
One Hundred and Seventh

"Fuuuh...what a week! That rain was ridiculous!"

Emily yawned and stretched, standing in front of one of the palace windows, looking down at the training field.

It was still soaked from the rain storms, but the skies were far more clear now, and it seemed like the rain was finally letting up. They could at least go back to normal procedures, even if maybe the rain would continue to some degree.

Kieran was training, again. Standing alone, striking that dummy over and over again, as if it somehow would make him better against opponents that didn't just stand there forever.

She didn't really care all that much, anyway.

She just felt a passing annoyance looking at him.

Even from this distance.

Somehow he was just too good at making himself look good, like some devout knight who dedicated all his time to training and to protecting the realm.

So few people knew what a rotten jerk he was underneath.
