


In the vast and enchanting realm of Gaia, where the sun sets over sprawling deserts and the moon rises over untamed frontiers, a tale of epic proportions unfolds. Eternal Frontier weaves the atmospheric allure of "Abyss Domination" and the strategic intensity of "Night Ranger" into a western fantasy saga with a unique twist of time travel and a mysterious system.

Meet Fir, an unassuming and ordinary boy that is an addict gamer with unknown fate that spans the ages and time. When he played the game called eternal frontier on the gaming laptop suddenly he fainted and awoke as a NPC known as Zax Ranger that caused a plane world to be destroyed in the game by Abyss. He is now tasked with the powers to know the story plot and change the history of the plane of the world that from the video game Fir usually plays in the computer to ensure will survive and find the way to get to the original plane that is known as the earth. Fir soon finds himself entangled in the looming threat of the Eternal Abyss, a cosmic force that transcends epochs that roam the universe that destroy the countless planes in the game universe.

Gathering a posse of extraordinary allies, each possessing skills and power that are rooted in the game, Fir needs to increase power and strategize to find allies to survive the end of times in plane and set out on a quest to become powerhouse in the plane . The extraordinary landscapes of Gaia become the backdrop for their adventures as they navigate through various dangers, face off against mythical creatures, and confront the enigmatic Outlaws of the Eternal Abyss.

As the story unfolds, Zax discovers a hidden system embedded within the fabric of reality, granting him abilities beyond imagination that digitize the abilities and skills possessed by killing the monster, people and eating extraordinary items. Yet, with great power comes great responsibility, and this ordinary man must unravel the mysteries of the system to prevent the dark forces and evil people's willingness to destroy the plane for their own gain .

First novel that i write and give comment, vote for Me

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