
Can I Pinch Your Cheeks?

She was proud of him. The man he had become against all odds. That hint of contentedness in her voice was all the gratification he needed.

If he had been wearing a mask Skyla would have seen that his cheeks lightly coloured at the praise she showered on him.

"It's an honour for me that you feel that way but my work is only half done. Not until I liberate you too Skyla can I sit in peace," Zyair answered, resting his hand on hers.

If only he knew this wasn't going to be an easy task. She softly smiled.

Zyair asked his next question.

"If he hadn't usurped your father's company, would you have left him by now?"

"In the blink of an eye, no one wants to be abused," she replied with a heavy sigh which reflected all the afflictions she had endured and was still doing.

Tearing away her eyes from him she focused them on the wedding band he had given her. It felt more like a slave band, constantly reminding her she had no free will.
