
Chapter 221: The Quidditch World Cup

With the help of magic, the small shop was renovated very quickly. It only took one night for the entire store to have a brand new environment.

Thanks to the Undetectable Extension Charm, the shop's area expanded several times over.

The shop was filled with shelves, and on one side of the entrance was the counter where Penelope had to stay, waiting for customers to pick out their desired alchemical items and come to pay.

Behind the counter was a fireplace, which was connected to the Floo Network. Penelope could use the fireplace to return to Alaric's home.

However, apart from the renovations and providing alchemical items, Alaric didn't offer Penelope any other help.

All matters, including the pricing of all alchemical items and decisions about when to open or close the shop, were entirely left to Penelope.

Penelope was given significant freedom to manage the business.

Or, in her own words, Alaric simply found it troublesome and wanted to be a hands-off boss.

But in reality, Penelope was quite happy with this arrangement.

She wasn't a girl without opinions; on the contrary, she was smart and capable.

Without Alaric's interference, she arranged the alchemical item shop very efficiently.

Although Alaric didn't actively intervene, he still brought substantial business to the alchemical shop.

Since his visit to the Ministry of Magic, his "notorious" reputation began to spread throughout the entire Ministry of Magic and even the upper echelons of the British wizarding community.

Along with his reputation, his exceptional magical skills and ability to create alchemical items also started to spread.

Alaric caused significant trouble for the entire Ministry of Magic with just a bell and a flying broom.

Therefore, these wizards could imagine the powerful functions of the other magical items he created.

So, when they heard that Alaric intended to open a magical item shop, all the well-informed wizards paid close attention.

As soon as the A&P (Alaric and Penelope) Alchemy Shop opened, business became bustling every day.

In just one week, almost half of the alchemical items Alaric had accumulated over three years were purchased, despite their high prices.

Penelope herself believed that even the failures or experimental products Alaric made were still top-notch, so they could not be sold at cheap prices.

Despite this, many people eagerly came to purchase any alchemical product.

As a last resort, Penelope had to shorten the shop's opening hours.

She also used the extra time to start making some alchemical products under Alaric's guidance.

After all, her N.E.W.T. exams included Ancient Runes and Alchemy, both of which she excelled in.

Alaric wasn't interested in mass-producing alchemical items to make more money.

The purpose of opening this shop was to deal with some useless failures and experimental products.

Spending more time making alchemical items was not worthwhile. It was better to use this opportunity to train his girlfriend.

In the blink of an eye, most of August had passed.

The Quidditch World Cup had begun, and Alaric hadn't missed a single match of Cho Chang's Ireland team.

If she didn't need to stay at the shop, Penelope would also accompany Alaric to watch the matches.

At first, Penelope sometimes complained that Alaric, as her boyfriend, paid too much attention to other girls.

However, she soon stopped mentioning this because she was often too tired to get out of bed.

In fact, Penelope was somewhat prepared for this. Alaric had always been different from the people around her—his genius, his achievements, his mature way of handling things.

All these exceptional qualities made him stand out as an extraordinary individual, which gradually attracted Penelope.

Through constant interaction with Alaric, Penelope gradually realized that ordinary morals couldn't constrain such an extraordinary person.

Moreover, Alaric had mentioned the lifespan issue of the dragon Animagus to her.

The lifespan of a dragon far exceeds that of a human.

In such a long and endless life, without enough companions of the same kind, loneliness and solitude could drive a person mad.

After all, they were not naturally immortal beings.

This was another reason that prompted Penelope to accept this fact.

Compared to Penelope, Hermione rarely went to watch the matches with them.

She was too famous now, and at the crowded Quidditch matches, she often encountered fervent fans who surrounded her.

The Ireland team was indeed strong, and with Cho Chang joining them, they became even more formidable, advancing through the matches undefeated and reaching the finals.

Cho Chang also became the youngest player in the history of the Quidditch World Cup, making a name for herself throughout the wizarding world.

She was not only young and beautiful but also highly skilled. She could catch the Golden Snitch in a very short time, ending the matches swiftly.

After the International Wizarding Duel Tournament, another super genius girl emerged in the Quidditch World Cup.

Both of these girls were from Ravenclaw at Hogwarts.

Hogwarts gained immense fame worldwide, and Ravenclaw temporarily surpassed Gryffindor, becoming the most popular house among young wizards in Britain.

This brought long-lasting smiles to Professors Dumbledore and Flitwick.

Viktor Krum, who also joined the Bulgarian team while still in school, was soon overshadowed by Cho Chang.

He was three years older than Cho, and although his performance was excellent, it couldn't compare to hers.

Her broomstick, though unidentifiable, far outperformed the Firebolt and gained fame along with her.

Many teams and reporters wanted to know the model of this broomstick, which company produced it, and who the designer was. However, none of these questions could be answered.

Later, with the revelation from Ludo Bagman, Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports at the Ministry of Magic, Alaric's identity came to light.

As a well-known alchemist in the upper circles, Alaric's ability to design and make flying broomsticks quickly spread.

Penelope's small shop was soon overwhelmed with people asking if they could order flying broomsticks.

However, Alaric had no intention of manufacturing broomsticks for others, so they left disappointed.

In the end, the continuous stream of visitors forced Penelope to temporarily close the shop.

However, the Quidditch World Cup final was fast approaching.




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