
Wake him if you dare

Emperor Tyran retired to bed early beside his son after meeting with king maxmillian.

Actually he had no meeting with anyone else,he just felt exhausted and didn't need anymore of maxmillian's chatter.

Tyran had postponed the meeting to the next day, tomorrow he would be ready to round up the tasks left on that scroll but for now he craved solitude.

He would sleep in Fiona's bed and next to his son from now on to protect him and for his departure for the hunt he already had a backup plan.

Tyran lay in the darkness with his eyes wide open as he stroked Ramses's hair and his beard with the other hand.

He had tried sleeping but currently slumber had lost its interest in him probably due to the countless troubled thoughts that ravaged his mind.

He also feared sleep these days.

Whenever he shut his eyes he would see her, his wife.

She would come to him,sometimes to make love, bringing back memories and filling his heart all over again with the emptiness that had always been there since her demise.

It made him weak.

As much as he loved seeing her,he hated it.

Tyran would always wake up to wet his bed with tears.

Till now he had failed to get revenge on her murders.Her spirit must be in turmoil, perhaps that was why she always came to him,they still had unfinished business.

The thought of being unable to find her murders frequently drowned his soul in disappointment making him shoulder the guilt of a failure.

He had failed her,even while she yet lived.

Such guilt and remorse would constantly tear his heart to pieces, though still whole he felt it's muscles shredding constantly.

No he must get her murderers even at the cost of his own life.He would never rest till he did so.

His whole heart would keep tearing apart till he finally breaths his last,he couldn't bear the pain, perhaps revenge would ease the pain he felt and put her finally to rest.

Tyran had been the good ruler but never a good husband to her,hardly gave her attention nor had time for her yet she had loved and cherish him till the day she breathed her last.

Fresh tears welled up in his eyes,he couldn't control them so he let them leak out to his face,wetting the pillow under his head.

He covered his eyes with the back of his palm and wept silently being careful not to wake his son.

Fiona was dead and now they were after his son, even Delu was breeched.His whole world was already falling apart.

Who knows what they would do next.

Tyran felt both anger and fraustration that he didn't know when he let it out I'm one scream.

"Arrghhh!!"Why!...why all of this...why!"

Tyran's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Ramses's cry.

His voice had woken the child,now he was in trouble.

Emperor Tyran lit a flame in his index finger and used it to light the candle next to the bed.

He flug the curtain on that side aside to get a good illumination of the candle light inside the bed,then he sat up to carry Ramses.

Tyran rocked him gently but Ramses only increased the intensity of his screams he had thought this child was in every way different from other infants but he was wrong.

In the end he was still a baby.

"Carolene!"he called out using a telepathic link.

At first there was no response,she was fast asleep.It was already past midnight,he was expecting that.

"Carolene!"He called out again,this time there was a response from the other end.

"Ye...yes your imperial majesty".

"The child is awake and crying,come put him to sleep".

"Be right there your majesty", Carolene replied and Tyran went off.

He waited,while rocking Ramses who kept crying,rather intensifying his screams.

Tyran stopped rocking and gave him a suspicious stare.

Was he doing this on purpose,if so for what reason?

"Ramses! Ramses!stop this baberic behavior right now!"

Ramses immediately stopped crying and stared right into his father's eyes then his brows furrowed as his lips thinned firmly.

Tyran grinned.

Good...good...he knew force would do,but what is that weird stare?

Suddenly Ramses threw out a spittle which Tyran dodged by titling his neck away and he resumed crying again,this time even louder with an unusual pitch for a child.

"You!"The Emperor raised a hand to hit him but then remembered he was just a child,his child.

And he must have been angered by his yelling at him after waking him up from sleep the child must have felt wronged.

A baby fell wronged?what a ridiculous nonsense.

Tyran shook his head vigorously in attempt to shake off the thought.

Yes he must have had a bad day and was imagining that awkward stare.

It was all in his head_

Hold on....

The Emperor's thought swiftly went back to when he had seen Ramses stand and act weird.

No he wasn't imagining things he had suddenly forgotten his child was unusual with brains and body more matured than he looked.

He abruptly dropped Ramses on the bed and stared at him.

Ramses stared back amidst his wailing,his eyes never leaving his father's.

Tyran felt relieved when Carolene appeared by the door way rubbing on a set of sleepy eyes.

"Take him!"Tyran ordered.

He's days were already filled with nightmares and he didn't need an extra right now especially when his Son was angry with him.

Carolene picked Ramses up and Tyran watched as the child's eyes never left him all along,he still didn't stop crying.

"His crying is more intense than usual your imperial majesty".

"Take him!"Tyran ordered again and pulled the curtains shut then he swung the sheets over.

He listened as her footsteps departed even further from him then he swung the curtains open to take a quick peep at Ramses.

Through the darkness and from the little illumination the candle light gave at that distance,he could tell the child was still staring at him.

Tyran swiftly swung the curtains shut then shut his eyes not to be drifted away by slumber but rather,to continue to wander in his usual world of endless thoughts.
