
Volume 1] Chapter 194- six month's late.

"Jihoon," Joon Su said softly, his voice thick with emotion. "We can't lose hope. We have to find her."

Jihoon nodded, though his tears continued to fall. "I know," he whispered, his voice cracking. "But it feels like we've lost her again."


Drip drip

A strong rain began to pour in the forest, each droplet creating ripples in the puddles forming on the ground. The Su brothers stood motionless, eyes closed, letting the rain wash over them.

Their faces, usually so full of life, were now marked with an unspoken sorrow. The forest, once a place of vibrant energy and growth, seemed to mourn with them, the rain acting as a melancholic symphony.

Kyung Ho stood slightly apart, his golden hair plastered to his forehead, the raindrops tracing the lines of his face. His eyes, usually so bright, were closed tightly, as if trying to shut out the pain.
