

"What did you find?" Rose asked as soon as they were out of sight of the store.

"Dawson is in a random pub in a small village called Chockney. No idea why he is there, though at least one other tagged person is there as well. Didn't have time to check the number. Do you want to follow? We need to go visit the store Tom went to as well today, in case someone asks."

Rose paled. "Chockney? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I checked it twice, to be sure. Why, do you know it?"

"Yes, I was there just a few days ago. That is where Sam Crickey lives. Possibly his brother as well."

Albus gaped. "We definitely need to check this out then."

When they arrived in the small village, they made sure to wear their cloaks up, and wear Muggle attire, easily transfigured, as a disguise. Both for the sake of the Muggles, but also to hide their faces from Dawson. A quick glance through the restaurant saw him sitting in a booth near the other side of the small pub. Rose quickly secured the booth next to him, whilst Albus got them drinks. This made them look like just any young couple on a date. She made sure to smile as Albus came back too.

"Thanks, honey," she said in a voice that sounded very different from her own. Soon, they could pretend to be engrossed in their meal, as they waited for Dawson to do something. They didn't have to wait long.

Rose was lucky that her face was not towards the entrance. Otherwise, Sam might have seen her. As it was, a short glimpse of Albus was not enough to make him suspicious, especially since Albus didn't look like himself.

"It's your friend," he whispered, though he kept a smile on his face. "No, don't look around. He might recognise you!"

They strained to hear the conversation, before Albus remembered that he still had an Extendable Ear in his pocket. He just hoped Dawson wouldn't notice it. He sent it under the table, so it should be practically invisible.

"… That complicated things."

"I know, I'm sorry, like I said, it wasn't my idea."

"Yet you played along. You could have just dismissed him."

"He was… rather scary. But don't worry, he doesn't seem to know exactly what we are doing. He mostly wants to make sure that the Ministry stays off our radar, for his own sake."

"And why on earth did you decide to involve Rose Malfoy, of all people?"

"That was a mistake. I didn't know you would be there too! Until then, I didn't know who you were at all! Imagine my surprise when you came out with him! I almost broke character right there, as did Tom when he saw you."

"It is not ideal. I would have preferred that you knew as little of me as possible, but it became unavoidable as soon as Potter Jr started rounding up those who hurt his brother. Another thing you should not have done."

"He overreacted. We didn't hurt him much, that was mostly Lehrer's work, no matter what he says."

"What… did you call him?" Dawsons voice suddenly became very dark.

"Lehrer. That's his name, though he doesn't like to be called that. He claims he was a Death Eater but has escaped capture. That is why he is so keen on avoiding notice. He nearly choked Tom to death when he called him that in that interrogation room."

"Death Eater?"

"Yes, like I said, the man is scary. He is not an easy man to say no to. I never wanted to get mixed up with his kind, but he is insistent. I can't fight him."

"Where is he now?"

"No idea. He pops in and out when it suits him. He even found our base this morning. He said he would return tonight. Why, do you know him?"

"You could say that. This is even more complicated than you think. I think I need to call in sick from work. This is a bloody mess you have created, and I hate that I have to help clean it up!"

Albus and Rose exchanged glances. They didn't like the sound of that. Dawson knew who "Lehrer" was. Why did he worry that Scorpius had found them?

"I said I was sorry," Sam said again, but Dawson only sneered. "Come. We need to return to base, if we are to deal with him tonight. Then you need to tell me how you managed to get Rose Malfoy to post bail for your brother. It didn't look to me like you forced her."

"No, no forcing. I can tell you the whole thing, though I don't know if I fully understand it myself."

"Later. For now, let's get back. We shouldn't leave your brother alone for too long. He too needs to learn to mind his manners. Hiding in a Muggle furniture store!"

"Hey, that wasn't actually a bad idea. If he hadn't run…" their voices faded as they moved away from the table.

Albus and Rose waited for a few moments before quickly following the two. They went all the way back to Sam's family home. Despite Dawson not being dressed like a Muggle, they both went inside.

"I'm starting to think that everything he said to me was a lie." Rose said indignantly. "He just didn't want me inside that house."

"Well, considering the conversation we just heard, I think that is very likely. Our main object now is to warn Scorpius, we can figure out a way into that house later. Where is he?"

Rose looked at her wristwatch. "It's near dinnertime, he should be home." They usually met for dinner, or at least sent word home if they wouldn't be able to make it.

"Shouldn't we also tell Uncle Harry?"

"Would he believe us?"

Rose wanted to say that of course he would. But then she remembered that Uncle Harry trusted Dawson. He was one of his closest co-workers. And just that morning, the two of them had received a reprimand from him. She thought that Harry would believe them since they were family, but would he really?

"Let's hear what Scorpius has found first."
