
New Collaboration

The meeting with the Anime department went extremely well. The news of them jumping into merchandising and collaboration had everyone excited. The plans were laid out and the Halloween event was discussed in detail.

Lawrence had brought a lot of action figurines and merchandise from the Comic-Con which he distributed amongst the team. While Zyair motivated them with his words. Skyla noted down all they had discussed and soon had printouts ready so the whole team would have impromptu ideas heading forward.

Mawar was excited to meet Skyla again and to learn she had attended the Anime convention. Zyair left after the meeting while Skyla and Lawrence lingered behind for a few more minutes.

"Tell me everything girl and show me your costume as well," Mawar excitedly asked and Skyla smiled before showing her a picture of herself and telling her all about the event.

"It was fun and quite an experience. The Anime world is growing larger by the day."
