
Beg me and I might tell you

''But my views have changed over time.'' 

''Oh? How so?" Ryle questioned. 

''If none of that happened, then I would not have Angel now,'' Daisy never thought that she was the kind of person who was in any way incomplete or that she needed a man, her parents, or any other human to complete her. She was whole in herself but Angel's arrival added so much to her wholeness in a way it felt surreal. 

''So, no regrets,'' Daisy finished, meeting the man's gaze, ''Anything else that you want to talk about?" 

''The $50 billion that you sent...'' 

''I won't be taking it back,'' Daisy interrupted him knowing what he was about to say. 

Ryle's brows tugged together, ''You know it well that money was never my objective behind the contract.'' 

''I have decided to take your offer and stay here for the time being and I am not doing it for free.'' 
