
Chapter 44 You want to show me something

"I am not really good on swords so you are on your own there. What I do like is that you worked on your stamina. When you can move again, let's see how you deal with overwhelming force."

Kiba had no idea what Issei meant by that but he soon realized what the Dragon aimed for. While it was one on one, Issei showed off with power.

The [Knight] found that he wielded Joyeuse like a professional. Issei used a lot more power but like Koneko, he didn't pull out his [Sacred Gear]. Kiba jammed his sword in the ground and grunted one important word.

"Sword Birth!" Issei had to fall back further and found that a long sword flew right in his direction.

If he had hesitated one more moment, the sword would have skewered him. His eyes scanned the environment but found that Kiba had disappeared. A light prick on his neck hinted where the [Knight] had gone.

"Surrender." Before Issei could even say anything, Issei felt a warm and light liquid running down his neck.

Blood. His blood.

"I'm not asking again."

Issei dropped Joyeuse and held his hands up.

"Good. Rating Game?"

"I wouldn't hesitate to cut your head off." Issei could just rip the sword out of the hands of Kiba but that wouldn't do any good. The [Knight] had won.

"Excellent work. Use the same ruthless nature and you are going to be a menace for Riser."

The entire day, the two men fought without holding back on anything. Only there, they knew what it meant to fight.

Issei felt that despite his nature, Kiba had a certain pride in him. Whenever he could, he glanced at Joyeuse. Issei rarely saw such hatred in the eyes of anyone.

The Dragon had summoned the same look when the Pope and Michael told him what they had done to his parents.

At the end of the day, Issei walked back, with Kiba slumped all over him.

When the Dragon saw the women, he was somewhat glad to see how Raynare and Kalawarner had been training with Rias and Akeno. With her pupil gone, the blue-haired bombshell had now decided to help Raynare.

Mittelt and Koneko had their own matches and both looked roughed up. Asia sat up now. An improvement over being a corpse from two days ago.

"We're back!" Issei shouted and that was enough for all to stop the fights.

"I see great improvement. Keep that up." It was all that needed to be said. Issei felt that it showed enough.

He didn't worry about Koneko. So far, he couldn't help her with the training.

Asia was a healer so he doubted she would be of any use in a fight. Maybe some self-defense training. It could wait.

The [Knight] would do well.

The day after tomorrow, he would focus on the [King] and [Queen].

Issei would help them to achieve victory.

Scene skip

From that point onward, Issei had matches with Kiba for one more day. He would never be a full bastard like Issei but at the least, the [Knight] would have more tricks up his sleeve when they had their Rating Game.

Just like with Koneko, there was a dark secret that Yuuto Kiba carried. Issei wouldn't pry and see what it was. The sharp nose told him some elements that shouldn't be in a Devil.

But those could wait.

Besides fighting mean, Kiba also improved his stamina. Those would be the most important factors. The [Knight] would never be able to tank hits as Koneko would.

So that was why Issei focused on those other parts. There was less to talk about with Kiba compared to Koneko. Neither of the males felt the need for that.

It was just training and using different ways to get your foe down. Issei found no reason to doubt his progress. So he took that as good enough.

Scene skip

The sounds that came from the bath made it all too clear what was going on. Issei and Kiba sat back in the water while the sounds came from the girls.

"It sounds like they're having fun," Issei commented as his imagination was doing most of the thinking.

Kiba smirked as he soaked in.

"I didn't take you for a guy who wouldn't try to take a look."

"No reason to try. The walls protect anything. Koneko-chan doesn't want me there so we are not going for it."

The [Knight] found that Issei knew more than he let on.

"Still, you came from the Vatican. White Saint?"

Issei cringed as he heard that nickname echo through the room.

"I hate that nickname. I have seen my fair share of ladies there. You don't want to know what goes on there."

Issei didn't know it either and he was more than happy to keep it that way.

"And what about you?" The [Knight] blinked as Issei addressed him.

"You are certainly popular with the ladies back in Kuoh. Do you have any luck, scoring dates? Going out? Banging? Getting laid?"

Blushing, Kiba looked away.

"It is not proper for gentlemen to talk about that."

The Dragon barked a laugh when he heard that.

"You take me a gentleman? I'll take that as a compliment."

Scene skip

Issei was called into the room that Kalawarner and Raynare shared.

"What is so important to get me in your rooms? You want to show me something?" Issei jokingly asked as the two giggled.

Flashing him might distract him but it wasn't enough to keep the grin off his face.

"Those are nice. But that is not the only thing you wanted to show me."

Raynare was the one who spoke.

"I will admit, training with Rias and the rest isn't that much fun. But it showed off."

Both of them showed their wings and Issei found that two pairs of wings were attached to their back.

It did impress the Dragon.

"We have to thank you for it. If you didn't save us that night, we would have never gotten those wings." Kalawarner smiled at Issei while she felt the power rushing through her veins.


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