
Chapter 88: Ma Ning is getting on the Mysterious Woman's Nerves!

Hearing the mysterious Woman's curiosity Ma Ning Could not help but tremble, he did not want to let this matter out but it looks like he had no choice. He could not hide anything from the woman in front of him. 

He had tried and failed! Miserably! 

The woman merely used a single move to deal with him. The next thing he knew was that his face was planted in the ground. He could still feel the pain in his old bones.

"It did not sell because I raised the price to 100,000 spirit stones. I wanted to save this place for you especially but who would have thought that some rich boy would be willing to fork out the money like it was nothing." 

The old man rambled with a little venom in his tone, honestly the woman did not blame him. She was even a little amused by his efforts, she knew that he wanted to please his superiors by giving them the best accommodation as a gift.
