




"Come in..." The order could be heard through the door as Khan kicked it open, unable to open it due to the large dish he was carrying. Entering through the door, he was greeted by the familiar kitchen once again, and the burly Mr Kenji could be seen, his back faced Khan as he kept on his cooking.

"Congratulations on winning, damn old bag of bones. I'm guessing this is the last time I'll be seeing you in a long while once you receive your wish from the king. Poor me, I'll miss you very much, you old damn bag of bones..." Mr Kenji said, but looking into his eyes, Khan could see that incredibly bright smile on his face, causing him to roll his eyes at him, as he walked towards the cabinet and dropped the dish on his face.

"Yeah, you really would miss me a lot, you damn old foggy..." Khan replied as Mr Kenji's eyes twitched repeatedly.

"Tch. Disrespectful kid."
