
Chapter 9

Huge thanks to Greatguardian, for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd Person] [Location: Forks, Lucifer's home] [A Little Later]

Sitting on her sofa was Lucifer and Alice. They sat next to one another, Lucifer having a handful of movies, showing each of them off to Alice wanting to see which one she was interested in "We can watch whatever movie you want. We got scary movies, romantic movies, funny movies, action movies, it's all up to you"

"Uhm...how about this one?" Alice asked, pointing at the single scary movie that Lucifer had picked out. Lucifer seeing this choice raised an eyebrow.

"You sure? It's a scary movie you know" Alice hearing this pouted "I'm a big girl, so I can take a scary movie"

Hearing this Lucifer just chuckled "Whatever you say, I also have some steak that I'll whip up later for dinner, if that's alright with you"

Hearing this Alice nodded "That's alright with me"

After popping the movie in, Lucifer sat back in the sofa with Alice next to her. Alice had shuffled around a bit, obviously a bit nervous. Because while she didn't say anything, she was actually terrified of horror movies.

Lucifer found this out very quickly when Alice let out a loud scream and practically jumped into her arms at a jumpscare. The rest of the movie consisted of Lucifer fullblown cackling at certain parts she found funny, while also being used as a blocker to the movie for Alice. Alice had gotten over her nervousness of being near Lucifer rather quickly, when she resorted to shoving her head in Lucifer's kneck after a particularly "scary" scene. Lucifer just consoled her the entire time, softly comforting the terrificd mate.

They ended up watching a second movie afterwards in order to get Alice's mood up. This being a comedy movie, which allowed Lucifer to get graced with Alice's absolutely adorable laugh. The pixe was laughing so hard at one point that she nearly snorted out the chocolate milk that she was drinking. Safe to say Lucifer thoroughly enjoyed the moment. Seeing as it was a sleepover, and neither really needed to sleep, they decided to just watch movies the entire night.

At dinner time, Lucifer got up and began to whip up a meal. This being some steak. It was a rather simple meal, but thanks to her knowledge from her past life, as well as watching dozens of cooking videos in preparation, while using her adoptive muscle memory ability, she made a rather bomb steak.

"Dinner is served, milady" Lucifer said with an over the top bow, causing Alice to giggle. Sitting across Alice at the dinner table, Lucifer silently watched her.

Alice breathed in deeply, incredibly nervous about this. While the chocolate milk was fine, for whatever reason, she was nervous about the steak. She didn't think that she would be able to eat it without throwing it up later. Either way, she was going to eat it for Lucifer.

Watching as Alice bit into the steak cautiously and nervously, Lucifer watched as a look of happiness flashed onto the girl's face. Lucifer smiled at that, happy that her idea worked, while also thanking her father, as she had a feeling he helped with this.

'It's-it's delicious' thought Alice, biting into the steak again. She hadn't eaten anything in so long, she forgot what normal food tasted like. Chocolate milk is good, but it isn't normal food like steak. Now that she could taste this food, she was going to make sure to eat all of it. She wasn't sure how or why this was possible, but she began to realize that Lucifer was even more special than she initially had thought.

"How is it?" Lucifer asked, already knowing the answer based off of the girl's expression.

"This is the best steak I have ever had" Alice said without hesitation, because technically it was true. She hadn't eaten anything for so long that this was by far better than anything she could remember, even if she can't remember very much, if anything at all.

"Well thank you for the compliment Alice, it's my own recipe" Surprisingly enough, this was true. She had created this steak in order to make Alice taste it. It took a little bit of luck, and putting a good bit of blood into the steak, it seems that it worked due to that. She thinks at least, she had a suspicion that it was all due to her father, who seemed to enjoy spoiling the hell out of her.

Alice looked surprised at the fact that this was her own recipe "Really? Is there anything you can't do?" Alice asked jokingly.

Hearing this Lucifer smirked "I doubt I'd be able to deny your puppy eyes" Hearing this Alice shyly giggled, and turned on the ultimate weapon...the puppy eyes. Seeing this Lucifer cooed at how adorable she looked, while Alice giggled harder at seeing Lucifer's expression.

Rolling her eyes at Alice who now had a new weapon against Lucifer, Lucifer began to speak "What's up with that brother of yours, Edward?"

Alice hearing this quieted down "Uhm...I don't know, he's sort of been like that for as long as I have remembered. He's...uhm...not the nicest to me, but it's okay! He probably has a good reason! I don't blame him for being a butthead towards me, I probably deserve it, I can be...annoying"

Hearing this Lucifer just blanked a bit 'What the hell, all I asked was what is up with Edward, and she instantly began to blame herself. What the hell did he do to her?'

"Alice, that is not okay. No one should treat you so rudely, least of all your brother. And you are not annoying in the slightest, you are probably the most adorable girl I have met in my entire life. So don't look down on yourself just because Edward is an ass" Lucifer said quickly, not wanting Alice to continue having such thoughts about herself.

The fact that she had these thoughts, and that they were so negative in regards to herself, made Lucifer far more concerned than before. She decided that once Alice reveals what she is to her, she is going to be direct with Edward, and find out what the hell the man did to her adorable mate.

Alice, who heard what Lucifer said, looked down "You-you think I'm adorable?"

"Well of course, who wouldn't? You'd have to be blind to think otherwise" Replied Lucifer without hesitation.

"Oh...uhm, I think you're the most handsome and beautiful woman I have ever met" Alice replied, her nervousness increasing by a thousand percent.

Hearing this Lucifer giggled "Why thank you Alice"

After saying this they slowly got back into a more upbeat conversation. Talking about Lucifer's interests this time, as last time they spoke it was more so about Alice's.

Eventually they ate the rest of their meal and returned to the couch one last time. Where Alice picked a romance movie this time, an especially spicy one that had made certain moments rather awkward. Alice had at one point leaned on Lucifer, rubbing up against the taller woman. The scenes made it harder and harder for Lucifer, and Alice rubbing up against her made it hard to control herself.

When the credits began to roll, Alice faked a yawn when noticing how late it was, seeing that it was nearly midnight. Hearing this Lucifer just chuckled "Someone's tired, I made up a spare bedroom if you want to sleep in there"

Hearing this Alice nodded, before Lucifer grabbed her by the hand and began to lead her to her room for the night. Alice had a face of surprise at the fact that Lucifer held her hand, but eventually ignored it and allowed the taller woman to lead her to her room.

The room was the neighbor to Lucifer's and was pretty big as well. Opening the door, Alice let out a small gasp at the inside.

"I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I just went with my gut" Lucifer said, before noticing Alice's awe filled look of happiness. 'Seems I guessed correctly'

"It's perfect! I love stuffies! I have a collection and everything!" Alice said with a happy smile on her face, as she practically sprinted in and scooped up the Jolteon "Stuffie" as she calls them.

Hearing this Lucifer noted the word "Stuffie" away for later, before smiling softly "Well now I know what to get you as gifts"

Alice, hearing this, giggled before getting back up and walking up to Lucifer. "Thank you for...well the entire day, Luci. It really means a lot to me" Alice said with a nervous look on her face before a look of resolution flashed onto her face. Lucifer noticed this and was confused, before that confusion was replaced with awe as Alice leaned up on her tippy toes, and gave her a peck on the lips.

Alice's lips felt amazing on hers, and the taste of Alice's strawberry lip gloss stood out. Lucifer got rid of her shock, and deepened the kiss, while wrapping her arms around Alice's waist, while Alice wrapped her arms around Lucifer's neck.

Slowly taking their lips off one another, Alice took a deep breath "S-sorry I just couldn't help it"

"There's nothing to apologize for, I honestly was getting ready to just do it myself" Lucifer replied with a soft smile.

Hearing this Alice smiled, before softly asking while twiddling her fingers nervously "Does this mean we are...d-dating?"

Lucifer just grinned and kissed Alice on the forehead "Of course, I don't just kiss anyone you know"

Alice let out a happy squeal before burying her face in Lucifer's chest out of happiness. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Lucifer just softly chuckled at this "No problem, princess"

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That's that chapter. And FINALLY Alice and Lucifer are together! While I was half tempted to push it a few more chapters, I decided to just have them get together now, as I don't really like angst and waiting. Alice is also mated to Lucifer and vice versa, so it is REALLY hard for Alice to control herself and not just French kiss her. Plus, the mating bond sort of helped them get together quicker.

Was the romance too fast? Too slow? I did rush it at the end as I have some other stuff I have to do, mainly involving late christmas parties and such.

Pelt me with your stones!

ArtoriaPendragon_creators' thoughts