
Lucas Goes Missing

"Lucas? Lucas!" Amanda ran around the playgroup school, but she couldn't find Lucas anywhere.

She even went as far as asking one of the teachers who used to teach Lucas.

"Miss Fei, have you seen Lucas? I'm late picking him up, is he in the teachers' room?" Amanda asked frantically.

"Lucas? No, he wasn't. I saw him sitting in the garden by himself, he said he was waiting for you to pick him up. Then I left him to go to the bathroom, then he wasn't there," Fei replied.

"I... I've searched around the school, but he's still not there!"

Hearing that, Fei immediately called other teachers to help search for Lucas around the school, inside and outside the school. They searched together but still didn't find Lucas anywhere.

Amanda finally went to Jhon's café, thinking that Lucas walked to the café alone without her since she didn't show up.

"Jhon, have you seen Lucas? Is he here?" Amanda asked.
