
Truth out

 In the heart of a bustling world, the World Newspaper unleashed a tidal wave of news, thrusting every corner of the globe into disarray. Morgans, the opportunist journalist, penned an exposé of unprecedented proportions, tearing asunder the veil concealing the Navy's Dark activities. The news caused many reactions :-

Initial Shockwaves

Whispers carried accounts of the dramatic revelations across town squares, markets, and parlors. People exclaimed in surprise, their hearts pumping in time with Morgans' words. Morgans' expose shattered the Navy's mask of righteousness, causing concerns to reverberate from the poles to the equator.

"Impossible... but is it?" Rumors circulated with distrust, leaving locals perplexed.

Skepticism and Debate

The magnificent theater of public discourse unfolded, an amphitheater filled with opposing viewpoints. The once-unquestionable trust in the Navy was being questioned, with ardent supporters battling with others looking for the kernel of truth buried inside Morgans' report. Skeptics worked to undermine the exposé's legitimacy, while truth seekers sought confirmation.

"Is it fact or farce?" The global debate continued.

Political Turbulence

World Government swung on an erratic axis, teetering in the midst of the tempest unleashed by Morgans' ink. Diplomatic connections were strained as a result of the exposed illegal activity. Five Elders found themselves on a tightrope, balancing accountability with the risk of eroding public trust. The outcry for answers echoed throughout the sacred halls of government.

"Can the foundation hold?" The entire world looked to their protectors or what they were supposed to, for answers.

Revolutionary Machinations

The shadows shook with hints of revolution among the pandemonium. The Revolutionary Army capitalized on the resentment generated by Morgan's discoveries. Their discourse resonated with individuals who were disillusioned with the current order. As the Revolutionaries plotted their next move in the shadows, the news became a beacon, a rallying cry for the dissatisfied.

"A call to arms." The seeds of the revolution found fruitful ground in these turbulent times.

World Government Response

The Five Elders skillfully heaped everything on Sengoku's head, making Sengoku a public target. Sengoku was compelled to leave the navy as a result, and the position of Fleet Admiral became vacant far sooner than expected due to Max's influence. The battle for the next Fleet Admiral began, with Akoji and Akainu emerging as the leading candidates, while Kizaru preferred to keep away from the role.

In the wake of Morgans' revelations, the world stood at the precipice of seismic change, a tableau of uncertainty and hope. But the full weight of these revelations remained a veil shrouding the future, leaving the world to await the unraveling of consequences yet unknown.

The Revolutionary Army and the Hunter Organization were the biggest victors of this discovery, with countless people flocking to these organizations, one of which provided salvation and the other which guaranteed them safety, led by none other than the slayer of one of the four Pirate Emperors.

Max left the Hunter Organisation in Zephyr care, with his new legacy, Zephyr is now a Peak Admiral level powerhouse.

Zephyr legacy belong to Genryusai Yamamoto :-

[Genryusai Yamamoto as the captain-commander of the Gotei 13, he is an immensely powerful and respected figure. His abilities stem from his mastery of fire-based Zanpakuto techniques and his incredible combat experience.

Zanka no Tachi (Longsword of the Remnant Flame): Yamamoto's Shikai ability, Zanka no Tachi, generates immense heat capable of incinerating anything in its path.

It has several forms:

East: This form turns the blade's flames into a concentrated and incredibly hot column that incinerates anything it touches.

West: This form's flames spread out over a wide area, reducing everything within its reach to ashes.

South: This form's intense heat negates the ability to even perceive its presence, disintegrating anything it cuts without resistance.

North: The final form, even more powerful, condenses all flames into the blade, allowing a single swing to obliterate anything in its way.

Ennetsu Jigoku (Flames of Hell): Yamamoto's Bankai ability, Ennetsu Jigoku, incinerates everything in the surrounding area, turning it into a barren wasteland of ash. The flames are so intense that they can even burn the soul itself, making it extremely lethal. Immense Spiritual Pressure: Yamamoto possesses one of the most formidable spiritual pressures among all Shinigami. His spiritual power is so immense that it can cause the atmosphere to distort and create a sense of intense heat.

Master Swordsman: He is a highly skilled swordsman with centuries of combat experience, making him a formidable opponent in hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. Battle Experience and

Tactical Prowess: His long lifespan and experience as a warrior and leader grant him exceptional tactical insight in battle. He is a strategic genius, able to read and manipulate situations to his advantage.

Kido Expertise: Yamamoto is well-versed in Kido, the magic system in Bleach, although he rarely employs it, preferring brute force and direct combat]

Zephyr's Legacy, Genryusai Yamamoto, has a high compatibility with him, allowing him to inherit 40% of the legacy in one go, allowing him to use shikai and several kido. Making him a Peak Admiral level powerhouse.

Max's next aim is Akoji; he will force him to join his organization and allow him to become the fleet admiral of the Navy. Under Akoji's leadership, the Navy would gradually drift away from the clutches of the World Government.

Max flew quickly towards the Akoji location; after all, his plan to gradually free the Navy from World Government control required Akoji.

Soon Max arrived at the G 2 branch of navy, Akoji is present here according to Jack's compass, using stealth Max sneaked in to the Navy branch. After some more sneaking Max reached the main office of the Navy branch, here Akoji is present.

Entering the room Max looked at the sleeping Akoji, creating a sound isolation barrier around the office Max said " Hello Admiral Akoji".

Akoji raised his head and looked at the smiling face of Max, he frowned and asked " What do you want?"

"Aren't you taking this too lightly?, what if i came to assainate you?" Max smiled and remarked.

"If you wanted to kill me, you had your chance but you didn't use it, So it's clear, you are not here to kill me, So, what do you want?" Akoji replied calmly and asked again.


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