
Chapter 405 - Setting off again [1/3]

After Erik revealed Eloise was supposedly already cured, silence fell for a moment while Alexandre blinked. Finally, his eyes flew open, "What are you talking about?!" 

Erik smirked mischievously, "You don't think it was weird how your wife only told you about where we'd meet Katya, hours after we'd already left?" 

Alexandre's eyebrows twitched. He realized he hadn't really thought about it. When he arrived in Bamburgh, Eloise first needed some comforting, and then he started searching for the attackers. 

It was only hours after that, in the middle of his search, when Eloise suddenly contacted him, to say that Erik had told her where he'd meet with Katya, and that Alexandre should go there if he wanted to save his wife. 

At the time, Alexandre simply didn't care about the implications, or the likelihood of a trap. 
