

"May I have the pleasure of slicing through that piece of cake with you, Mr Yates?" Natalie asked after summoning all the courage within her.

"Of course," Sebastian said a smile forming at the back of his lips.

"I am putting on an act sir, please make it work out," Natalie whispered just to remind him not to have a wrong idea about everything. The guy just gave her a nod and held her hands as they sliced through the huge cake.

"Here, I would prefer if you make it so romantic." She whispered and Seb gestured for her to return the piece of cake like he didn't want to be fed by her.

Natalie did as instructed feeling embarrassed and humiliated before the group of girls. Their faces had long turned from that of jealousy, and admiration to disgust and mockery.

Who did she think she was to spoon-feed the mighty Sebastian Yates? Someone with whom money was never an issue but how or whom to spend it with.
