
So unfair

The assistant's voice echoed through the audition hall, sharp and insistent, "Chen Mumu! Chen Mumu, please come over, you are next to audition!"

Chen Xu's smug smile widened as she watched the empty seat with Mumu's name on it. The other actresses exchanged glances, some in confusion, others in pity, knowing all too well how fierce and underhanded the competition could be.

The assistant, growing impatient, called out again, louder this time, "Chen Mumu! Last call for Chen Mumu!"

The silence that followed was deafening. The assistant sighed in frustration, cursing under her breath, "Where the hell is she? This is wasting everyone's time!"

Chen Xu's eyes sparkled with satisfaction. She leaned back in her chair, feigning disinterest, while Rui Li whispered something that made her chuckle softly. The assistant, clearly irritated, looked around the room once more before speaking up.

"Alright then," she said with a forced smile, trying to maintain professionalism, "If Chen Mumu is not here, we'll move on. Chen Xu, you're up next."

Chen Xu stood gracefully, her entourage immediately springing into action to make final adjustments. She walked towards the audition room with the air of someone who had already won. Rui Li gave her an encouraging nod, his confidence in their plan unwavering.

As Chen Xu entered the audition room, she put on her best performance face, ready to charm the directors and secure the role of Cai Ying. She could already envision herself as the star, her name in lights, her face on posters. This was her moment.

The director was a middle-aged man who was a veteran in the industry. His name was Director Zhang, known for his meticulous eye for talent and his unwavering dedication to bringing out the best in his actors. Beside him sat the male lead, Li Wei, a popular actor whose presence had been requested to help with the auditions.

The producer, Ms. Wang, a sharp-eyed woman with a no-nonsense attitude, sat next to him. Completing the panel were Mr. Liu, a renowned screenwriter, and Ms. Chen, a respected acting coach.

As Chen Xu walked in, the panel was in the middle of a discussion.

Director Zhang looked at his notes, then at Li Wei. "What do you think of the last actress?"

Li Wei shrugged. "She had the look, but her emotions didn't reach me. Cai Ying's desperation and sorrow need to be palpable."

Ms. Wang nodded in agreement. "We need someone who can convey the depth of her pain and the hope that keeps her going through nine lifetimes."

Mr. Liu glanced at his script. "It's crucial that the audience believes her struggle. Each lifetime should feel distinct, yet connected by her undying love for her lover."

Ms. Chen added, "The actress must have range. From the innocence of the first life to the desperation of the ninth. It's a demanding role."

Director Zhang looked up as Chen Xu entered. "Ah, Chen Xu, please come in. We were just discussing what we're looking for in Cai Ying."

Chen Xu smiled confidently. "I'm ready to give it my best."

Ms. Wang leaned forward. "We'll start with the scene from the fifth lifetime. Cai Ying has just found her lover again, but he does not recognize her. She's trying to convince him of their shared past without seeming mad. It's a delicate balance."

Chen Xu nodded, stepping into the center of the room. Li Wei stood opposite her, ready to play his part. The room fell silent, all eyes on Chen Xu as she began to read her lines.

Her voice trembled with the perfect mix of hope and despair. "You don't remember me, but I remember you. Every moment we shared, every laugh, every tear. I've lived lifetimes waiting for you, searching for you."

Li Wei's face remained cold, indifferent. "I don't know you. You must have me confused with someone else."

Chen Xu's eyes filled with tears, her voice breaking. "No, please. Look into my eyes. Feel with your heart. We've loved each other for so long, through so many lifetimes. Don't you feel it?"

The room was silent, the panel members watching intently. Director Zhang leaned forward, his expression thoughtful.

Chen Xu continued, her desperation growing. "I've watched you from afar, suffered in silence as you lived your life without knowing me. This is our last chance. If you don't remember me now, I will be lost forever."

Li Wei, sticking to his role, responded curtly, "You need to leave."

Chen Xu's shoulders slumped, her tears flowing freely. "I won't give up on you. Even if you don't remember, my love for you will never die."

She delivered her lines with raw emotion, capturing the essence of Cai Ying's eternal struggle. The room remained silent for a few moments after she finished, the weight of her performance hanging in the air.

Director Zhang broke the silence. "Thank you, Chen Xu. That was a powerful performance."

Ms. Wang nodded, clearly impressed. "You captured the emotion well. It felt genuine."

Mr. Liu looked thoughtful. "She has the intensity we need."

Ms. Chen added, "And the range. She moved us through different levels of despair and hope effortlessly."

Li Wei, still in character, gave a slight nod of approval. "She drew me in. Made me believe in Cai Ying's pain."

Chen Xu's confidence soared at their praises. She knew she had nailed the audition. The role of Cai Ying felt almost within her grasp.

For some reason, her acting today was impeccable, not at all like how she always acted. She was always known as the actress with resources but couldn't act!

Now, she had proved them wrong and even Li Wei had approved of her performance!

Li Wei's approval was as good as gold. He was one of the top actors in the country and many actresses wanted to work with him even once in their lifetime!

As she walked out, her entourage immediately surrounded her, congratulating her on a job well done. Chen Xu's smile was radiant, but it hid a darker satisfaction. With Chen Mumu out of the picture, her path to stardom was all but assured.

Rui Li immediately rushed over and showered her with praises, "That was excellent, there is no one who does it quite like you!"

Chen Xu laughed, "I know!"
