
Chapter 32 Rias thanked her.

Most likely, because of the way how she waved at them. When she saw Issei, she relaxed. Especially after she got a seat right next to him.

"Hey, Issei."

"Morning, Asia." He simply returned the small greeting.

Haters were going to hate and Issei couldn't bring himself to care.

When 'Yuuma' got her seat in front of him, Issei also saw the glares coming at him. Especially after the wink, she sent his way.

But what did he have to fear?

No one in the right mind would challenge him to a fight.

Scene skip

The day had gone by and Issei had left the girls to the questions. He was happy they didn't reveal they lived with Issei.

The fewer people who knew of that, the better it was.

Accidental deaths were a major pain.

His primary worries about how the three would adapt to a 21st-century school were unfounded. They took to the class like a fish took to water.

Kalawarner also did well in teaching her class.

Later that evening, Issei had escorted the two ladies to the Occult Research Club. From what he had seen, Raynare enjoyed her Yuuma Personality a little too much.

Issei had a slight suspicion that for the first time in literal eons, she could take it easy. No longer to worry about backstabbing colleagues, no worries about her next meal or anything else.

No, the protection that Issei had granted her had given her a life that she had so desperately wished for.

Inside the clubroom, the place was already full. Kalawarner had taken a seat on the couch while she was being watched like a hawk. Mittelt had looked pissed while she glowered next to Kalawarner.

On the other couch sat Koneko who had been eating a bag of chips. Kiba had taken up a seat to polish a sword while on the desk stood Rias and Akeno.

While the heiress had been a bit more sympathetic, Issei hadn't missed the glares that Akeno was boring in the Fallen.

Issei decided that as long the [Queen] didn't act out against them, he wouldn't interfere.

One of his personal policies was not to get involved in the personal business as long it didn't concern him.

The glares that Akeno sent to the three weren't an issue.

If she started to send lightning instead of glares, it would become his personal issue.

"So how was your day?" Rias asked as Issei walked through.

Asia and Raynare could finally let go and they started to chat with Kalawarner and Mittelt. Issei dropped a bag of peanuts to Koneko who let a high five pass by.

"No reason for me to complain. What about yourself, senpai?" Issei walked up to Rias who had the same smile on her face.

"I have agreed on this and for now, I haven't seen issues arise. I hope that will remain so!" The loud words were enough for the three to nod. Raynare let go of her chats and walked over to the two.

"No reason for me to stir up any trouble. At least, not something I am personally responsible for." Rias and Raynare shared a look.

Oh, yes, Rias understood those words and she hadn't a reason to hold that against Raynare.

"I hope so. If you need anything,"

"I'll let you know."

Issei didn't know why but in his guts, he felt that Rias and Raynare would get along great when they got past their awkwardness. And he lived this long to listen to his instincts.

"With that settled, Asia-chan." The blonde joined them.

Rias had a kinder smile on her face and her eyes on her face when the Nun stood before her.

"Have you considered my offer?" Asia nodded shyly.

"And?" There was no pressure on her tone. Not one word of coercion.

Just a friendly update.

"I'll need some time to think it over. But Issei-san has told me about." She trailed off those words which made Rias understand.

The three members of the Peerage looked at their [King] like she had grown a second head.

"Buchou, don't tell me."

"Did you really, Buchou?"

"Rias, have you?"

The reactions of Koneko, Kiba, and Akeno were to be expected.

"I have informed Issei about my, no, our situation. In return, he asked me to tell the four under his protection. Given the fact that I want Asia Argento in my Peerage, it is nothing more than fair than to tell her the situation she would be placed in where the worst come to pass."

Raynare put a friendly hand on her shoulders. Unlike what Rias would have guessed, it didn't fill her with revulsion but she looked up at the eyes.

"We heard of it. For what it's worth, sorry to hear about your situation, Red."

Placing her own hand above the one of Raynare, the Fallen felt a friendly squeeze.

"Any reason why you are so concerned about my engagement?"

"Issei is our owner. But if someone else comes around, our situation might change. I rather have you who gives us freedom as well. And I promise you that we are going to help you out."

Rias shared a look with Raynare. Yeah, she would like that girl.

And the help of her and her friends would be welcome indeed.

So for that, Rias thanked her.

"Well, it's indeed your own best interest. Therefore, Issei." The Dragon snapped to her.

"I was hoping if you could continue your training. With us. We clearly have a lot to prepare for."

Issei mulled over her words.

"There is just one question that I have. And one that I need an answer for. When do you believe your fight with Riser Phenex will take part?"

Rias looked down at the ground.

"I was promised that I could finish my education in the human realm. But lately, my parents, sister and Riser himself have been pressuring me to say yes to this and have already started the engagement. I have no idea how much time I have in between."


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