
Chapter 101 - A difficult conversation

When Erik was done, the only thing he left out was the white void and his vision back in London. Simply because Elora and him still had no idea what that was about.

Viljar shook his head in amazement. "Had anyone else told me that story, I would have written them off as insane." He sighed, "But since it's you, and Elora herself is pretty irrefutable evidence, I really have no choice but to believe it."

He turned to Elora with a grateful expression. "I know you had your own reasons for doing it, but regardless, you have my sincerest thanks for saving him and keeping him safe all these years."

Elora suddenly looked a little thoughtful, "I did have my own reasons. Two of them, in fact. And while those reasons are still valid for me, I'm glad to now have a third, far more important reason."

She turned her head and kissed Erik with a loving smile.
