
Mass genocide, thas Entoma's cup of tea

In the room stood Entoma over Garaki, who had just experienced hell moments ago. Beetles were released into his nervous system, beginning to inflict slight damage on him.

Entoma couldn't just kill Garaki yet; she still needed him to destroy All for One.

With what Entoma had just heard, do you think she's turned a new leaf and is now trying to do good? Don't be naive; this shattered the last restraints in Entoma that made her human.

Now her plan will be even bigger and more cruel. Entoma had been paying closer attention to the creation of the beetles that control people. So, through several experiments, she created a beetle that will function as a transmitter, emitting sounds that will irritate the brain, causing people to start killing each other.

Initially, she wanted to deploy several smaller transmitters across various villages throughout Japan, but now she had a different plan. She decided to deploy all those smaller transmitters around Kyoto. But she needed people to gather, and that would work out nicely with everyone watching the showdown between All for One and All Might.


(Narration POV)

Entoma threw Garaki the "Mind Eater" and ordered him to behave normally for now.

Apito entered the room and joyfully began speaking to her queen.

Apito: "My queen, what will the plan be?"

Entoma didn't even look at her and began speaking emotionlessly, though you could see the bubbling anger within her.

Entoma: "All transmitters to Kyoto as quickly as possible. Go!"

Apito marveled at her queen, but it didn't bother her at all. On the contrary, her soul screamed with joy because her queen wasn't holding back and was doing as she pleased.

Apito: "Yes, my queen."

Apito quickly flew off to the hideout to deliver the happy news.


(Some time later, Hoshino's POV)

I was just in the forest. I stood next to Dabi, who looked quite annoyed.

He looked at me and gave me an order.

Dabi: "Mantis, go check on Muscular, and if you find him, kill him."

I just nodded; I didn't want to listen to him, but I was starting to get bored.

I walked through the forest and saw some green sparks. It intrigued me, so I went to check it out. I walked up until I reached the spot where those sparks were coming from.

I saw Muscular and that green-haired student fighting each other. I remembered him from the USJ.

But he wasn't alone; behind him stood three kids. One had black hair and a cap on his head. The other two had blond hair. Something about them seemed familiar, but I didn't know what.

As I tried to figure out who the kids were, my head started hurting more and more. I stopped thinking about it because it hurt too much. I wasn't here for some kids; I was here for Muscular.

The green student started overpowering Muscular.

Hoshino: 'This is my chance.'

I quickly jumped into the fight and decapitated Muscular with my green blade emanating from my forearm.

The green-haired young man looked surprised, but I didn't have time for him now, so I turned around and wanted to return to Dabi with Muscular's head.

Then something stopped me.

Blond kids: "Mom, wait."

That stopped me. I stood still in place. My head was hurting terribly, as if it wanted to burst like a balloon.

I don't even know why, but I grabbed the blond kids and started running. The green-haired young man tried to run after me, but he was injured, and I managed to escape.

Suddenly, I heard a telepathic command from my queen to return to the hideout. The kids were now unconscious.

Hoshino: 'I don't even know why I'm doing this. I'll have to ask my queen about this.'


(Entoma's POV)

I'm waiting for Hoshino, who should return any moment now. Hoshino jumped into my lair, but she wasn't alone. In her arms, she had two blond kids unconscious; it took me a moment to realize who they were. They were her kids.

Entoma: 'This is very good, but I don't have time for this now.'

Entoma: "Hoshino, lay them down here on the ground; now you will play an important role. I'll give you the chance to kill All Might. You have to jump on him and kill him. That's what you wanted, right?"

Entoma: 'I'm pretty sure this will hurt All Might, but it will hurt him more when he finds out what I've done to her body.'

Hoshino was ecstatic; she hates All Might. Hoshino asked me telepathically when she should go.

Entoma: "Right now."

Entoma: 'My beetles seemed happier now, but that doesn't matter; when they die, I can easily replace them with other beetles. It seems I've lost all compassion for living beings, even though they're my closest and once beloved creations.'

Hoshino just nodded and started walking away.

Meanwhile, I telepathically checked on my transmitters.

They had already been deployed around the city. Now all that remained was to wait for the showdown between All Might and All for One.

Entoma: 'I need people to gather in one place, and that fight will make it possible. Tonight, Kyoto will experience genocide.'


Hello, author here, I would like to know your opinion; this chapter is written in a slightly different way. Question.

1. To write in this theatrical way. Witch was this chapter.

2. To write in the style I've been writing in so far.
