
Misogynistic Marine II

Tashigi walked past some of the ensign marine recruits and she blushed as she heard some of the comments about her outfit. A memory hit her from when Y/N was casually groping her butt in a very public place and kept on emphasising about her being his Rear Admiral. Even though it was a respectable rank, she couldn't take it seriously due to all the teasing Y/N had inflicted on her. Worse, she felt like she was beginning to enjoy it.

'Why am I thinking of that moment?' Tashigi thought in embarrassment as she hurriedly walked along to get some much needed privacy from the thoughts that paraded in her mind.

Having Y/N's hands casually molest her butt without consent and in front of new recruits painted a bad image, which they both were able to see from the looks that were been given, but Y/N did it with no shame and the encouraging bad actions lead to Tashigi haven to face some weak marine perverts, who she rectified. Still, the big bad marine was left, but she always felt short and powerless to his whims.


Tashigi sighed as she returned to her room and took off her outfit. She had been sweating heavily from her sword training and she needed to rest, so she ended up taking off her clothes; the only time she would show more of her femininity.

That being said, it was a pain in her ass (some of the pain being literal in her ass) as she took off her clothes. Well, her newly modified clothes were given to her by her misogynistic marine master. She no longer was wearing pants but rather a skimpy short skirt, with the thin fabric underneath digging in and forcing her plump rear out in the open; it definitely explained the lack of good marine swordsmen she faced, they all kept on getting distracted by her big behind basketballs which were normally hidden with her regular outfit.

Another time kept in my memory as Tashigi looked at the work on her desk. Perhaps the most embarrassing time they had together was when her papers were all scrunched up and a mess as Tashigi's face was pressed against the cool table while his hot rod took her from behind without care about making the mess and his misogynistic mouth never kept making male superior ideologies, which Tashigi was sexually subjected to and had to face that she was proving his point—even if she denied it—by giving him special passes and ignoring the fact that Y/N was counter to everything she believed in and strived for.


"Finally here, my cute cock-sleeve," Y/N said as Tashigi walked with her figure clenched and tightly hugging her body as Y/N looked up and down and gave a thumbs up to seeing the slutty body of his sexy secretary - she would always be able to turn him on.

Tashigi pouted at the statement and her cheeks turned with a shade of red, whether it was from embarrassment or arousal, was not completely verifiable but Tashigi could already feel herself losing just by being in his presence. It confused her, and she hated it, but the fibres in her body also grew to tell her to accept her position below him and enjoy the simple life of not needing to think but just have a simple planned path that she only needed to follow.

"D-don't call me that. I still rank higher than you!" she reminded him as she fixed herself up and brought out the heavy stacks of paper that she had. "I did the ones you told me to, including my own! It was almost late on time and this could have caused some serious problems for the Marines! This isn't just for me but you need to be more cooperative for the whole sake of the Marines all together!" Tashigi warned him.

Y/N rolled his eyes and sighed as he turned his chair and ignored Tashigi. 'Ugh! Why's a whorish woman lecturing me?! She has no rights; hell, how did they even get rights in the first place?! Regardless, she does have a point. Old Man Kong might be annoyed if I'm slacking. But I've got important things to do: training, sex, eating. I haven't got time for useless paperwork!' he justified himself. However, Y/N just realized that his grandfather did actually do a lot of paperwork. Fuck... a woman had a point.

Turning around from his chair, Y/N put a hand up and mysteriously shut up Tashigi before she could complain more. "I get you, I get you! I should be more careful and considerate; however, I got caught up in training."

"That's no—"

Y/N glared at her, which double silenced Tashigi, whose eyes widened in shock at the strong Haki he just displayed. "Luckily for you, I'm a reasonable and fair man, so I think it's only fair that you get a reward for your hard efforts due to my negligence. How does that sound?" Y/N with a closed eye and grin.

"I'll pass."

Immediately, Tashigi was flung into the chair as Y/N had used Soru to appear behind her and lift and throw her up into his chair and then go back to behind the desk. "It's a compulsory gift, my slutty secretary. You have to take it," Y/N said as he knelt down and licked her pussy through the fabric, making Tashigi throw her head back in surprise.

"W-what kind of gift is that?!" Tashigi indignantly shouted back to her not-superior superior.

Y/N quirked his head, not understanding how she couldn't fit the pieces together. "Typical woman. I, a male, am bowing below to you, a female. Clearly, I am being generous and offering you a view at the supreme summit you would never get! So be grateful about my gift, Tashigi," Y/N spelled out slowly as he continued using his tongue against her pussy.

Tashigi wanted to argue with his lewd logic but she found herself falling prey to the way he lashed his tongue out against her pussy. The worst part for Tashigi wasn't just that she was enjoying the way he teased with her clit so effortlessly but more how her body was being converted to the dark side: it wasn't just that she felt like she wanted him to lick more of her body, but how even her pussy being covered was somehow not enough to stop the pleasure convulsing into her as she sporadically moved to Y/N's twisting tongue.

'Hah! Even now she can't grasp the privilege of being at the top. I guess she's probably realized she'll never have it in herself to reach the top. Pathetic pussy!' Y/N thought as he still was not enjoying kneeling down to Tashigi. Even though he was lavishing her down with just his tongue, not being at the top was something that stung his pride and penis.

The Rear Admiral was squirming under the sensitive sex she possessed being constantly teased over and over again. While she was not a virgin, her body had not adapted to the man esoteric features of sex, so she found herself being paralyzed and put in place by every small sexual sensation which lit the flame in her central nervous system as she was too lost in the feeling to realize that Y/N had snatched her panties off, the strings incinerated and plucked from her pussy like wet tissue as Tashigi howled when she felt the flesh of her pussy be touched by the salivating tongue of Y/N.

"What?! What just—"

"Shut up!" Y/N instructed her as he moved his head forward and was delivering clean flourishing strikes right into the erogenous epicentre and her arms went limp as her pants were laboured and were equally matching with the furious striking against her pussy and Y/N's mouth destroyed her degenerate insides and casually sent her body throbbing and twitching with each moment that went by and Y/N's stamina wasn't dissipating anytime soon, so Tashigi was being sexually tortured and pleasured as Y/N didn't even give his harlot time to adjust to how rough things were.

Getting more greedy and further proving to Tashigi how it wasn't a gift she was getting, Y/N's hands clutched on her thighs and the flesh was indented and dug around his hands as he showed no mercy and exerted his strength into using the thick muscles as his marine massage toy and vented the feelings of excitement rushing through him that he couldn't explain with words alone, because his mouth was also occupied with very important activities.

"I-I can't help it anymore!" Tashigi complained, which annoyed Y/N but made him grin to see his Rear Admiral getting messy and more entranced by his triumphant tongue trialling against her pussy. Tashigi shook her head as she tried to get rid of the impure impulses that were growing in her body. They were spores the first time but they were being fed and growing, making it harder for Tashigi to contain how she was truly beginning to feel and act. So badly did she want to deny that she wasn't feeling anything but her limit had definitely been long surpassed during the depraved downward spiral she was being pushed down.

Y/N's face creased in anger when Tashigi slapped and ripped his hands away from her thighs. 'Why, this little—" He stopped his complaining as he saw that Tashigi had grabbed her own thighs and lifted them up as she ended up slipping down her chair a bit, which ended up with her showing off both her pussy and anus, both pounding and pumping, looking like they were ready and ripe for the taking.

A devious grin spread open Y/N's smile wider, like he had his cheeks cut, as he took in the sign of what he perceived to be as submission from Tashigi. Jokingly thankful for the meal, Y/N's fingers pushed her pussy open as he went in and pleasured her ass. His tongue, just like with Tashigis's pussy before, was subjected to the teasing stage as his tongue didn't go any further than whacking it against the trembling hole as Y/N got more and more into rhythm of using his tongue against her ass.

"Let's go further, Tashigi!" Y/N told the panting pussy with a smile as he finally pushed his tongue into her asshole and Tashigi felt like she was gonna shout louder than before, so she bloated her cheeks and her face was turning more red, which once again left the mystery of whether it was due to being anally aroused thanks to Y/N's tongue or if holding in her moans was the source of her saucy face.

'I mustn't moan! N-no matter! Hold it together, Tashigi! You can do it! You're not a Rear Admiral for no reason!' Tashigi assured herself. Despite her reassurance, the female marine made the fatal issue of calling her own position in the marines as a way to solidify her strength. The backlash resulted in her remembering in more vivid detail the way Y/N had teased her and basically destroyed everything she stood for.

Having this fetishized flashback while being simultaneously pleased broke Tashigi as her vocal chords pumped out as much as Y/N was rimming. Her glasses were close to falling off her head as her head bounced back and forth in the air with a gleeful smile highlighted by her red face and her beef curtains excreting juice as her breasts were also swinging like big bouncy pendulums from how much Tashigi was shaking and moving from the feeling of Y/N while he kept rimming her.

Y/N hummed as he closed his eyes in peace and kept up the anallingus he was performing on Tashigi, who was already squirting fireworks in excitement at the way her body was experiencing this new form of pleasure. Y/N stopped closing his eyes as he felt Tashigi grab him by the head and start bashing his face against her nether regions in an attempt to get him to do her harder with his tongue. Her depraved tone was laced with an additional layer of begging as she was drooling, but her glasses were somehow still in one piece and on her head.

One last plunge into Tashigi's hole and she took was screaming wantonly as her pussy kept on quivering and buffing as she still hadn't gotten over the high she felt from her first tongue-fucking with Y/N. "That was so... good..." Tashigi mentioned as her hands fell off the back and side of Y/N's head, her grip loosened enough for Y/N to easily remove himself from her grasp beforehand.

Y/N licked his lips after having his face forced into her snatch. He looked annoyed but sighed. At least he kept his word of allowing her to be at the top but now it was time to really show her the pecking order. Y/N grabbed Tashigi by the leg and dragged her down. He sat back up on his chair and held her face towards his dick. "Suck."

That one word, to Tashigi, was more powerful than all the orders from the World Government as she weakly gave a nod and opened her mouth to let out her tongue. Despite feeling drained from having Y/N open her up to a brand new world, Tashigi was just recovering from the initial shock and she still had plenty of energy to spare—she wasn't a Rear Admiral for nothing—so she got to work pleasuring her superior's shaft.

Tashigi was careful to cover every inch of her master's meat as she gripped his dick like it was a canvas and used her pink mouth appendage to coat and paint every inch of the monolith with her spit and saliva as she worked her tongue against the bulky sides 'It's so big my jaw feels exhausted,' she noted in awe as Tashigi was required to take whole face dives up and down to fully reach the cock-bottom of his dick and rise all the way up to reach the summit of his dick.

As painful as it was, the way the heated rod felt on her tongue as she pleasured it was worth the while and the pain. Her glasses almost fell off her head but they ended up landing on her head as she continued to lick and coat the thick meat in lube so that it would be easy and less painful upon entry to her sacred gardens.

Y/N sighed in satisfaction as he had finally shown Tashigi her place and now was happy to see her working great in her job. 'She's so much beautiful when she is finally put in her rightful place.' Seeing the glasses fall on her head and fit her perfectly as she looked up with her covered-eyes to her master made Y/N's cock thicken and he was tempted to fill up her mouth already at the sight of Tashigi like that. 'If there's one thing better than a secretary, it's a slutty secretary. That's exactly what Tashigi is! Perfect!' Y/N thought with a malevolent grin as he continued to enjoy Tashigi's tongue action.

'Just a bit more to lick and then I'm gonna do it! I'll show him!' Tashigi thought as she dove down and opened her mouth wide, her cheek becoming bloated as she put a whole massive meatball in her mouth. Her eyes went cross-eyed as she enjoyed the thickness of it and the way it felt like an actual meatball in her mouth. Tashigi mentally shook her head for comparing his actual meat to meatball but her body was telling her that was the way it was and who would not trust their own body.

"I take it back about you, Tashigi! You're excellent! I was mistaken!" Y/N praised her as he grunted from seeing Tashigi's face contort with the silly sexual pleasure that writhed in her being as Tashigi's hands gently stroked and admired the shaft while Tashigi released the first testicle in her mouth and went over to her second meal: Y/N's other testicle. Once again, she followed the same thing as before as Tashigi's tongue covered the huge hunk of meat with her saliva and giggled as she felt the strong but bouncy texture of his testicles and opened her mouth once again to suck on it like it was a toy, her teeth grinding against it and making a grating noise that was pleasurable to the both.

Y/N was in bliss from Tashigi's actions and smiled lovingly as he looked to see her diligently working on his cock. 'It feels interesting with her using her teeth on my testicles like this, but it's a pass from me because of how good it is. I knew it was better to get a trained female marine than some random female citizens who can barely last a second before collapsing,' Y/N thought to himself as he eagerly awaited Tashigi's new move.

Tashigi continued sucking on his ball until she plucked her mouth from the second one and her drool was covering it and a string of Tashigi's own mouth lube was connecting her mouth to his testicle, proving Tashigi guilty of being horny. It didn't matter to Y/N as Tashigi's stroking off his cock developed further on. Y/N had almost forgotten about the fact that Tashigi could use her hands, as she had been predominantly focused on using her mouth the whole time, so Y/N was caught off guard and was groaning in pleasure as Tashigi—who had spent a large portion of her training career using blades and improving her arm strength—was sending her hands flying from heaven to hell real quick as she tried draining the juice out from Y/N's cock but it still remained firm after the multiple minutes of foreplay.

'I have no choice. I guess sucking it is the only way now!' Tashigi told herself as her attempts to make Y/N cum and lose sex motivation through jerking him off had not come out as planned. Therefore, Tashigi was gonna have to go further in her sacrifices, even though she already had sucked off Y/N's cock before.

Coming face to face with his grand sword, Tashigi felt a lump in her throat, which she quickly forced back down with a heavy swallow. Her tongue washed over and licked the missile-tip multiple times before her mouth opened wider and she successfully took the heavy hunk of meat in her mouth. Immediately, Tashigi was hit with the familiar sensation of asphyxiation. As expected from the monster meat that he kept in her mouth. Still, Tashigi had still kept up with training since the last time this happened so the negative alignment didn't hit her as bad as it would have beforehand.

Clutching her hands around the bottom part of his cock, Tashigi took her mouth off most of the cock and had the mushroom-tip at her mouth. With a breath of faith that she didn't pass out, Tashigi's mouth took a leap of faith and dove down into the meat mountain. A sharp pain hit the back of her throat at the feeling but she ignored it as her body worked it down and she ignored the red alarms going off in her body, which was due to her pain cells warning her that the dick was built different.

Y/N let Tashigi do all the hard work as he had the devious plan to drain Tashigi of her stamina trying to pleasure him and then he'll show her true sex. 'Sometimes my genius... it's almost frightening,' Y/N mused to himself as he got a bit of a chuckle out of his own cunning plan while he continued to enjoy Tashigi's services to his shaft and he placed his hand into her hair as he washed his fingers into the inky sea of her head and enjoyed the smooth feeling of her luscious locks.

Tashigi's oesophagus was crying out as she continued along the adventure of Y/N's cock and her breathing was becoming more laboured than before as her nose was doing all the hard work and carrying her body together by rapidly gathering all the oxygen she needed to continue breathing as well as to keep deep-throating Y/N's cock the way she was. Although she was keeping it together, it didn't help that Tashigi felt like she was dying on the inside. As pleasurable as sex was now to her, it didn't help to forget the fact that she still had limits and Tashigi was dealing with something that could only be described as a "pillar for a pussy."

'I-it's too much for me!' Tashigi thought as her body was catching up to her work ethic; you could only ignore pain for so long before you were forced to shut down, which is exactly what Tashigi was subject to. Slowly but surely, Tashigi was slowing her advances on his cock and her additional jerking off of Y/N's cock was the only way that Tashigi was able to keep the same level of pleasure that Y/N felt before the same.

Y/N quirked his head to see Tashigi was struggling and he had a glint in his eyes as he also brought forth his other hand and laid it on Tashigi; it was big brain time. "Tashigi, you seem to be struggling, so let me give you a hand there. No, make that two!" Y/N said with a masochistic tone as Y/N slammed his dick all the way into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat and making a painful indent as it then, which was painful for even Y/N too, dipped down and sunk even further and further down like a fishing line.

Tashigi's eyes almost busted from shock and pain, which were the core elements inside her body at that moment. Her sense of individuality was being lose to reality as Y/N robbed her of more than just oxygen as his hands curled the raven hair of hers and he used them like ropes as Y/N was growling in delight and his teeth were grinding against each other as he tried to hide his excitement that he felt but it was too much for him as he was gladly letting his voice rampage out loud for people to hear as he got up from his chair at one point and bent forward. his cock diving even further and getting a detailed look into her digestive system.

Drool was leaking out of Tashigi's mouth and her eyes rolled down into hiding as Y/N roared and Tashigi's body was replaced with a new feeling as Y/N hadn't even given a weather warning as he released his man-made natural disaster as Tashigi was gonna have her taste buds completely replaced with the flavour of his man-milk. Which of course turned Y/N on even more so he was making sure to rock his hips extra hard as only his balls were the only thing that wasn't in Tashigi's mouth but they were still doing a good job as they swung back and forth, knocking Tashigi's chin while she was forced to super deep-throat.

"Ahh! That felt good!" Y/N said with a grin as he fell back on his chair and relaxed. He looked to see Tashigi's mouth hung back and empty until she coughed, a small arising of cum erupting from her mouth. Or so Y/N thought, as the real eruption was gonna cum when Tashigi began to eject the mass amount of cum that Y/N had stuffed in her. The vessel was too weak to accept all of it and Tashigi made a mess all over the floor as she panted and almost fell in the cum lake as she kept herself stable on all fours and panted, sweat dripping from her body and falling off into the cum lake, only to be eaten and not a trace of sweat left hiding.

Y/N shook his head in disappointment like he was a disappointed dad. "Tch! Just when I was holding you in such high regard, I guess women might always be inferior!" Y/N told Tashigi as he grabbed her by the arm. "Looks like there is gonna be one final punishment in place!" Y/N added as he positioned Tashigi's behind in front of him while he held her arms back.

"S-s-so tired..." Tashigi muttered as her head fell back, looking like she was about to go to bed and rest; Y/N was too much for her while resisting, but it felt like giving in made it all the more worse.

"Oh no you don't!" Y/N called out to Tashigi as he rubbed his cock against her pussy before trailing down to her anus. Tashigi's eyes opened up when she felt the feeling as she struggled to turn around to beg Y/N not to go for it. "What's wrong? You wanna say something?" Y/N taunted as he kept on alternating between both holes with his dick rubbing.

"JUST DO IT!" Tashigi shouted out, feeling that it was better to have a say rather than just tirelessly get teased while being tired.

Regret smashed into Tashigi as Y/N, in one fast motion, completely pierced open Tashigi's ass and not even all the exhaustion in the world stopped Tashigi's pained scream as Y/N went a step beyond. While she had experienced getting her pussy fucked before, Tashigi came to the realization too late: the tightness of those two were as far as the skies of heaven to the bottom of hell.

"Music to my ears!" Y/N casually commented as Tashigi's body was like a ragdoll when impaled on his self-dubbed "bitch breaker." The tight feeling didn't dissuade Y/N as he thoroughly enjoyed Tashigi's tightness and was rubbing his head against Tashigi, making her even more sensitive and prone to severe head flips. Sometimes this would lead to her hitting Y/N's head, so for a few seconds his thrust would become more devastating and would leave Tashigi in a paralyzed state from the sheer weight and speed being shoved into her.

Tashigi's breasts were bouncing flippantly as she was riding on Y/N's cock. Her walls wailed like a haunted house as her body was at the mercy of the conqueror's cock that was hitting her. 'If only he was doing my pussy!' Tashigi thought, which also shocked her right after she said that. Those words were something she never ever imagined would come into her mouth, let alone speak out loud. Yet those words were in her mind and she felt like they were gonna be in there permanently with the way things were going.

Y/N tilted his head to the side of Tashigi and noticed her mommy milkers being abandoned. "As a true gentleman"—Y/N reached out to grab her tits and marvelled at the soft, elastic feelings in his hands—"it would be rude for me to leave these mothers alone by themselves!" Y/N added in a joking speaking fashion as he never stopped grunting with each heavy smack his cock gave into Tashigi's asshole as he now had a new play toy which he would thoroughly enjoy as he entered in and out of his new bitch.

The thick meat twitched and the slit was opening as Y/N enjoyed his anal session with Tashigi. He worked magic on her doughy breasts as he grabbed each breast by the nipple and would pull them in tandem with his ass fucking thrusts, almost like it was sexual synchronized symphony. "As a matter of fact, I think this would be an interesting way to play some musical instruments. By using my precious cock-sleeve - do your best!" he taunted her as Y/N would also switch his groping methods to grabbing the main parts with the most fat and squeezing and aiming them as guns as he tried his best to get her to lactate.

While it seemed like trying to get Tashigi to lactate wasn't going to work, Y/N shrugged as he fell in a constant loop and he was enjoying the warmth of Tashigi's tightest tunnel so much that he felt like he was getting sucked in and losing his own individuality as her hip holes sucked him in and forced in the same lewd loop. But Y/N was not complaining one bit as he knew that it would just make the final fuck before the great climax that much more satisfying.

"Get ready for it, Tashigi! I'll warn you this time because I'm so nice!" Y/N said in a laughing tone as he gripped the areola and used them as handles as Tashigi was sent and moved up to the moon by Y/N's heavy hip-thrust as Y/N felt like his body was being drained of all nutrients as the amount of cum that Y/N was shooting out inside of Tashigi was tallying up into a rate that would surely have been able to fill up a bathtub and have it overflow. And that was just at the beginning of Y/N's release as Y/N was still stuck in his chair and holding down Tashigi as his hips weakened with each moment but Tashigi's body suffered despite the lack of heavy hard hitting as the amount of cum was filling her up to the point where it was too much.

Finally removing himself from Tashigi's super tight snatch, Y/N's cock ripped out of her and more additional cum that she couldn't handle fell off and enlarged the cum lake into a cum ocean as the whole floor was stained and messy. Y/N sighed and groaned in annoyance at the messy musky-smelling place. "Who the hell is gonna clean this up?!" Y/N questioned with a grumpy face. "Oh, well. It was nice fucking her but all of this mess for a woman... it does feel a bit weird.

Tashigi's body was shutting down after being given a finishing blow by Y/N. As a matter of fact, her hole was never the same anymore - her anus had clearly been shaped differently after the rough pounding that was given to her. Luckily, her sore red buttocks were not gonna be permanent as the heated colour would disappear but it was only there from the vicious ass-fucking she had been given.

Her tongue wasn't working, and it probably wouldn't be working for a while but she did know one thing: 'Y/N's cock...
