
Chapter 389 - I don't think they want us dead...

In the end, taking on thirty first-ranked Arcanists, even with all her advantages, proved too much for the young Alice, so Erik had to step in. 

Slowly, and menacingly, a transformed Erik, without his armour, casually pushed aside one of the guards and entered their encirclement of Alice. 

Currently, he was using a combination of his second-ranked pressure, and his Runebound frost aura skill, to keep these guards from moving an inch. They now felt like they were in a frozen hell, where a tight rope had wound their bodies tight, while frost slowly creeped up their bodies. 

For a moment, Alice had made them forget about Erik's existence, but now it was time to remind them. Their eyes were wide in fear as they watched the powerful shapeshifter move slowly, but decisively, as power undulated around him, and powerful muscles rippled under his fur. 

Still bound in place, the transformed Alice grinned smugly at her surroundings, "I told you you'd regret it!" 
