Sauron, it's creator. However, due to the interference of the system, this is no longer the case . Also naturally prolongs the users life, if they are not already immortal. Further effects may be unlocked with mastery, usage, and time. One such sub ability has already been unlocked, granting it the ability to absorb other rings, to strengthen itself, and grant it their capabilities on top of it's own. It will also improve the absorbed capabilities, mattering on what they are, due to the power within the ring]

[Improvements made]

Lessens the cost of magic spells by 75%, strengthens the effect of magic spells by another 1x (6x in total, 11x for Dark/Evil magic), gives magic spells a naturally corrosive effects on others, can be controlled/toggled. 

Grants the user immunity to instant death attacks. 

Grants the user immunity to all movement obstructing effects and all poisons. 

Makes all of the users TVD magic 5x stronger

Reflects all kinds of magic, except the ones that aid the user. The magic it can reflect has been heightened, allowing it to reflect more spells

 Strengthens all the users vampiric abilities by 5x 
