

"Are you aware of that Anna?" Kathy was so upset. Oh Noah was biting more than he could chew. This is the reason she had refused Anna to go on that trip in the first place, keeping their niece away from their eyes would only give Noah the power to do whatever he wanted.

And as she knows Anna is in love with that man, she would love him forgive him blindly in no time if he finds her.

"Where are you Anna? Make sure you turn off your phone after this call, we'll need to find another means of communication so that he doesn't find you." She said.

Anna couldn't bring herself to tell her aunt Noah already found her and has locked her up in his mansion. Signing restraining order was going too far. They're her family, why should they stay away from her?

"Don't bother coming back Anna, we need to keep you away from him. We'll send as much money as you need." Kathy said hurriedly.
