
Demsel in distress

(All For One)

"Garaki, how is Entoma doing?"

"Quite well. She found an informant who is good at his job. I'm still not sure about this. We know where she is. We let her escape, precisely for this opportunity, but we could have just sent coordinates to Entoma."

"Hmm, Entoma still needs to grow in ways other than just strength. She's heavily dependent on us. We need her to learn to live secretly in society."

"Garaki, send some small clues about that woman to the informant."

'Hmm, after this mission, I'll send her to Shigaraki.'

(Entoma pov)

I was just getting out of bed. 'How I miss my plushies.' I walked from the room to the kitchen and opened the fridge, where there was a hand. I put it in the oven and waited until it was nicely heated.

It had been a week since I had been hiding on the streets, and I was getting bored, so I decided to go for something more comfortable. I started stalking a couple, found out where they lived, and let's say I'm the new owner.

'Well, what can you do, I have to move on, I don't know when they will look for these these two. I headed out towards the streets. After a while, I was in front of a bar. I opened the door and walked in


(Detective Naomasa pov)

'Another victim, who was devoured. Five people this week.' I sighed. This case is going nowhere. Whoever did this surely had no motive. I looked around the room where organs, bones, and body parts were scattered on the floor. There were also vomits that belonged to the guy standing next to me. I don't know why they called this student to help me. This is not a place for a child.

Next to me stood a young man. He has feathery, ash-blond hair that is swept messily backward, with some of the front tufts sticking up in arcs above his head. On his back were two red bird wings.

I looked at him. "Don't you want to go outside? This isn't something you have to see."

"No, I can handle this," said Hawks, trying to keep fluids from coming out of him again. "Who could have done this, Detective?"

"I don't know, whoever is doing this is either doing it for pleasure or because they like the taste. No such cases were here. He's probably new in town."

And at that moment, I remembered the orphanage. "Hawks, do you remember the incident with the orphanage?"

"Yes, it was everywhere on TV the most brutal unsolved case. Everyone was killed, even the children."

"Yes, but they weren't killed, but eaten alive, everyone in the orphanage." Someone spoke in a tired voice.

I looked behind me. It was Erasure Head.

Hawk looked nervous "Everyone was eaten? So that means."

Erasure Head was next to me, looking at the mess. "We can only take that as a hypothesis."

I looked at a part of the corpse and pointed to the bitten part. "No, we don't have to take it as a hypothesis. That bite is identical to that incident."

Erasure Head frowned. "So that means we have an unpredictable psychopath on our hands who eats people as he pleases. I have to go. I still have work ahead of me."

"Kid, you should go too. There's nothing to do here, just collect all the samples and so on."


(Hawks pov)

I was leaving the crime scene. Images of what I saw today were still in my head. My hand was shaking. I walked through the streets and slowly headed home.

From the corner of my eye, I saw something in the alley. I looked at the alley. In it stood a little girl about 145 centimeters tall. And she was surrounded by some thugs. It was clear that she didn't like it, so I intervened.

"Hey, what are you doing to her!" They turned to me. "But nothing, Mr. Hero. This is none of your business. Get him, guys." They rushed at me like animals. Suddenly, they stopped. This was my chance. Suddenly, feathers shot at their legs, and all three were on the ground in pain. I came to the girl. "Excuse me, are you okay?"


(A while back)

(Entoma pov)

I left the bar and decided to find another apartment where I could settle for a while. In the middle of the streets, I decided to take a turn into an alley. Someone had been following me since the bar.

"Hello miss, what are you doing here?"

'These will be perfect for testing my new bug.' I quickly took off against them, quickly creating a bug with a paralyzing stinger. I stung all three.

All three collapsed on the ground. 'Now my experiment can begin.' Three small worms started coming out of my sleeve. I placed them next to them. The thugs looked frightened, but they couldn't move, just horror-stricken as the worms approached their heads.

They started crawling into their ears.

Suddenly, they jerked, and then they stopped. "Stand up." And they listened to what I told them. Excellent. 'Now I'll try it with my mind.'

'You on the right, start jumping.' And he started jumping; excellent, my new bugs I came up with, "Brainworms," yes, an original name.

Suddenly, I heard someone shouting. "Hey, what are you doing to her!" I looked and saw a guy, probably a new hero. I gave the command. 'Act as if you were behaving normally.'

So they started saying those cliché stupid things and rushed at him. I saw that the young hero hesitated a bit. 'Stop.'

So they stopped, and the young hero used his feathers, and they were all on the ground. Then he asked me like a fool, "Are you okay?"

'I would prefer to kill him on the spot, but that would attract even more attention than I already have. It's time to show some acting.'

I rushed at him with fake hug.

'The only one who deserves my real hug is Master.'

"Thank you, I was so sca.. scared, thank you, thank you." I saw a smile on his face. "And what's your name, Mr. Hero."

"I am Wing Hero: Hawks."

'I hope I'll be done with this soon.'

(End of a chapter)
