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Next was Hermione. She stood, taking a deep breath to steady herself, then presented her idea with the clarity and confidence typical of her. "I've been thinking about a way to make learning spells easier for first years," she began. "My idea is to create spell cards. Each card would have a spell name, its pronunciation, and a movement diagram."

The room listened intently, intrigued by Hermione's practical approach to helping younger students. "It could also have tips on common mistakes to avoid," Hermione added, flipping through her notes to show a mock-up of her idea.

Harry was immediately supportive. "That sounds like a brilliant tool for beginners, Hermione! It's simple, but really effective."

Hannah, who often felt overwhelmed by the volume of information in their classes, nodded in agreement. "I could have used those last year," she admitted with a chuckle. "It's easy to get spell movements mixed up."

Susan chimed in, her eyes alight with enthusiasm. "Could you make versions for potions or even magical creatures?"

Hermione's eyes sparkled at the suggestion. "I hadn't thought of that, but yes, I think we could expand it to other subjects!"

Neville, remembering his own struggles, looked at Hermione with newfound admiration. "This could really help a lot of students, Hermione. Not just the first years."

Cyrus, always looking for potential, leaned forward. "If you need help with distribution, I know a few suppliers who could be interested in this kind of educational tool."

Hermione beamed, grateful for the encouragement and support. "Thank you, Mr. Greengrass. I'll definitely need some guidance on that."

As the discussion continued, Harry was impressed but also thoughtful about how they could protect the intellectual property of Hermione's idea. "We should look into how we can copyright or trademark your cards, Hermione," he suggested, thinking about the legal aspects of bringing a new product to market.

Hermaine nodded, her mind already racing through the possibilities. "I'll start working on a prototype. Maybe we can test it out with some first years at Hogwarts this year?"

"Great idea," Harry agreed, thrilled to see his friends so engaged and innovative.

Following Hermione, Daphne stood up, smoothing the front of her dress as she prepared to share her idea. "I've been thinking about a way to help students manage their time better, especially during exam season," she began, her voice clear and confident. "My idea is a simple magical planner that not only keeps track of your schedule but also reminds you of upcoming deadlines and study times."

The room listened attentively, appreciating the practicality of Daphne's idea, especially given the rigorous demands of Hogwarts academics. "It could have charms on it that alert you when you have half an hour left to study before you need to move on to another subject," Daphne added, detailing how the planner could help students maximize their study sessions.

Harry was quick to support the idea, recognizing its potential to help not just students who struggled with organization, but even the more studious ones like Hermione. "That sounds incredibly useful, Daphne. It's something all of us could benefit from."

Neville, often finding himself cramming at the last minute, nodded in agreement. "I wish I had this last year, or whole my life," he admitted, causing a few chuckles around the room.

Susan, always looking for ways to enhance her studies, was particularly interested. "Could it also give suggestions for study breaks and healthy habits during exams?" she suggested enthusiastically.

Daphne considered this, then smiled at the addition. "I think that would be a great feature. It could even have a little quiz mode to review key points from your notes before exams."

Hearing Daphne, Harry shook his head slightly. "That won't do," he said, his tone gentle but firm. Daphne looked surprised and asked, "What do you mean?"

Sighing, Harry explained, "In the Magical World, a magical item that can think for itself is often considered cursed or possessed. With how paranoid and old-fashioned wizards and witches can be, they won't take kindly to a planner that gives suggestions."

Augusta and the other adults nodded in agreement. The Longbottom Matriarch added, "Remember, children. Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain."

This immediately made Harry think about Nigel. Although AI and technological, not magical, Nigel had capabilities that mimicked magical abilities. "I feel disturbance in the force, Master Harry. Are you thinking ill of me?" Nigel inquired in Harry's mind.

Harry chuckled inwardly, replying silently to Nigel, "No, you're just sensitive. Here, have some cookies."

Turning back to Daphne, Harry suggested, "Keep it simple. Maybe just have it remind users of their schedule and deadlines. It's a solid idea; it just needs to fit within the comfort zone of the wizarding community."

Daphne nodded, taking the feedback seriously. "Okay, I'll work on that. A simple alert system without the interactive suggestions."

Next, Tracey got up with Hannah, which caught Harry by surprise. "Oh, are you two teaming up?" he asked, intrigued by the unexpected collaboration.

Tracey giggled while Hannah explained, "Tracey had an idea that needed both charms and flying skills. Since Daphne is busy with her own project and not really into charms, she asked me to help out."

Harry nodded, impressed with their initiative. "Sounds interesting! What have you come up with?"

Tracey took a deep breath and shared their concept. "We're working on a lightweight broomstick for younger students or those who are new to flying. It's less about speed and more about stability and safety."

Hannah chimed in, "We thought it could have enchantments that assist in balance and prevent the broom from going too high or too fast until the rider is ready."

As Harry pondered how to explain kindly, Cyrus interjected, "How does that differ from the toy brooms kids use?"

Tracey, prepared for this question, explained, "Those are really basic, meant for toddlers really. They don't offer much control or allow for skill development. Our idea is for a training broom that grows with the user's abilities."

Cyrus nodded, understanding the distinction. "Ah, I see. A progressive tool rather than just a toy. Smart."

Harry was impressed. "That's a solid plan. It ensures safety while helping new flyers gain confidence."

Nigel chimed in, his tone teasing, "Careful, Master Harry, you might just end up out of a job with these young innovators around."

Harry smiled to himself. Turning to Tracey and Hannah, he said, "It sounds like you two have a unique idea. What's the next step?"

Hannah looked at Tracey before replying, "We need to work out the specific enchantments and maybe talk to a broom maker for the practical design."

"That is indeed the most tricky part," Harry explained to Tracey and Hannah, aware of the challenges ahead. "Broomstick makers for generations have perfected their craft. Only two companies really stand out in the market. This alone shows how difficult it is to succeed there. But don't let that discourage you. As I've said, I'll do my best to assist you. Let's start with crafting a basic broomstick, and then we can refine it step by step."

Harry's approach was straightforward. He outlined the difficulty of the project but balanced it with encouragement and support, allowing them to navigate their path while ensuring they understood the stakes involved.

"Sounds like a plan," Tracey responded, her eyes lighting up with determination. "We'll start simple and learn as we go."

Hannah nodded, adding, "Yes, and getting it right could really help a lot of young witches and wizards feel more confident on a broom."

Harry smiled warmly at Hannah and Tracey. "That is a great start," he encouraged, clearly impressed by their initiative. The adults around the room nodded in approval, intrigued by the idea of a training broom that could grow with the user's skill. Augusta Longbottom added, "It's a smart approach, ensuring young witches and wizards have a safe way to learn without stifling their progress."

Cyrus Greengrass quick to think about practical applications. "If you need help prototyping, I know a few craftspeople who could offer some guidance."

Encouraged by the support, Hannah and Tracey exchanged a glance, their faces bright with enthusiasm. "We'll definitely take you up on that, Mr. Greengrass," Tracey replied, her voice steady and confident.

Harry then turned to the others, smiling encouragingly. "Who is next?" Susan got up, looking excited yet confident. She had been pondering an idea inspired by one of the Muggle storybooks Harry had given her—a book about a young detective with gadgets that solved mysteries.

"I've been thinking about a magical magnifying glass," Susan began, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "It could help us with our assignments in Magical Creatures by revealing things that are invisible or very small."

The room hushed, intrigued by her concept. "This magnifying glass could be enchanted to magnify magical properties, not just physical appearances. It could show us if an object is cursed or has other enchantments on it," Susan continued, detailing her vision.

Harry nodded, impressed by the practical application of her idea. "That sounds like a fantastic tool for our studies. It could be especially helpful in Care of Magical Creatures and Potions."

Neville, whose interest in magical plants had grown, looked intrigued. "Could it show different layers of a plant, like the magical veins?"

"Yes, exactly!" Susan replied, excited that Neville saw potential uses for her invention. "And maybe it could record what it sees, so we can review it later or show it to a professor."

Harry, always supportive, was quick to encourage her. "That's a solid idea, Susan. It's simple yet very versatile. Let's think about how we could make one and what enchantments we'd need."

The adults in the room exchanged looks, impressed by the maturity and thoughtfulness of the young minds. Cyrus, always looking for an angle, added, "That could be useful not just for students, but for professionals too. Maybe even the Ministry could use something like that."

Susan beamed, encouraged by the positive feedback. "I'll start sketching some designs and researching the spells we might need."

With this, the presentations had concluded, but Tracey smirked at Harry. "How about you, Professor Potter? Since you gave us assignments, how about you too present your latest invention ideas?" Harry chuckled as he stood up, feeling a bit challenged yet excited to share.

"Well, I suppose it's only fair," Harry started, drawing the attention of all the young minds around him. He pulled out a small device from his pocket. It looked ordinary, but the gleam in his eye hinted at something more. "I've been working on something I call the 'Spell Syncer.' It's a little more advanced than what we've seen today."

The room buzzed with curiosity as Harry continued. "This device is designed to synchronize with the wand movements and spell pronunciations of its user. It records the exact wand trajectory and verbal components of a spell. Later, you can review your actions and improve your accuracy and efficiency."

Neville, always interested in practical magic, leaned forward. "So, it's like having a personal tutor that watches over your shoulder?"

"Exactly, Neville," Harry confirmed. "It allows for personal improvement without the need for a constant physical presence of a teacher."

Cyrus chimed in. "Sounds like it could revolutionize magical education, Harry. Have you considered the broader applications?"

"I'm thinking about it," Harry replied, his mind already racing through various possibilities. "It could indeed change how we teach and learn magic."

As Harry detailed the technical aspects and potential of the Spell Syncer, Nigel's voice piped up in his mind. "Master Harry, you're turning into quite the inventor. Hogwarts might start seeing you more as a professor than a student at this rate."

After Harry finished presenting the Spell Syncer, the conversation naturally shifted to the upcoming school year. Excitement and a bit of nervousness filled the room as everyone speculated about the new teachers and the classes they would be taking. The atmosphere was light and full of laughter as they shared their hopes and fears for the next term at Hogwarts.

As the evening progressed, the party began to wind down. Guests started to say their goodbyes, thanking Harry for a wonderful day and wishing him well for the school year ahead. Each friend left with a smile, having enjoyed a day full of fun and friendship. Harry stood by the door, his heart full from the warm exchanges and the presence of his friends.

When the last guest had departed, Harry turned to help Misty and Petunia with the cleanup. They worked together efficiently, clearing the dishes and leftover food. Despite the work, the mood was light; even the task of cleaning seemed enjoyable with their combined efforts.

Harry stacked the last of the dishes into the cupboard, then turned to Petunia with a smile. "Thank you for everything, Aunty. It was excellent!" His gratitude was genuine, and Petunia responded with a simple nod and a smile, pleased that the day had gone so well.

Petunia wiped her hands on a towel, looking around the clean kitchen. "It was a lovely day, wasn't it? Good to see you so happy, Harry."

"It really was," Harry agreed, feeling a mix of contentment and tiredness settling in after the day's excitement.

As they finished up, Harry glanced around to ensure everything was back in its place. With a satisfied nod, he turned to head upstairs. With a deep breath, Harry got up and began preparing for bed.


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