
Chapter 326: The Phantom Elephant, the Path of the Wise Sword_1

The elders of the Taimiao Sect, suddenly pale, were stunned at how quickly Xu Yan's strength had grown in just a few short years.

Who among the prodigies of the Ling Domain could match him?

The protector elder's face hardened, sensing a great threat.


Ignoring the shame of ganging up on a less favored, the other elders took action, directing their attacks towards Xu Yan.

Panic set in amongst the Taimiao Sect disciples as they hastily retreated; collateral damage could leave them severely injured if not dead.

They were struck with awe. How old was Xu Yan, and how terrifying his strength had grown?

"He is amazing, Xu Yan!"

"Yes, he is so handsome and strong!"

"Right, I thought our Junior Brother Yuying was a rare handsome young master, but compared to Xu Yan, he's still lacking!"

"Junior Brother Yuying falls far short, lacking the masculine dominance. Look at Xu Yan, so unyielding, so domineering, so powerful! He commands the True Dragon with a wave of his hand!"
