
Chapter 63 No one like Strays.

And if they weren't willing (which was as he mentioned, completely understandable), he'd ask one of his Angels.

The mind of Issei thought back on the Fallen Angels. They were willing yes but he wouldn't take them if they were just willing as his slaves.

'Damn, I'm too tired for this. Let's get some sleep. Rias date was around this noon.'

When the door of his room opened, his crooked smile became a genuine one. He wasn't the one plagued with fatigue.

Asia slept between Raynare and Kalawarner. Why the women decided not to wear anything was beyond him and why Asia was okay with that, made it even weirder.

'If Rias isn't open for it, I am going to fuck the two of them silly tomorrow.'

[Put your harem to good use. You are too smart to be a patsy who isn't willing to take what is rightfully his.]

Ignoring his partner, Issei got into his bed and the three women went around his body like it was normal.

'Well, at least, they have that settled. I'll think I'll go bed shopping.'

Scene skip

"Excellent shooting, Rias. You are getting used to them." Removing the safety goggles and gloves, Rias was rocking an outfit that was more outdoors than most girls ever wore.

A rough yellow shirt with functional shorts and heavy boots on graceful feet.

"You know, I wasn't sure about this as a functional date but I do admit this is pretty fun to do."

Issei couldn't thank his idea of magic enough to make that work.

Underneath his house, he had transformed that into a shooting range. And it appeared that he also got his hands on several guns that he could summon from a storage bag.

Rias was very much aware that they had broken several laws of Japan but neither of them was worried enough about being caught.

Or like Issei, mentioned, they couldn't give a fuck.

The Dragon forgot about his Storage magic and given the fact that he would use the Jackal and Casull, being able to keep his aim was important.

And 9x19mm was way cheaper than 454. Not to mention the custom rounds that the Jackal fired.

Rias and he had burned through a fuckton of ammunition. Just like with most proper ladies, as soon you got something on the wild side, they are taken in.

Issei had a few plans, like going out to the zoo or shopping but as soon as Rias mentioned the guns, he knew what time it was and frankly, he enjoyed it as well.

Not that he would do this without the proper instructions.

Issei was not a drill sergeant, but he did make sure that Rias listened to him and that every instruction was followed to the letter.

And as her newfound boyfriend, there was a lot of touching and flirting going on.

Helping her with her aim, touching her elbow, telling her how to aim and what she had to pay attention to.

Throughout the aiming and working it through, Rias knew exactly what he was doing and so listening was important.

Plus, it showed that he was completely in charge and that could be fun.

"I have been around guns for most of my life. While swords and magic is the way of the Church, I worked with enough freelancers."

Rias looked over at him and raised an eyebrow.

"To hunt down Devils."

"No one like Strays." Issei simply commented.

Rias just sighed. Her lover grew up there and so, there wasn't much she could change about it.

"How come that guns are so open there?"

"But as for this, Italy has a very lax way with guns and so, it's rare for them not to use it. From what I hear, young ones who grow up in the country got the same gun upbringing as the US. But well, we can't open that can of worms. Still, what do you think of it?"

Rias smirked over at him and she put the guns down.

"Extremely much fun to work with. Don't think I have enjoyed something so much. But are handguns the only ones you have?"

The sweat, grime, and gunpowder were making her look so fucking hot but Issei managed to keep his thinking levelheaded.

"Got a few SMG's saved up if you'd like to test them out. Bringing out an AKM would be too much to handle for a rookie."

Rias raised an eyebrow while Issei rummaged through his magic.

'Don't you mean AK-47?" The Dragon shook his head.

"Nope. What most people regard as an AK-47 is actually an AKM. They replaced the milled receiver with a stamped metal one and a muzzle break to improve automatic fire. And before you ask, yes, I have been working with them as well but for now."

He showed Rias an MP5.

"Wanna test out this one?"

Of course, he would give her semi-automatic fire. Shooting at full-auto would be a waste of ammunition and even if he got it easy enough, it was too much to handle.

She didn't mind the touching and position.

"Legs a bit more apart. Your right feet are a bit more to the back. Keep your shoulder tacked." Taking her small, dainty hand, he placed the magazine on the under-barrel of the gun.

"You don't want to hold onto that when you fire the gun." It went without saying that Rias would never take up a gun for self-protection but Issei would not be known as a shoddy teacher.

"Okay, that is good enough. Fire when ready."

Rias pulled the trigger and the bullet came out. It hit the target off.

"Okay, release the trigger and pull again."

The heiress nodded and slowly but surely, Rias learned how to fire the submachine gun.

At the end of the training, Issei allowed her to fire the gun in bursts. Training in semi-auto was also the norm for most military around the globe.

For rookies, at least and Rias had a lot to learn.

Well, studious and quick to learn about the things that interested her, Rias would be firing more guns.

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