
His insinuations

No way was she going to do what he was thinking.

Kaoma could feel the tell tale signs of her color returning to her cheeks at his insinuations.

Despite her recent abduction she no longer had the gray pallor to hide any of it, only his wide chest for the moment. 

"Trust you to come up with something so provocative on the sly," she said tiredly.

Maxixe ran his hand gently through her pale blonde curls, it relieved his worries to feel her body next to his own.

He didn't even want to relive the panic at the thought of losing Kaoma and never laying eyes on her again.

The comforting gestures were not just for Kaoma but also for his reassurance that she was there with him in the flesh. 

He continued to press her even closer to him as if he wanted their bodies to become one.

"Actually, the last thing I would want is for you to take offense when I'm hoping for an opposite reaction," he whispered suggestively near her ear. 
