
Shark against Lone Wolf

Seizing the opportunity as Seraphine used the turbulent waters to fend off the tiger shark horde, Grayson swiftly swam back to her steed, the great white shark. He locked eyes with the shark, his unique diamond-shaped pupils glittering with an unusual light. A strange, low growl emanated from his throat, as if he were communicating with the shark in some beastly language. Moments later, the shark seemed to understand Grayson's intent, as it turned and raced towards where Seraphine was battling. As it sped past Katheren, Grayson grabbed the girl and hauled her onto the shark's back, startling her into near screams.

The great white shark charged like an arrow loosed from a bow straight towards Seraphine, lifting her onto its back and steadying her body with its tough dorsal fin. Whipping its massive frame around, the shark repelled the assaulting tiger sharks with its enormous girth and opened its tooth-filled maw to confront the oncoming swarm.

Grayson, sitting behind the shark's dorsal fin, unsheathed a silver sword that glistened with a cold light. As the shark surged forward, a dazzling flash of silver traced a deadly path across one of the mermaid pirate riders' throats, spilling blood into the surrounding waters.

The other three pirates, enraged, spurred their tiger sharks forward, but Grayson easily dodged their incoming tridents and grabbed one, reversing the thrust and impaling one of the pirates through the chest.

He swiftly withdrew the bloodied trident and hurled it towards another mermaid pirate. The hapless raider was caught unawares, the spear puncturing his head and sending him tumbling from his mount.

The remaining tiger shark rider, caught in a moment of hesitation, was no match for Seraphine. She brandished her staff, tracing a cross in the water, which transformed into a transparent bow that fired a piercing crystalline arrow. The rider couldn't dodge in time and was impaled, his lifeless body sinking as the water around him turned a deep crimson.

With each rider meeting a swift and brutal end, the leaderless tiger sharks panicked. The great white took advantage of the chaos, roaring a sound only aquatic creatures could hear, causing the terrified tiger sharks to scatter in all directions.

Seraphine ordered the great white to rise above the blood-tainted area, looking down imposingly at Sael, Alyssia, and the remaining pirates.

"Darn that human—where did he come from?" Sael glared upwards at the great white and its passengers, especially directing his fury towards Grayson for effortlessly dispatching his elite raiders.

"I've heard he's a demon hunter from the human kingdoms," Alyssia softly reminded her beloved.

Sael sneered and lightly pushed Alyssia aside, rallying his remaining pirates. "Come with me. Let's see if this 'hunter' can match the ferocity of 'The Shark'!"

He plunged towards the trio, harpoon in hand, with his pirates following close behind. Alyssia, still motionless, watched silently as the rest of the pirate crew swarmed in.

Seraphine, seeing the charge, gestured with her staff, and several small vortexes appeared in front of the great white. From these vortexes emerged slender eels that shot towards the merfolk.

"Dodge them!" Sael knew well the power of these creatures and deftly avoided the barrage, circling upwards to find a better vantage point. His fellow pirates were less fortunate, paralyzed by the electric shock of the eels and sinking helplessly to the ocean floor.

Avoiding the eel's assault, Sael closed in from the flank. He feinted a thrust at Seraphine, who dodged swiftly, only to have Sael pivot and strike towards Grayson.

Grayson had anticipated the attack, his silver sword meeting Sael's charge. The pirate deflected the blade with his scaled arm and crashed into Grayson, knocking him off the shark's back.

The shock of the impact left Grayson unsteady, plunging toward the seafloor as the two grappled, twisting and sinking together. Sael's tail struck repeatedly but was met with Grayson's agile legs, countering each blow yet unable to harm the heavily scaled tail.

Realizing raw strength wouldn't beat Grayson, Sael twisted free, swimming in a swift pattern around him, seeking another chance to strike.

Grayson steadied himself on the street below, looking up as Sael circled overhead like a hawk ready to dive.

"Come on, you fish-bird who dares not touch ground, let's see if I can strip those scales off you!"

Grayson taunted with a gesture, unknown to Sael but unmistakably provocative, drawing a glare from the pirate leader who swooped down in a frenzied dive, harpoon cutting through the water.

Grayson stood still as the spear neared, but at the last second, he leapt, propelled by buoyancy, causing Sael to miss his mark and almost tumble clumsily.

Seizing the moment, Grayson grabbed Sael's tail, locking it between his legs, and flung the pirate leader backward. Clinging to the flailing tail, Grayson spun with Sael, the centrifugal force bewildering them both. Calculating the right moment, Grayson released his grip, hurling Sael into a nearby building and sinking towards the ocean floor.

Sael, propelled by Grayson's throw, crashed into the building, creating a large hole and disappearing into the darkness beyond.

Grayson shook off his dizziness, looked towards where Sael had vanished, and saw no sign of him. He approached the hole cautiously, peering inside.

Suddenly, a sharp harpoon thrust out from the darkness, aimed at Grayson's chest.

With a swift backpedal, Grayson dodged the thrust but was hit squarely in the chest, stumbling backward. Sael seized the moment to surge forward, his webbed claws gripping Grayson's throat and pinning him to the ground.

As Sael raised his harpoon to strike, Grayson let out a whistle. His hat slipped off, and from beneath it, a small ball of fur—Elyra—leaped out, landing squarely on Grayson's face.

The light from Elyra's eyes paralyzed Sael, allowing Grayson to land a punch that sent the pirate leader sprawling. Grayson sprang up, his sword thrusting through Sael's chest.

He dragged Sael's body around and flung it towards a distant rooftop, the body smashing against the wall and causing the building to collapse.

"Thanks, little one, but next time, please refrain from planting your butt on my face. And your claws—are you aware how sharp they are? I'd rather not be disfigured at such a young age," Grayson grumbled, rubbing the sore spot on his face where Elyra's claws had poked him.

"Disfigured? That's practically an improvement for you. I haven't even charged you for the feathers I lost saving your hide!" Elyra retorted defiantly, twisting her neck into a knot as she glared back at Grayson.

"I can't win with you, Princess," Grayson sighed in resignation, only to hear a strange noise from the direction of the collapsed building. He turned his gaze to the rubble, and with a sudden boom, the walls on either side collapsed, and a giant beast's head roared as it burst from beneath the fallen structure.
