
Chapter 157 - The Berserker(Part 1)

"Wh-what...what the hell is this!?" Snapped Tricia, clenching her fists as she rushed down the stairs towards the boy.

I've seen a lot of inhumane shit across my two lives, and this is pretty high up there on the list of the most fucked up things I've come across...

"Is...is that you, Aunt Tricia?" He uttered weakly, as she approached him.

"H-he was down here the whole time!? Who did this!? It...it must have been one of our servants, those ungrateful peasants!" Exclaimed the boy's father with a frenzied look on his face.

"O-oh, we were so worried, thank goodness he's okay!" Added the mother, desperately trying to mask her panic.

"Save it, we're not buying it, you pieces of shit," I responded dryly with an icy glare, the two of them flinching in response, as Tricia began to reach for the shackles.

"It's okay, Vic...I'm going to get you out of here, okay? Everything's going to be alright," She remarked soothingly, her shoulders trembling.
