

With the bear dead, they could take a look around the room. Unfortunately, other than the statue, nothing really stood out. Marcus couldn't help but be a little disappointed as he expected a little more.

'Ancient Nords can't be that stingy, right?' He thought, but even after double and triple checking, there really wasn't anything else.

'...I guess I can only reign in my curiosity… for now.' He mused, still a bit disgruntled.

Ever since the world changed and he was stuck in that cave, he had a feeling these mountains held more secrets than he thought. However, with just him and Fenrir, it'd be difficult to face off against a beast like a large ice bear.

As someone who has traversed the Alps nearly his entire life, he wanted to seek out these mysteries. He'd never seen something like a giant ice bear before and naturally wanted to understand where they came from.

'Well, I also didn't want to be stuck up here forever.' He thought, glancing at Zayzal and Sera. 

'I didn't expect those two would be so strong. From the looks of it, that wasn't the first monster they'd killed. The world really has changed, hasn't it?' Then, he shrugged his shoulders and looked away. 'Whatever. Not my problem. As long as I can live with Fenrir, that's all that matters. Everything else is extra.'

Suddenly, Zayzal shouted from behind a large chunk of ice. 

"I think I found the way out!"

Sera and Marcus looked at each other and nodded before they jogged over to him. There, they saw a bear-sized path in the wall, one that looked like it was artificially made.

"Well, since there's not much else to see here, should we go ahead and leave?" Marcus asked, stepping in front of Zayzal. 

"Sure. I'm curious where it leads."

"Just get me off these damn mountains."

With everyone in agreement, Marcus took the lead with Fenrir and walked through the ice cave. For a few minutes, they made their way through the winding passage.

The cavern walls gradually receded, revealing a narrow corridor that stretched towards a faint source of light. They walked briskly, the chill air biting at their skin, and a sense of urgency propelled them forward. Their breaths formed white clouds in the frigid air, and the sound of their footsteps echoed through the corridor.

As they approached the end of the tunnel, a gust of cold air greeted them, sending shivers down their spines. The light at the end of the tunnel grew brighter, breaking through the darkness like a beacon of hope.

They emerged from the tunnel and were met with a breathtaking view. They found themselves on the other side of the mountain, a landscape of white and blue stretching before them. Large chunks of ice hung precariously overhead, and a blanket of loose snow covered the ground.

Marcus cursed under his breath, his eyes scanning the unstable ice formations. "We need to move quickly. This place is a death trap waiting to happen."

The group wasted no time. Marcus swiftly led the way, navigating the terrain as best he could. Fenrir stayed close to his side, its instincts guiding them through the safest path. 

Zayzal and Sera followed closely, their eyes constantly shifting upwards to the ice above them. At first, they didn't quite understand why Marcus was in such a hurry, but when they thought of a chunk falling, they increased their pace. The cold air stung their faces, but they pushed through, determined to reach safety.

However, the descent was unstable, with the loose snow shifting dangerously under their feet. Each step was carefully placed, mindful of the potential to trigger a deadly slide. The journey was silent except for the crunching snow under their feet and the occasional distant rumble of ice shifting.

Suddenly, a loud crack echoed behind them, breaking the tense silence. They glanced back to see a large chunk of ice breaking off and hurtling towards the ground. 

"Shit! Let's go! Don't worry about your footing, and just run!" Marcus shouted and hopped on Fenrir, who barked and zoomed across the snow.

"Right behind you!"

"So much for being careful!"

Zayzal and Sera shouted as they made a beeline for Fenrir's tracks. 

Fortunately, they both had strong bodies and were able to keep up with its pace.

The path became increasingly steep, and they found themselves sliding down certain sections, using their weapons as anchors to control their descent. Fenrir's powerful legs effortlessly navigated the treacherous terrain, providing a sense of security for everyone as they only needed to follow him.

As they neared the base of the mountain, the snow became less dense, and rocky outcrops provided more stable footing. They could finally breathe a sigh of relief, the immediate danger of avalanches and falling ice behind them.

Once on level ground, Marcus dismounted Fenrir, patting the wolf's side in gratitude. "Good job, Fenrir. You saved us a lot of trouble."

Sera let out a long breath, her body relaxing from the high tension of their descent. "Why does it feel like Mother Nature is more terrifying than dungeons and monsters?."

Zayzal nodded with a wry smile. "Well, it's not exactly something we can beat. On the other hand, we can kill monsters."

"Tch. I know… I'm just frustrated that we always end up running away from rocks and snow rather than claws and teeth."


"Anyways," Zayzal coughed and turned to the other two. "Thanks for the help. Fenrir is quite impressive."

Marcus shrugged modestly. "We all played our part. Now, let's find a safe place to rest and plan our next move."

"You coming with us?" Zayzal asked in mild surprise.

Marcus nodded slowly. "I talked with Fenrir about it, and he seems to think you're trustworthy enough. You can also help shield me in case people try to apprehend me."


They both looked at Marcus as if he was a little crazy, but Zayzal assumed it was one of his talents and shrugged. 

"Then, let's go. I'd like to find a city or town by the end of the day and, if possible, a car."

"You thinkin' of dragging me off to Greece with you two? Sorry, but not interested." Marcus asked, sensing Zayzal's intent, but the man just chuckled. 

"It's not like you have anywhere better to go, right? You don't have to go all the way with us, but the world is quite dangerous. Better to stick together than go alone."

Marcus snorted, slightly irritated, but he couldn't refuse the offer. No, it could be said that this could be his saving grace; trustworthy teammates who could help him while he's still weak.

'It's probably good to build a connection with them early. I have a feeling that as long as they don't die, these two'll make it big. Just being on good terms with them could bring unforeseen benefits. Not to mention, Fenrir likes them.' He thought and gave a slight nod.

"Alright, I'll join you. For now."

"Great!" Zayzal clapped his hands and smiled. "Then, let's get a move on!"

Now that they were on flat-ish ground, Zayzal took the lead and started walking down the rest of the mountain. Sera approached Marcus and slapped the man on the shoulder, giving him a grin as he squinted his eyes in pain. 

"Lookin' forward to working with you. Try to keep up, or you'll be left behind." After saying that, she jogged ahead and caught up to Zayzal. 

Marcus could only sigh and wonder if he made the right decision. 

Hopping on Fenrir, the two hurried after their new companions, both uncertain about their future for the first time in a while.


About 12 hours later, the sun was already dipping beneath the horizon, but Zayzal and his group managed to come across their first town, Lienz, Austria. As someone who lived in Austria, Marcus knew the country better than them and was able to point them toward Lienz without much issue.

As they approached Lienz, the town was eerily silent, and its streets deserted. Zayzal and Sera were experienced to know that something had happened here and readied their weapons. Marcus did the same, but after glancing at Fenrir and seeing that he wasn't agitated, he calmed down a bit.

Zayzal led the way, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Sera, Marcus, and Fenrir followed close behind, ready to react to any signs of danger.

The first indication that something was amiss in Lienz was the sight of bodies strewn haphazardly across the streets. It was a gruesome scene. The corpses bore signs of brutal attacks, and there was a stench of rotting meat. Yet all the dried blood seemed to be washed away, giving a red hue to the concrete and grass. 

What was more disturbing was the nature of the wounds - they were fresh wounds inflicted by human hands, not monsters. Multiple stab wounds, blunt trauma, and signs of struggle were easily noticeable from the corpses.

"This... this is wrong," Sera whispered, her voice laced with a mix of anger and sadness. "These people... they were attacked by others, not monsters."

Marcus examined one of the bodies, his expression grim. "It's like they turned on each other. But why?"

Zayzal's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the area. "Mana." He didn't explain further, not that he could've. It was more instinctual. Something was pricking his mind, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

The realization that humans could be just as dangerous as any monster they had faced was still unsettling, especially to Marcus, who wasn't used to this kind of scene. However, as a naturally calm person, he just avoided eye contact with the corpses and focused on following Zayzal. 

As they delved deeper into the town, they noticed another peculiar phenomenon - the landscape seemed to shift and warp subtly, creating illusions and mirages. Buildings appeared and disappeared, streets twisted and turned unexpectedly, and the familiar layout of the town was now a confusing labyrinth.

"The mana... it's playing tricks on our senses," Zayzal observed as his eyes glowed with a faint silver light trying to pierce through the illusions.

"This must be a mirage or something. I've heard of weird environmental changes happening to other countries back in Germany, but I was a little skeptical. Looks like it's true…" He continued, trying to make sense of the shifting scenery. "We need to be careful not to get trapped or misled by these illusions."

Navigating through the distorted streets of Lienz was a challenge. The group relied on Zayzal's [Pathfinder] talent and the occasional guidance of Fenrir, whose senses seemed less affected by the mana-induced changes, to lead them through these changes.

As the night fell, the town took on an even more sinister aspect. The shifting shadows and deceptive mirages made it difficult to determine what was real and what was not. Every sound seemed amplified, and the occasional rustle or distant footstep put them on edge.

"Let's find a place to hunker down for the night," Zayzal suggested. "We're not going to find much in this mess, and it's too risky to wander around in the dark."

They found an abandoned house on the outskirts of the town, its structure still intact despite the chaos. The group secured the entrances and settled in, taking turns keeping watch.

The night in Lienz was restless. The eerie silence was occasionally broken by distant screams or the sound of something moving through the streets. But come morning, they were still alive and ready to continue their journey.
