
Chapter 5 

The lead man with white hair brought up his pistol outfitted with a suppressor but Naruto appeared and caught the pistol, and gripped the man's hand as he moved his mask out of face setting it on his head, revealing his face, 

"No guns." Naruto said before Elektra appeared and a haymaker knocked the man out, causing the 5 Hand soldiers to attack 

A woman with a knife swing came for Elektra who ducked while punching her in the stomach, before she kicked the woman's knee causing her to fall and a uppercut broke the woman's nose while sending her crashing into the ceiling 

A man armed with two batons ran up and swung at Naruto who raised a hand and blocked the blow while simultaneously punching the man in his throat causing the man to gag and stumble back before Naruto grabbed the man and pulled him into the path of a bullet from the sniper across the street 

Naruto picked up the baton and launched it out the window watching as a man fell off the roof across the street with the baton lodged in his face 

Elektra slid across the floor as a man tried to bash her face in, before she kicked up and flipped off the wall to land behind him as she kneed him in the back sending him into the wall, before she grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall before wrapping her arms around the man's head and with a jerk snapped his neck 

Naruto meanwhile had the last surviving man and was looking through his mind and found nothing of his company so he broke the man's neck 

"He knew nothing." Naruto grunted 

"Do you think the sniper got in touch with his superior about you?" Elektra asked walking up with her things 

"Possibly, but it makes no difference." Naruto shrugged before he placed a hand on Elektra's shoulder and sped out of the penthouse as sirens were heard arriving 

Later, Naruto's Loft 

After the fight Naruto and Elektra went and got some food and relaxed at his home, currently they were cuddling in bed asleep when there was a knock and they both woke up, 

Speeding to the door, Naruto saw a member of Yang's group running away, and opened the door and saw a small red box which he picked up and opened while closing his door 

"What is it?" Elektra asked 

Naruto opened the box and found a note, 'Sincerest apologies Godspeed-sama, we know the Hand is involved with this and is using your company to distribute it." 

Tossing the note, Naruto raised an eyebrow as he saw a small pack of heroin in the box with a red dragon on it not unlike the mark of the Iron Fist tattooed on his left shoulder without the wings, 

"Seems the Hand is using Rand to sell Heroin." Naruto said handing the drug to Elektra as she looked it over, as a gust of wind and the sound of electricity cackling made her look up to see Naruto fully dressed, "Im going to head to Rand and look into it." 

"You seem annoyed?" Elektra asked 

"Just missing the years I traveled with you and Natasha more then ever now." Naruto said 

"When we killed the popsicle that was Captain America?" Elektra asked 

"I told you it was an accident. Lightning is unstable." 

"Especially when it's used in Greenland." Elektra smirked causing Naruto to sigh 

"He may still be alive." Naruto said 

"Yes, just adrift in ice in the sea, maybe for another 70 years or forever." Elektra replied 

"I'm out. See you later for the Charity event." Naruto said leaving as Elektra laughed 

Later, Rand Enterprises 

Naruto was in his office, looking out the window overlooking the city, "And it isn't opium based?" he asked Sandi one of his employees 

"Every test I ran on that sample proves it's chemical. No need to harvest opium from foreign countries. In fact, the most amazing aspect of this drug is that there's nothing illegal about it." Sandi said walking up 

"Mmm. So with the right supplies, any amount can be made in a real lab." Naruto frowned 

"Whoever the Einstein is behind this made sure there'd be no limit to how much one can make." 

"A drug like this could mean a major epidemic in this city. I'm gonna deal with this." Naruto said turning to Sandi and shaking her hand, "Thank you so much for your help, Sandi." 

"You welcome, Mr. Rand." Sandi said before she left 

Naruto frowned before he walked out of the office and paused upon seeing three women with suitcases that had the same symbol that was on the pack of heroin, "Hello." he greeted walking up to them getting their attention 

"Mr. Rand." the blonde woman said as the African American woman and Brazilian woman glanced at each other, "W-what can we do for you?" 

"I was wondering if you three lovely ladies would mind telling me about the product you just came back from selling." Naruto replied as the women looked at each other and didn't see the danger of that thinking their new boss just wanted to get fucked up, 

"Anytime sir." the woman smiled 

"How about now then?" Naruto smiled motioning the women to his office and the three smiled before heading to the office, while Naruto walked to Megan, "Megan, would you please tell Sarah Galvin in Transport to email me the shipping manifest of the red hook pier." 

"Of course, Mr. Rand." Megan said causing Naruto to smile 

"Megan, if we're going to be working so closely please don't be so formal with me, call me Naruto." 

"But your name is Nathan?" Megan asked 

"Yes, but I've lived as Naruto for a long time." Naruto said getting a nod, "Thanks." 

Naruto walked into his office and closed the door, before sitting down, "Okay ladies, let's hear the sales pitch." Naruto smiled 

The three beautiful woman smiled and Naruto noticed how they had unbottuned the top 3 buttons on their blouses showing ff their cleavage as they sat down 

"I wanna tell you about this great new product," the blonde woman began 


Naruto watched as the three women limped away after they all had sex in the office, "The Hand sure does know how to pick it's members." he smirked before releasing a sigh, "It's almost a shame that I'll have to kill them." 

Naruto pulled out his phone and removed the silencing seal from the wall of his office, and left looking over the manifest as he walked down the stairs when a woman approached him, "Mr. Rand." 

Looking up with a raised eyebrow, "Who's asking?' Naruto asked 

"My name is Regina, and uh I read about that drug thing you did in the paper. You have the power to change things at this company. That's why I I wanted to show you this." Regina handed Naruto a photo of a young boy 

"Are you saying he's mine?" Naruto asked 

"No, no, my he has cancer, he got it from the Rand chemical plant near where we live. It's spewing poison into the air, the ground, all around us." 

"So you have cancer as well." Naruto asked looking at the woman who shook her head causing Naruto to frown, "Can we help you?" 

Melvin Ortiz the lawyer of Regina looked around with his phone still recording Naruto and his client and turned to see Naruto looking at him, "Me?" 

"Your the only one recording me and the lady." Naruto said watching as Melvin put his phone in his pocket before he looked to the woman and handed her the picture back, "I have no idea what the hell you just tried to do, but stay the hell away from me." 

"Wait!" Regina said getting in front of Naruto who had begun to walk away, "Mr. Rand!" 

"Don't waste your breath lady. I no longer care to hear a sob story that probably isn't true. If I find actually proof that the chemicle plant is poisoning you and your family I will handle it accordingly." Naruto said leaving as he made a call, "Hello Megan, listen I need you to get a qualified team not on Rand's payroll and find out if the Rand Chemicle Plant is poisoning the people and environment around it... Thanks." 

Later, Yakatomi Building 

Naruto was wearing his tuxedo as he lead Elektra who was dressed in an elegant red dress that was covered in a long black jacket, "Nervous?" Elektra asked 

"Please." Naruto scoffed, "I'm just ready to get out of this monkey suit." 

"Well then let's get what he came for." Elektra smiled taking off her jacket causing a lot of men to look at her as she handed her jacket off and linked her arm with Naruto as they walked to a table 

"You look nice in red." Naruto said 

"I look nice in everything." Elektra replied causing Naruto to scoff 

"To bad you can't enjoy the party." Naruto said 

"I think I'll manage a good time. Don't you love jazz?" Elektra asked knowing Naruto was picky with his music selection 

"Not really, more of a Hip-Hop, Rap, and R&B kinda guy." Naruto said 

"Then you definitely deserve a drink." Elektra smiled as a man came over with wine and the two grabbed one just as Mr. Hirochi walked over 

"Ms. Natchios, delighted to have you here with us this evening." Hirochi said 

"You know I never pass up a chance to have my ass kissed, Mr. Hirochi." 

"Then, unless this fine gentleman has beaten me to the punch, allow me to be the first kisser this evening." Hirochi said taking Elektra's hand and kissing her hand, "You look divine, my dear." 

Hirochi looked at Naruto and shook his hand, "Mr. Rand, I'm pleased you can join us today though I'd admit that it is a surprise." 

"Thanks for having me."

"We should speak business later." Hirochi said 

"Cant wait." Naruto replied before Hirochi walked off after excusing himself as Naruto looked to Elektra, "First kisser, huh?" 

"Don't be jealous beloved." Elektra said before she nodded over to the bar, "That's him, at the bar." 

Naruto glanced over to Stan Gibson who was dressed in all white and heavily drinking, "Finish your drink." 

"Why? We gonna dance?" Naruto asked finishing his wine 

"Ah, just not my song, but Stan's thirsty." Elektra said before the two walked over to the bar, "And now, so are we." 

The two ordered a drink, when Elektra saw a chance to make her move but Naruto stopped her, "Wait." 

"What is it?" Elektra asked 

"They have eyes on Gibson, I guess Roxxon upped their security. They're watching him pretty close." 

"They've pinpointed their weak link." Elektra sighed looking around, "They're smarter than they know." 

"And chances are, they've got eyes everywhere else, too." Naruto said 

"Well, this is going to be more fun than I thought. We have to get him alone somehow." Elektra replied as Stan walked away from the bar 

"Easy " Naruto said as he watched Stan walk and when he was passing a man, Naruto shifted his foot and a small tile rose slightly and tripped Stan sending him stumbling into a man and spilling his red wine on his white tuxedo 


"I was aiming for him to just embarrass himself with a nasty fall in front of all these people." Naruto said as they watched Stan apologize to the man and walk off, "I'll be back." 

Naruto followed Stan and the two guards he was with to the bathroom, and waited for a moment 

Stan was using a towel to clean his suit but the water wasn't helping, "Damn it. Could one of you get me a club soda?" he asked the guards watching him but they didn't move, "Oh, for Christ's sake." he prepared to complain when the lights went out, "What the hell? Did the power go out, or did you hit the switch?" 

Naruto arrived as the men were about to draw there weapons and he punched the first guard in the face knocking him unconscious, before he ducked low and came up to the second man wrapping his arm around his neck before he snapped it, and looked to Stan Gibson who was watching before he tried to run but Naruto was there in a blur before he grabbed Stan by the throat with his iron fist and choke slammed him into the marble floor before he ran his pockets and found a key card and left Stan and his guards in the bathroom 

Moments Later 

Naruto and Elektra used the card to get up to the 13th floor and quickly Elektra placed a small device atop of a fire alarm, "This will erase the recordings and loop the security cameras." she said, "This way." 

"One second. Floor's crawling with security." Naruto said causing her to nod as they looked to the end of the corridor to see shadows approaching and when the 2 men came around the corner Naruto and Elektra were nowhere in sight, and once the men walked away the two dropped from the ceiling and continued on their way 

They hid behind a wall as two more guards walked passed, and continued on 

Meanwhile Hiroshi was chatting with the shadow clones of Elektra and Naruto before he walked off to the bar next to his guard, "Eyes on Gibson?" 

"He's in the men's room, sir." the guard said causing Hirochi to scoff and sip his drink 

Meanwhile Naruto and Elektra entered Hirochi's office, and upon entering Elektra headed straight for the safe, and with her enhanced strength pried the door open vefore she looked through the papers, "It's not there. It was supposed to be there." Elektra said before she looked to the desk and began to search 

"Relax Ellie." Naruto said sensing her getting frustrated as he used his x-ray vision to look around the office and found a hidden room, "Follow me." 

Elektra looked at Naruto who walked forward and phased through a wall, and with her Kamui she followed after him 

Naruto and Elektra stood in the secret room and began to search for the ledger, "They should be looking for Gibson now." Naruto said 

Hirochi entered the restroom to see Gibson unconsion and he quickly ran over to his and searched his pockets, before he paused as he heard Stan mutter, "Yellow..glowing... hand." 

Hirochi eyes widened, "Stop the elevators. We have an intruder on the 13th floor. Pull up security footage. I want to know who got to them." 

Naruto found a book and looked through it, "This is it. The Roxxon ledger." 

Elektra smiled and kissed Naruto before taking the ledger and looking through it while Naruto looked up toward the outside of the office, "They know we're here." Naruto said 

"We can leave now." 

"I put on this tux, and have been sneaking around. While I love a good stealth mission, I'm dying to fight, like you are." Naruto said getting a smile from Elektra 

"This is why I love you." Elektra replied as the ledger was sucked into her pocket dimension and the two exited the office as the power was cut and a gate closed in front of them cutting off the elevator so they hid in a conference room, and Elektra ripped the slit in her dress a bit more to get her more mobility 

Men arrived with automatic weapons searching the floor, and when two of them entered the conference room, Naruto and Elektra vaulted over the table and kicked them in the face sending them through the glass attracting the attention of the other men, who ran toward the sound and Naruto and Elektra made short work of them killing some while leaving a few alive before they took the stairs and walked right out the front door 

Getting in their car, Elektra recalled the ledger and began to look through it, "Invoices for arms. Guns, ammunition," 

"Drugs?" Naruto asked 

"Yeah, that heroin from this morning. And this looks like people. Laborers of some sort. A lot of them. Over the past several months. And all from Japan. Oh, what is this?" 

"What is it?" Naruto asked looking over at the ledger 

"I don't know. This one, I can't read." 

Naruto caught sight of it and frowned, "It's in some kind of code." 

"This doesn't make sense. If invoices for drugs and guns and human trafficking aren't encrypted, then what is?" Elektra asked 

"Well just have to find out." Naruto said before his phone buzzed "What is it?" Elektra asked was Naruto checked his phome 

"A shipment at the Red Hook Pier has arrived. Want to go?" Naruto asked 

"We should change first." Elektra said 

"Right." Naruto replied before he took Elektra to the loft, and dropped her off and went to get some more backup 


Naruto entered Colleen's dojo to see her going through sword katas, "You should relax more, being to stressed will weaken your stance." Naruto said causong Colleen to look at him 


"Hey, I need a favor." Naruto said

"Want to me to watch Joy again?' Colleen asked 

"No nothing like that." Naruto smiled, "You ever hear of the Hand?" Colleen's body posture changed, "Ill take that as a yes. They have gotten on the inside of Rand. Using the company as a cover to conduct their own business." 

"What kind of business?" Colleen asked 

"It's a large operation but what I'm focused on at the moment is their plan to get a synthetic heroin into the city." Naruto said 

"Heroin? Okay, you need to go to the police." 

"I don't trust the police. I can only trust a few people in this city." Naruto said 

"And I'm one of them?" Colleen asked 

"Till I see a reason why I shouldn't trust you then yes you are." Naruto smiled, "I want you to watch my back, while I check out a shipment at the Rand Pier. There's an inspection process before the containers get loaded onto the trucks and sent out for delivery. They open each one up and boom! Stacks and stacks of synthetic heroin." 

"Wouldn't they hide it?" Colleen asked 

"I'm expecting for them to hide it, but it won't make a difference." Naruto said 

"I'm just a karate teacher, Naruto." Colleen said turning to out her bokken down 

"No, you're not." Naruto said causing Colleen to look at him, "You're a fighter. I can see the hunger in your eyes, it's also why you've been testing yourself in an underground fight club. You're unsatisfied, and restless. Besides Shifu if this synthetic heroin gets on the streets, it'll affect your students. It'll be on their streets, and everything you've done for them will have been for nothing." 

"I'd have to cancel my evening classes." Colleen sighed 

"Dont worry about it. I'll buy the building and give you the deed making you the owner." Naruto said as his Anbu uniformed manifested on his body without the mask, shredding the tuxedo he was wearing 

"Wha-" Colleen paused as Naruto began to leave and quickly she got changed and meet him outside at a car he illegally borrowed to see Elektra waiting alongside him, "Who is she?" 

"Elektra, meet Colleen. Colleen meet Elektra." Naruto introduced "You sure she'll be able to keep up?" Elektra asked 

"I believe in her potential. Besides she just to be our look out for tonight." Naruto said getting a nod from Elektra before he got in the car while Colleen got in the back and he drove off to he docks 

"So what are you really?" Colleen asked "He's a god." Elektra said

"Please don't call me that." Naruto groaned 

"Why? You can literally run fast enough to time travel or hop into other dimensions. You can fly and breath in space, control the elements and see through things and fire beams of fire from your eyes. Also you said so yourself that there are only a few people who can say they are stronger than you strength wise. Mr. Iron Fist." Elektra said 

"People who claim to be gods are all arrogant douche bags who I've had to kill at some point in my life. I hate that word." Naruto replied 

"Wait you can do all that?' Colleen asked "Yeah." 

"Then why do you need me or anyone for that matter to watch your back?" Colleen asked 

"I don't NEED you to, I said I WANT you to." Naruto corrected causing Colleen to frown 


"Honestly. I have a counterpart out in the cosmos and I have no idea how many subordinates he has under him and I want everyone I consider precious to me to have a fighting chance when he gets here and the fighting starts." Naruto said smirking just thinking about fighting his countepart was making him excited since the last one to put up a good fight was his counterpart Nathan Allen, the Flash. 

"Oh... so how did you two meet?" Colleen asked 

"I along with another were hired by different organizations to bring him in dead or alive." Elektra smiled causing Colleen to raide her eyebrows 


Naruto pulled up to the pier and Elektra and Colleen got out the car and the three walked toward the trucks, "Does it bother you?" Colleen asked 

"What?" Naruto asked 

"That everyone knows you now. All that attention seems annoying." 

"It always has been, but you learn to ignore it." Naruto said 

"Yeah but all that money, press, power, makes you a target. People may try to take advantage." Colleen replied 

"Good thing I can sense emotions then no?" Naruto asked causing Colleen to look at him in surprise before they ducked down when they saw guards around a truck being loaded up 

"Hey! Those guards are carrying machine guns!" Colleen said 

"Yeah, but they won't be any trouble." Naruto replied 

'This wasn't the plan." 

"You can go home if you want. Eat that nasty ass Cup Ramen, wait for the repairman to fix your kitchen sink. Fight strangers in cages." Naruto said 

"You think I'm proud of that?" Colleen asked frowning "It's whatever." Naruto said 

"First time I fought in the cage I convinced myself it was just about the money. For my students, for my dojo. Then I went a second time." 

"It's okay. It feels good hurting jackasses." Elektra said causing Colleen to look at her 

"It scared me." Colleen said 

"It shouldn't." Naruto replied looking at Colleen, "Its not like the people you were fighting didn't have it coming. They all are criminals in their everyday life. Knowing that got their asses kicked by a girl may be what they need to try better." 

"Lets go." Naruto said 

Naruto lead Elektra and Colleen toward the truck, and quickly they had to hide when a guard passed by, with Colleen and Naruto in a small space looking at each other, "Thanks for coming." he said 

"Don't thank me yet." Colleen replied 

"For someone like me it's just nice having someone to count on." Naruto said 

"You have the Meachums. Joy. Jessica Elektra." 

"I don't trust the Meachums like I probably should. Elektra, Jessica, Natasha, and you may be the only ones I can trust. Joy is more loyal to Ward as she should be he is her brother after all. I can be someone you can count on as well." 

Colleen smiled and looked like she wanted to speak but didn't know what to say, "Lets get this over with.' she said walking away 

"You okay?' Naruto asked following her,

"I'm not good at this stuff." Colleen said

"What stuff?" Naruto asked

"Talking." Colleen saod causing Naruto to chuckle 

"We need to get closer." Elektra said getting a nod from the three ran over to the containers and climbed to the top of them and made their way to the three trucks that were getting ready to leave as the men opened them up 

"What the hell is that?" Colleen asked 

"Supplies." Naruto said before he used his x-ray vision, "Theres people inside. Elektra lets go. Colleen keep an eye out." 

Naruto and Elektra jumped down to the ground and in seconds made it to the container before they moved to the back of the container 

"Shit." Colleen cursed as the truck was closed up, and it took off quickly she ran back to the car and began to follow 

Naruto and Elektra walked to the back of the truck and found a fat man being guarded by 2 large burly men who looked at them and charged 

Naruto held up a hand and caught the man's fist and extended the man's arm before punching the man's elbow in snapping the arm in two causing the man to scream before Naruto's fist lot up as he 

punched the man in the gut sending him flying up to the ceiling before he heard a grunt 

Elektra looked behind her to see the fat man cradling his knife wound before she turned to the man on the ground who she made short work of and with a kick she snapped his neck 

"Who are you?" Naruto asked the man looking at him "Radovan, the chemist." Radovan said 

"The one behind the heroin?" Elektra asked getting a nod from Radovan 

"Well big boy, your coming with us." Naruto sai "No. Leave me, I beg of you." 

"Come on." Naruto said picking up Radovan and following Elektra to the door of the trailer watching as she kicked it open and the two saw Colleen following the truck before the three jumped onto the car allowing Colleen to pull over, 

"That was crazy." Colleen laughed getting out if the car before she saw Radovan bleeding, "He was stabbed " 

"Yeah, we need to get him to a hospital." Naruto said 

"Jump in." Colleen said as Elektra and Naruto tried to get Radovan into the car 

"You don't understand. I'm a wanted man in several countries unless they find me first." Radovan said 

"I know someone." Naruto said putting the man in the back seat, before he looked to Elektra and Colleen, "Get him to the loft." 

Naruto then sped off to go see an old friend 

Unknown Apartment 

Claire Temple was going to check her mail after getting home from Metro General, when a black streak of lightning took her and ran into the building and sped back out 

Naruto's Loft 

Claire gasped as she was dropped off in Naruto's living room, before she turned to Nsruto and began to hit him, "I told you to never do that!" 

Naruto with his hands raised spoke, "Okay! My bad!" he said causing her to stop as he sighed, "I need your help." he held up her medicle bag causing her to sigh, 

"Who'd you hurt now?" Claire asked before the door opened and Colleen and Elektra arrived with Radovan 

"I didn't hurt him.' Naruto said as the girls dropped Radovan on the couch 

"Hey Claire.' Colleen said to her student 

"Colleen, seems we have a mutual friend." Claire said walking over to Radovan, and sealed his wound allowing him to breath easily 

"Take me back. Take me back!" Radovan said 

"No, you need to relax. It's okay, you're safe here." 

"Sabina." Radovan said 

"Hey, shh Is that your wife? Do you want us to call her?" Claire asked 

"My daughter. They have her." "Who has her?" Claire asked 

"The Hand." Radovan said 

"Why did they want you here in New York?" Elektra asked 

"Heroin. I invented a formula." Radovan said 

"You were gonna make it here and export it to the world." Colleen frowned 

"Yes." Radovan nodded 

"He's the source." Elektra said looking to a frowning Naruto, "That's what the Hand does. They kidnap children to control their parents." 

"Sabina is all that matters." Radovan replied 

"Then I'll find her." Naruto said 

"Your using your powers again?" Claire asked 

"The Hand has infested Rand, its my responsibility to flush them out." Naruto said 

"What do we do with him?" Elektra asked 

"Find this Sabina chick, then we turn him over to the cops if he doesn't croak first.' Naruto said 

Somewhere in the Cosmos 

Nathaniel sighed as he listened to Corvius Glave a member of the Black Order argue about his counterpart on Earth, "Sir, please he is a threat." 

"Watch your tongue! No one is a match for Lord Nathaniel!" The Other said 

"This isn't no one! It's another him!" Corvius growled pointing at Nathaniel as everyone listened before he looked to Nathaniel, "We 

should strike now, Baldur you are blessed with the power of invulnerability to all outside physical and magical attacks meant to harm you, but this person is you he has the power to hurt you." 

"I know." Nathaniel said "The fact that I am so excited about our future meeting is the only reason I'll excuse you from calling me my birth name. Naruto is me, and I know enough about him that you will not be a challenge for him, he is mine and no one but me will fight him. Is that clear?" 

Everyone looked at each other before a wave of energy shook the building sending everyone to the knees, as Nathaniel leaned forward his eyes glowing, "I asked you all a question." 

"W-we understand." everyone said and immediately the pressure was gone allowing them to stand 

"Perfect, now I know exactly where the Space Stone is, and I want it to stay there for now, I have the mind stone, I want you all to find the locations of the other stones. Sif." 

Sif of Asgard looked up at her husband, "Yes my love." 

"My grandfather Bor had a run in with the reality stone during his fight with the Dark Elves, the location of where he hid it may be in the archives on Asgard if Odin hasn't covered that up as well. Try to find something will you?" 

Sif nodded 

"Thanks love." Nathaniel said standing up, "If you all have nothing else to say I have someplace I need to be." 





